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Michael TufferyAssinou: 23:35, 12/09/2015
"I totally agree! And I had thought about exactly the same vision of life, nature and fairness To be honest... This pure, natural, true and fair way of life has been the most purest way I have been hoping for, from deep down inside my soul for all of our world, our species, our societies, our humanity and our love, in a pure naturalizing way of honesty, nature and humanity There is no other truer or greener direction to go, than this one! This is the purest, naturalist, truest, greenest and fairest direction from deep down, that all of us as a whole, can combine to agree and make happen in life for a truer, better, fair, natural and more real life for everyone, all species, creatures, animals, with all natures, plants, existences, climate conditions, weathers, natural gases, water, minerals and resources to all survive, live, exist, experience, explore, go, drift, cruise and travel free abroad as life and existence is meant to be I totally agree 100%! :-)"
Paul GemmellAssinou: 10:51, 08/09/2015
"Good to see people are awakening, & learning that what they thought was real, was just a wall created to dumb us down, & suppress our minds. I fully support what you stand for, & believe it is time we evolved beyond this stupidity. Power to the good at heart!!"
Christopher NicholAssinou: 05:02, 01/09/2015
Martine BouillirAssinou: 13:42, 24/08/2015
Morgan Redfern-HardistyAssinou: 10:53, 22/08/2015
"Hello Free world Charter. Extremely big supporter of a RBE. i love what you are putting forward, and working towards. Your overall goal is the ultimate future that the whole world is shifting towards, the people are awakening as the current system is not serving them. We are on the verge of a new age, One based on Peace, Joy, Love. We are one. You know i'l be voting for the money free party. All good things. Morgan"
Marina WaterhouseAssinou: 22:28, 17/08/2015
Tracy KikuchiAssinou: 10:59, 12/08/2015
Martha VuiAssinou: 03:57, 10/08/2015
Nikki MilliganAssinou: 01:34, 10/08/2015
Roderick MacKinnonAssinou: 12:14, 12/07/2015
"The earth is our mother. She bore us sustains us and receives our bodies when we die. What is the implication of this?"
kevin crookAssinou: 06:09, 12/07/2015
Karen PiperAssinou: 14:20, 11/07/2015
Brent SteelAssinou: 13:14, 11/07/2015
"Its a hell of a thought......would love to be alive for it."
Pat NandorAssinou: 05:53, 07/07/2015
leisa hartAssinou: 20:12, 05/07/2015
Davina MoffatAssinou: 22:28, 10/06/2015
Craig HewlettAssinou: 23:21, 06/06/2015
"Great Idea.... This system has been a long time coming, but now there are many versions of the system springing up around the World. Systems like Ubuntu, Zeitgeist, The Venus Project and many live off the grid and food is free ideas. It is the natural order in the universe that you shouldn't have to pay to live on the planet you were born on. Man is the only species on Earth that pays to live here and Wow do we pay. The Money Free System is the next normal step in our evolution. Well Done and God bless all that see the benefits of this system."
Dean WarnerAssinou: 06:58, 29/05/2015
"I wish so much for a different planet, a planet of fairness, love and personal freedom...but unfortunately I can only see us racing towards doom a a species unless we have a total bloody revolution...but with physical cash deemed to be dead within 15 years and just E money then....that's the final link in our chains of slavery."
Vanessa GriffinAssinou: 00:31, 29/05/2015
Alan WebsterAssinou: 22:28, 26/05/2015
Cathie SorraghanAssinou: 07:00, 25/05/2015
Janine BaileyAssinou: 06:00, 23/05/2015
Glen MorrisonAssinou: 10:37, 04/05/2015
"Who will give up their money? Only those with the least. "
juliet kentAssinou: 05:38, 27/04/2015
mark vandermadeAssinou: 05:56, 13/04/2015
Thomas MakinsonAssinou: 21:17, 20/03/2015
John McLeanAssinou: 11:46, 20/03/2015
Robert BlairAssinou: 02:58, 08/03/2015
Dan MarrowAssinou: 23:25, 05/03/2015
Mark Tomai-coppellAssinou: 12:35, 24/02/2015
Viktoria LencsesAssinou: 05:53, 23/02/2015
Phillip SpearAssinou: 00:50, 23/02/2015
John CarverAssinou: 21:53, 22/02/2015
"This is the year to do this!"
Joshua FryerAssinou: 06:14, 22/02/2015
Kenzi StierAssinou: 08:45, 11/02/2015
"Human rights come before any religion, tradition or belief, we are a alive and breathing, so why question it, question our future not our past"
Carolyn MoirAssinou: 05:39, 10/02/2015
"We need to have Collective Leadership no more voting. We need to do what is in everybody's best interest."
Don de GuzmanAssinou: 21:46, 09/02/2015
Dyani ReynoldsAssinou: 02:07, 08/02/2015
"If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming other living beings, why wouldn't we?"
Jeanne FromontAssinou: 00:25, 05/02/2015
Jan CarterAssinou: 13:29, 17/01/2015
Mitchell BloomAssinou: 08:13, 17/01/2015
Dr Tony Minervino, DCAssinou: 07:00, 17/01/2015
"It's time to be FREE - IT'S TIME FOR EVERYBODY TO BE FREE!!! Love Ya, Tony Minervino"
robert illesAssinou: 02:33, 13/01/2015
"The Miricle Plant Marijuana cures all disease, Cannabis Hemp makes everything of creation ,,,"
James MarjoramAssinou: 02:21, 13/01/2015
"My main activities revolve around LGBTI advocacy and support. My website is "
Tom McAlpineAssinou: 02:05, 13/01/2015
Te Kahurangi Patuwai-FindlayAssinou: 09:30, 19/12/2014
scott JonesAssinou: 05:12, 18/12/2014
"I am an empathy and can feel 'Gaia' and the pain mother earth has at the moment!. It is intense. We all need to wake up and feel what is 'Real!' Take off your shoes and let 'Gaia" know that YOU!!!!! care, even walk naked.?? The more we become comfortable with ourselves and Each other the better Mother earth will want us in her arms again.. "
dayle phelanAssinou: 01:17, 18/12/2014

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