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"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Mostrando 562 signatários de Romania

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Stefan FaguAssinou: 10:50, 04/08/2011
Ciprian BudescuAssinou: 02:58, 28/07/2011
Georgian MihuAssinou: 14:57, 27/07/2011
girlanu razvanAssinou: 08:00, 25/07/2011
Adrian Valentin MincaAssinou: 13:02, 09/07/2011
Gheorgheoiu NicolaeAssinou: 16:38, 06/07/2011
"This is the same concept as the Zeitgeist's and it's great!"
Stoian Alexandru MadalinAssinou: 17:06, 04/07/2011
"I've been waiting for this all my life! I believe that we will make Earth a better planet sooner than we expect! Love & Light to all of you who made this Charter!"
Ioana IoaAssinou: 13:49, 04/07/2011
"Our thoughts, beliefs and the LOVE creates this NEW WORLD..."
baluta dragos bogdanAssinou: 17:06, 01/07/2011
"power to the people!"
ada leeAssinou: 11:15, 01/07/2011
Marincas MarianAssinou: 03:36, 24/06/2011
"Well i was thinking the same society as you guy's do ,and I was thinking it at 13 y old :) now I'm 26 I have a job a home and my life style.But all pll are bored are starving ,geting killed in wars, we have to shape up the world we must make sience count and to try and build a greater civ on earth thx for your wise mind and hope we can make this a beautiful place where the people can live "
Souca GabrielAssinou: 15:00, 07/06/2011
"I agree 100% sure this is the only way our planet may survive!"
Iulian VladAssinou: 14:55, 07/06/2011
llupa florinAssinou: 16:44, 06/06/2011
GLAVAN GEORGEAssinou: 07:48, 25/05/2011
"How does this start ?"
Aurelian GheorghiuAssinou: 14:29, 20/05/2011
Adrian IstrateAssinou: 12:54, 18/05/2011
Ionut EduAssinou: 12:52, 17/05/2011
Livia BudaAssinou: 12:52, 17/05/2011
Adrian LapadatAssinou: 11:01, 12/05/2011
laura vargalui lauraAssinou: 20:16, 11/05/2011
Alina SicaAssinou: 18:17, 11/05/2011
Alexandra NitaAssinou: 18:12, 11/05/2011
"I believe that soon we will live in a free world. It's the only belief that I can posibly imagine my life living"
Diana DelidakisAssinou: 22:37, 08/05/2011
Laurentiu LupuAssinou: 15:48, 04/05/2011
BRASNENI CONSTANTINAssinou: 22:06, 03/05/2011
Paul SzantoAssinou: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"We're really lucky to live in this turning point for human history where we make the transition from type 0 civilization to type 1 (see Michio Kaku at I am quite optimistic that we will make it but I just don't know how much more suffering we must go through before we do "
Visan RaduAssinou: 14:59, 03/05/2011
"We need a future. Design is the future of the world"
Mirela VisanAssinou: 20:33, 02/05/2011
Gaspar CristianAssinou: 15:10, 02/05/2011
Cserny AntonioAssinou: 13:21, 02/05/2011
Creţu Marius NicolaeAssinou: 11:34, 02/05/2011
"Hi there, i like the ideea, difference between poor and rich is to BIG"
Leonardo CsernyAssinou: 06:08, 02/05/2011
maria schulzAssinou: 18:25, 01/05/2011
Sabina HodorogAssinou: 18:11, 01/05/2011
Doroican VladAssinou: 12:52, 17/05/2011
Claudiu JitaruAssinou: 12:20, 01/05/2011
Fejer JozsefAssinou: 08:02, 01/05/2011
Mihai TudorascuAssinou: 18:09, 30/04/2011
Teodor DanielAssinou: 15:25, 30/04/2011
todorut bogdanAssinou: 13:26, 30/04/2011
Kozma IstvanAssinou: 10:44, 30/04/2011
Sorin-Vladut DraganAssinou: 10:09, 30/04/2011
"Who wouldn't want to live in such a world? This world is afterall our common heritage; we should share it not sell it"
Mihai VeriotiAssinou: 08:25, 30/04/2011
Sorin DemetrianAssinou: 01:29, 30/04/2011
"for a better world"
Munteanu claudiaAssinou: 21:59, 29/04/2011
"let s make it happen"
Luparu HoriaAssinou: 21:51, 29/04/2011

* Por favor note, os comentários de signatários não são moderados e podem não reflectir com rigor as perspectivas desta iniciativa

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