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"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Mostrando 562 signatários de Romania

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Pana Florin IonutAssinou: 21:47, 29/04/2011
"I want this and i want it now"
Raluca Crina FlorescuAssinou: 12:49, 25/04/2011
"We must remember theat we can create the life, the free world today"
Ionescu MonicaAssinou: 21:28, 21/04/2011
Mihai Constantin DragosAssinou: 14:03, 21/04/2011
"'The green beautiful' - watch the movie, we don't need any money, we need love and to return to a natural way of living. The sooner, the better"
mihai mAssinou: 09:04, 21/04/2011
Tudorel IlieAssinou: 01:06, 21/04/2011
Cristian CAssinou: 22:59, 20/04/2011
Iulian GaborAssinou: 12:52, 17/04/2011
"I am an intelligent person with a big heart who paid too much for those 33 years. Now I found broke because of a loved one in a selfish and sick world, in a world that lives just who has money and who does not, is doomed to die. I would like to live in a world without money, without corruption, without laws made ​​for the rich people. I want to live in a world where women do not choose men just after your bank account. I want to have the opportunity to use my brain and create something for this world, to be able to help people without thinking that I'm dying of starvation if they do not pay me. I want to find a job in a world where unemployment is on the agenda and want to be respected as a human being.I want to live in a world with equal rights. I want to live in a world where you can eat healthy without all the additives that produces so many diseases. I want to explore space, to discover new worlds, I want to live in a world without pollution. I WANT TO BE ME"
Mihai IoanAssinou: 21:31, 15/04/2011
carpinschi andreiAssinou: 19:56, 15/04/2011
Dumitru ZburleaAssinou: 14:54, 15/04/2011
"Kudos for those who initiate this project. I'll pray God to succeed"
Chitoiu RazvanAssinou: 10:34, 14/04/2011
Claudiu OrosAssinou: 13:01, 13/04/2011
Saru ZaruAssinou: 07:35, 11/04/2011
"yes!! this is what we need"
Catalin FloroianAssinou: 19:15, 07/04/2011
Andreea CristinaAssinou: 21:03, 04/04/2011
SZABO MIKLOSAssinou: 22:14, 01/04/2011
P. CosminAssinou: 09:37, 01/04/2011
"This is the best idee, to free ourselves from this fucked up system we have today"
Ram-Paul TusineanAssinou: 17:15, 30/03/2011
"For freedom and evolution"
Achiricioaei AlinaAssinou: 11:52, 29/03/2011
Mihai LuncaAssinou: 10:28, 29/03/2011
Stanisav VladimirAssinou: 19:33, 28/03/2011
Tompa AndreiAssinou: 12:52, 28/03/2011
"starting from within, let us walk in peace with eachother"
botond kolumbanAssinou: 11:50, 28/03/2011
Fretian Alexandra MariaAssinou: 20:52, 27/03/2011
Catalina OlaruAssinou: 18:14, 27/03/2011
tand doruAssinou: 12:52, 17/05/2011
jula raduAssinou: 12:52, 17/05/2011
Radu UngureanuAssinou: 11:42, 26/03/2011
Hutanu AndreiAssinou: 11:09, 26/03/2011
Laszlo SarkoziAssinou: 17:24, 25/03/2011
Ramona DurloiAssinou: 12:59, 25/03/2011
Florin MaximAssinou: 12:22, 25/03/2011
Catana Camelia catanaAssinou: 00:26, 25/03/2011
"Is it possible? Even if the money will disappear other governmental institutions will be born to lead us in a different manner. But maybe something will change"
Daniel FanicaAssinou: 22:53, 24/03/2011
"nice site... :) and good idea"
Sorin VoicuAssinou: 22:13, 24/03/2011
"Like Jacque Fresco said: This Shit's Got To Go"
K ZoliAssinou: 22:06, 24/03/2011
Moldovan AlexandruAssinou: 21:55, 24/03/2011
"It is good practice - and frankly good manners - to leave the place just as we found it, if not better"
Tamas FejerAssinou: 20:15, 24/03/2011
"Time to change the world that we know, it's time to make up for our mistakes"
Fejer AronAssinou: 18:54, 24/03/2011
Daniel DogeanuAssinou: 17:17, 24/03/2011
Adrian ToaderAssinou: 15:34, 24/03/2011
Popescu AlexandruAssinou: 14:20, 24/03/2011
"Count me in on any level you want for anything you all would like to acomplish in this matter. I don't have a job at this moment and is really hard for me to benefit of all the goods in life.. it s sad but.. i hope that someday i could be a part of any type of projects that are ment to actually make a better place and have a better life. I truly hope this is not just for advertising and stuff is getting done. Sorry if my english is not to great :). Cheers from Romania"
Silviu BoganAssinou: 14:17, 24/03/2011
"At least in this century, there are too many lazy people which need money to work and you cannot ignore them. If we remove money... they will never work again. Unfortunately, they do not understand the beauty and the importance of work"
paul paulAssinou: 13:32, 24/03/2011
"A rational point of view"
Razvan FlorescuAssinou: 13:06, 24/03/2011
Adrian AvramAssinou: 12:40, 24/03/2011
"I love the idea and i just wander if i get to see it in action, however if this it means a better chance for the future generation it deserves our full attention and support"
oliver ghenucheAssinou: 12:32, 24/03/2011
Marian MariusAssinou: 11:56, 24/03/2011
"i agree with all this.. but it seems a bit utopic.. its very hard to change mentalities, and for some ppl to give up at all power and wealth they have.. and besides all, humankind is used to be controlled, to be told what to do, they wont know what to do with so much freedom"
Wavetrex InfinityAssinou: 11:32, 24/03/2011
"Good luck to all of us that this gets implemented !"

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