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Philip PiggfordAssinou: 20:08, 09/08/2014
"We must recognize the importance of meditation and train ourselves to mindful of the present moment. Such a practice would be more successful if it is introduced to our children through basic education. "
carol lindseyAssinou: 02:57, 09/08/2014
"I hope to see this come to fruition in my life time!"
Harry FischerAssinou: 19:27, 08/08/2014
"I person at a time and we can change the world"
linda gauthierAssinou: 16:28, 07/08/2014
William BarryAssinou: 02:39, 06/08/2014
Carlo AbleAssinou: 22:19, 05/08/2014
"God Din't make money for us....then we must stop working to it....instead We work for him...and to his people...."
Mariana VertanAssinou: 20:50, 05/08/2014
Cory CionaAssinou: 14:58, 01/08/2014
Bill BrandoAssinou: 04:57, 01/08/2014
"We do not starve, deny, kill others for greed...we do it to ensure others do not have what we have....solve this equation and the world will be set it not and it wont matter if we are the top of the food chain because we are going to destroy every link of it including ourselves. If you want to fix this world we need to fix the governments. We need to make it for the people by the people in all regards, not for the power by the power. We need governments full of scientists not full of politics designed to create the very trap we find ourselves in. This worlds eco system is almost on its knees and we do nothing, and when it falls we arrogant it is to think it will fall long after we are dead, but worse to know it will fall on our kids or grandchildren..Very coward to leave the destruction to your own flesh and blood rather than fix the issue with your own hands and hearts."
Johanne MolaisonAssinou: 18:57, 31/07/2014
"Voilà la communauté dans laquelle je veux vivre!"
Blaine StavastAssinou: 04:01, 31/07/2014
"Only when we see ourselves as one family can we truly Reach our full potential as a species "
Jim MilneAssinou: 03:55, 28/07/2014
Al MilneAssinou: 03:20, 28/07/2014
Antonio PietroniroAssinou: 18:49, 27/07/2014
"There will come a time in the very near future when all world communities will come together and see the logic and necessity of what is in this, and other similar charters. When that happens the 1% will become the 100% because all lies and deceptions will crumble in the light."
Nathalie BeaulieuAssinou: 09:37, 27/07/2014
Mario jodoinAssinou: 06:09, 16/07/2014
"please let me know when this new charter is approved and used by all countries...... good luck!"
Bryan PersaudAssinou: 03:44, 15/07/2014
"Thank you! I have been waiting for some kind of human organization to finally articulate these central truths. I am behind the Free World Charter 100%! Please do not hesitate to call on me for anything."
Ticia GrantAssinou: 03:24, 15/07/2014
"How can this ever be possible? A Utopian society where everyone is considered equal no matter their talents would be a world without competition for resources. Most of lifes creatures compete among themselves, whether it be for food, mating, territory..etc If we take away competitiveness, what will happen to natural selection?"
Norman MullerAssinou: 05:16, 14/07/2014
Ivan TattoliAssinou: 02:53, 14/07/2014
"To Thyne own Self Be True; Be the gift you want to be in the world; Live and let live; Evolution is a journey."
Graham JonesAssinou: 19:47, 12/07/2014
Gisele BahbahaniAssinou: 14:49, 10/07/2014
Liz ArcherAssinou: 05:21, 10/07/2014
Luc ArseneaultAssinou: 13:33, 06/07/2014
Mark HutchinsonAssinou: 03:19, 30/06/2014
"I've thought of this for years already, a world where this is no money. Where knowledge is shared and provides the earth with a clean way of living. A way to provide everyone with the basic needs for life. If the world shared all natural resources and technology it would be a better place to live. Where food is grown at home or stores are large gardens where you go and pick your fruits and vegtables. A world where power is free everywhere by solor and wind power. This is what we need to focus on and the thought of how clean the world will be, how inventions that help the earth stay green will be provided for everyone, how you wont have a full time job to live by, how helping the earth in manyways will be your job and will be paid for helping live at peace. How the job you have now will help get the whole world to live in peace."
Guy GiguereAssinou: 15:50, 29/06/2014
"Sharing with friends and colleagues "
Justin MelterAssinou: 01:04, 28/06/2014
Bablu NadendlaAssinou: 18:01, 27/06/2014
Patrick GirdlestoneAssinou: 06:58, 24/06/2014
Mark SowersAssinou: 06:10, 24/06/2014
Mathieu St-AmourAssinou: 03:19, 23/06/2014
Yves Cummings Assinou: 03:41, 20/06/2014
Brennan MccurryAssinou: 20:54, 19/06/2014
Sara CampbellAssinou: 16:55, 19/06/2014
Adam CameronAssinou: 15:37, 19/06/2014
"Thank you for this Charter!"
Wijdane AkachkachAssinou: 18:31, 18/06/2014
"I love the idea of a world without money, however, I don't think it should be completely "free" and without obligation. There should still be laws to regulate our lives. Remember that life was once free, but we ruined it with our greed and evil; humans are no angels. Additionally, there are certain jobs that still need to be done by certain people; like pilots, engineers, doctors... etc. Who will make it possible to travel long distances, extract raw material, work on and fix the robots/machines, heal people... etc. In general, I think the idea of a financially free world to be very interesting, however, it is not so simple, and it needs to be studied deeply and analyzed from all aspects. "
Lori McWilliamsAssinou: 16:45, 15/06/2014
Sharon SmithAssinou: 12:12, 09/06/2014
"Sounds logical to me."
scott sikoraAssinou: 07:26, 09/06/2014
Cindie PetersenAssinou: 18:14, 08/06/2014
Angela HinesAssinou: 23:33, 06/06/2014
Rejean PetitclercAssinou: 14:27, 05/06/2014
"It will be better for our civilization"
Camile HouleAssinou: 23:14, 03/06/2014
"I have returned over 1.5 million bottles for people as a pickup service in the city of Edmonton since 2010 as a weekend assistance with recycling. I believe that life should be sustainable for everyone and all jobs and schooling should be optional and free so that our future generations can be who and what they want to be and not what they can afford to be... most of the people I have done pickups for would have had no way to get there bottles to the bottle depot without an innovative option that was never offered before. that is what I would like to bring to this new society the help and sustainability of us all can easily be achieved by us all. with many innovative minds together we can be celebrated for our unique qualities that make us who we are and not be burdened by what we can afford to be. because after all is said and done the weakest of us are just as important as our strong.... cheers camile houle 2014 "
maciek rutlkowskiAssinou: 02:13, 02/06/2014
André BlanchetAssinou: 01:48, 02/06/2014
Patrick BrunoAssinou: 00:46, 02/06/2014
Dan CarpenterAssinou: 00:10, 02/06/2014
"One should never stop learning, because that is how experience leads to effective decision making reducing pitfalls along one's path. "
guy courtoisAssinou: 04:56, 29/05/2014
Lesa TheriaultAssinou: 12:13, 27/05/2014
Dan CebuliakAssinou: 04:35, 27/05/2014

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