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Gilles GarneauAssinou: 10:32, 31/10/2015
genevieve dubostAssinou: 16:24, 30/10/2015
Martine PelletierAssinou: 15:31, 30/10/2015
Pierre NormandeauAssinou: 12:49, 30/10/2015
"Il faut aussi reconnaitre les besoins essentiels pour vivre en santé sans médicament grâce à un logement décent, de l'Air pur, l'eau pure, l'exercice, l'alimenmtation frugivore-végétarienne, l'exercice, le repos, le sommeil, les loisirs et le travail créateur et utile. "
claudette rochetteAssinou: 02:40, 30/10/2015
"Je souhaite que cela se réalise , j'y crois "
Katia PoulinAssinou: 01:09, 30/10/2015
Louise PerrasAssinou: 01:01, 30/10/2015
Danielle GenestAssinou: 00:40, 30/10/2015
Chantal DesormeauxAssinou: 00:39, 30/10/2015
"Il est temps d'arrêter toute cette barbarie et commencer à vivre!! "
Danny BaillargeonAssinou: 00:06, 30/10/2015
Carl SimardAssinou: 23:05, 29/10/2015
louise hudonAssinou: 13:38, 29/10/2015
Melodie PaiementAssinou: 12:41, 29/10/2015
marc ducharmeAssinou: 11:57, 29/10/2015
"Wow c vrm mais vrm nice!!! G pensé à cela il y a déjà 3 ans et on ma traité de fou!!! G jamais écarter cette idée et je suis plus qu'heureux de m'inscrire et de signer!!!! :)"
Gabriel RichardAssinou: 07:08, 29/10/2015
Luc LebelAssinou: 00:49, 29/10/2015
Frederick ThiviergeAssinou: 00:30, 29/10/2015
Steeve DuguayAssinou: 22:47, 28/10/2015
"tous unis pour un monde meilleur ! "
kimberly tebbyAssinou: 22:13, 24/10/2015
George BiroAssinou: 16:17, 16/10/2015
James BeckerAssinou: 23:11, 13/10/2015
Jeffrey M WacheskiAssinou: 00:05, 05/10/2015
"I had independently come to these very conclusions, thanks so much for writing them down for me."
Susan DeynakaAssinou: 15:41, 03/10/2015
"I was a single parent with 3 children . I worked 12 hour shifts and still couldn't afford much. Some days I went hungry so there would be enough food for the children . I would move the food around in the cupboards, and cry. what was I to do? Life seemed so unfair. I gradually went to depression. This was a rough situation , a rough life. People working in the oil Field were making huge amounts of money. I worked in the hospital looking after the old and sick. I made so much less money than them. why? who is in control This wouldn't have been able to happen , if there was a different system . Much less suffering for children and single mother's, or anyone that didn't have the luck of others, if you can call it that"
Shannon McArthurAssinou: 04:12, 02/10/2015
"We've got a long way to go but we're in good company. To realize these ideals is a worthy goal."
gualter medeirosAssinou: 19:26, 26/09/2015
"only problem is i can see the people in power wiping this out"
Brian RoyAssinou: 18:03, 26/09/2015
Ryan GuilletAssinou: 16:42, 26/09/2015
Charlotte CareyAssinou: 14:21, 26/09/2015
"This is a great idea, hope to see this in my lifetime."
Brett HallAssinou: 10:03, 26/09/2015
"These sum up what I often try to express (as a Layman) to my peers: a world system, one without borders and money. I still remain relatively alone in my views."
Denis DubéAssinou: 05:29, 21/09/2015
"Une Charte Humanitaire se doit de garantir le droit à la Vérité, le droit à la Mémoire, et la reconnaissance de la Dignité Humaine dès la naissance et dans le respect de la réciprocité. La Vérité est épanouissante et permet une saine Mémoire. Dans ''Le Respect'', Édition Autrement, 2002, France, Catherine Audard nous partage que ''la Mémoire est l'ultime tombe des Victimes''. Ceux qui ont connu ces Victimes ont le devoir de porter leur Vérité; on ne peut les faire taire de façon arbitraire et les contraindre à la loi du silence des despotes Conquérants colonialistes qui s'appliquent méticuleusement au révisionnisme de l'Histoire. Comment justifier de restreindre le savoir en Mémoire à l'ère de la mémoire informatisée? Merci pour l'invitation. Je vous propose cette Pétition humanitaire : Denis Dubé,"
ROGER G.Assinou: 04:23, 19/09/2015
Gaétan Saint-ArnaudAssinou: 22:15, 17/09/2015
lafrance MichelAssinou: 22:01, 14/09/2015
Liliana SuciuAssinou: 02:08, 13/09/2015
Liliana SuciuAssinou: 01:32, 13/09/2015
Gary RochaAssinou: 01:12, 10/09/2015
"This sounds like a great idea, let us push it forward."
Renee PronovostAssinou: 06:02, 05/09/2015
Douglas TaylorAssinou: 15:52, 02/09/2015
Greg AndreattaAssinou: 23:59, 30/08/2015
"No matter how much equality you have some will always be more equal than others. Not that i disagree with the principles of the charter just wanted to point out that fact. Also what about people who commit a violent act such as cutting someones eyes out for looking at them the wrong way(and yes there are people who do that) should they be given full equality as well?"
benoit cantinAssinou: 02:43, 30/08/2015
Zach SigurdsonAssinou: 00:53, 29/08/2015
Octavian PetrescuAssinou: 14:47, 25/08/2015
Cole BellavanceAssinou: 13:48, 22/08/2015
"I want to make a difference in this lifetime! This is just the beginning, thank you for the excellent information. I'm 22 years old and I know this and the Venus project are two big factors of change I hope to contribute to in the future for I will feel truthfully happy and proud to be human!"
Kalen LeathardAssinou: 04:47, 20/08/2015
paul ducharmeAssinou: 03:20, 20/08/2015
robert silvaAssinou: 02:39, 19/08/2015
Fos KenosAssinou: 23:31, 17/08/2015
Brandi PerryAssinou: 23:07, 16/08/2015
"We are living in a world where we are told we are powerless by institutions struggling for power in all it's form thinking it is finite and up for ownership. None of us own anything, we are meant to be stewards, using our intelligence for those and that which is less evolved because we are all interconnected. We are programmed with lies from a young way so that we do not see the possibilities of what love can accomplish. We all deserve to be free and enjoy this beautiful planet and live in harmony, but we are programmed with fear. If we all looked in our hearts and realized our own individual power and all came together, we could have heaven on earth. It is time. There is no need for suffering and we can do something about it if we stand together and take back our power, our freedom, and live one another and all that is living. "
Anthony ValezAssinou: 23:06, 16/08/2015
Stéphan JodoinAssinou: 15:11, 16/08/2015
"Si je peu aider d'une façon ou une autre à la réalisation de ce modèle de société n'hésiter pas à communiquer avec moi."

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