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"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Mostrando 4,027 signatários de Canada

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Chris MacdonaldAssinou: 00:50, 01/01/2017
Fedor TcherkachineAssinou: 18:20, 30/12/2016
Sandra ScowAssinou: 00:30, 23/12/2016
Walter DullemondAssinou: 22:48, 11/12/2016
Frans DullemondAssinou: 22:37, 11/12/2016
"Let us get rid of money and banks!"
Bailee ClowesAssinou: 03:22, 10/12/2016
Matthew SmithAssinou: 19:31, 09/12/2016
"This is brilliant! Thank you so much for doing this. You have summed up my beliefs in totality. I would love to help promote this cause. Best of wishes, Matt "theProphet" Smith CEO and Founder of The Infidel Netwerk Artist, Musician, and Philospher Collective -"
Ryan WhittekerAssinou: 20:34, 04/12/2016
Tibor RozsahegyiAssinou: 23:43, 26/11/2016
Anna PascalAssinou: 11:53, 26/11/2016
Richard WrightAssinou: 03:54, 18/11/2016
"The Galactic Federation is here to assist us with this plan. I am 100% certain we will attain these goals. "
Lloyd Allan MacPhersonAssinou: 22:20, 17/11/2016
"Hey, I've been a hard-core contributionist since 2009. I've logged thousands of hours of volunteer work towards music, photography, video, historic property restoration, and fund raising - I want to flip the paradigm and create fundraisers for municipal units to do so. "
Tyson ShamanAssinou: 15:26, 11/11/2016
Maureen CollinsAssinou: 15:55, 10/11/2016
Robert GrammerAssinou: 09:02, 03/11/2016
richard benoitAssinou: 22:14, 30/10/2016
"pour l évolution sa c est génial, la pleine liberté pour tous et mettre ses talents au service de la société..bravo."
Cynthia McMillanAssinou: 14:18, 29/10/2016
Lori MellomAssinou: 11:30, 29/10/2016
Andrew HallAssinou: 00:46, 27/10/2016
James LottAssinou: 18:04, 26/10/2016
"I'm ready for revolution."
Ibrahim AbdurazagAssinou: 17:53, 19/10/2016
"Free World. we need to make this happen and every one needs to wake up "
Adam ChammouryAssinou: 03:45, 19/10/2016
"This needs to be shared to every single human being on this planet so we can finally overthrow the elite 1% and reclaim our planet as a new evolved species of human. "
Jacob ScowAssinou: 19:27, 11/10/2016
Hila RussAssinou: 23:40, 09/10/2016
K TAssinou: 21:06, 09/10/2016
Deanna LaValley Assinou: 17:03, 09/10/2016
Byron BarwickAssinou: 16:56, 09/10/2016
carol seligAssinou: 13:28, 09/10/2016
Stefan SeligAssinou: 13:19, 09/10/2016
Derryl ReidAssinou: 18:19, 06/10/2016
Nathan Isbister Assinou: 17:42, 04/10/2016
Emily YaegerAssinou: 21:35, 29/09/2016
phil canuelAssinou: 05:53, 26/09/2016
Vincent RoyAssinou: 02:12, 26/09/2016
William James (Jim) PappsAssinou: 02:06, 26/09/2016
Johnny GagnonAssinou: 19:48, 24/09/2016
Laurie TaylorAssinou: 19:33, 24/09/2016
AJ AndersonAssinou: 06:09, 24/09/2016
"Been saying this for years. But how to actually make it happen...."
Mike Ralston Assinou: 20:24, 23/09/2016
Chanel Letourneau Assinou: 01:43, 19/09/2016
Colin ThompsonAssinou: 01:37, 19/09/2016
"This needs mass public awareness"
Sheldon MolitorAssinou: 19:14, 15/09/2016
Thomas HayAssinou: 05:47, 15/09/2016
saeed khamenehAssinou: 03:32, 04/09/2016
"you are absolutely right, I have down over 25 years of global solution research, if we put our collective thoughts together and start movement with many like minded people world will be a different place.#saeedkhameneh "
Lis LubyAssinou: 03:23, 04/09/2016
"I uphold this vision."
Rebecca HerleAssinou: 16:37, 30/08/2016
Marc DemersAssinou: 04:36, 25/08/2016
Andrew MittonAssinou: 21:06, 24/08/2016
Ted ThomasAssinou: 12:35, 20/08/2016
Robert BigelowAssinou: 04:02, 20/08/2016
"The charter is a good start as we(human race+other benevolent races) move forward but will most certainly require amendments to resolve unanticipated problems. "

* Por favor note, os comentários de signatários não são moderados e podem não reflectir com rigor as perspectivas desta iniciativa

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