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Carta do Mundo Livre

"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Iulian GaborAssinou: 12:52, 17/04/2011
"I am an intelligent person with a big heart who paid too much for those 33 years. Now I found broke because of a loved one in a selfish and sick world, in a world that lives just who has money and who does not, is doomed to die. I would like to live in a world without money, without corruption, without laws made ​​for the rich people. I want to live in a world where women do not choose men just after your bank account. I want to have the opportunity to use my brain and create something for this world, to be able to help people without thinking that I'm dying of starvation if they do not pay me. I want to find a job in a world where unemployment is on the agenda and want to be respected as a human being.I want to live in a world with equal rights. I want to live in a world where you can eat healthy without all the additives that produces so many diseases. I want to explore space, to discover new worlds, I want to live in a world without pollution. I WANT TO BE ME"

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