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Statut Wolnego Świata

"Uczyńmy wszystko darmowym i wolnym"

Wyświetlono 833 podpisów z Portugal

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Leonor AndrêsPodpisano: 10:41, 19/12/2013
ines nolascoPodpisano: 19:21, 17/11/2013
Duarte GameiroPodpisano: 14:07, 15/11/2013
João SantosPodpisano: 11:32, 14/11/2013
Ricardo FerreiraPodpisano: 14:56, 30/10/2013
"Ideas are not enough, and never enough. Go onward."
Ana AguilarPodpisano: 14:45, 14/10/2013
Miguel RodriguesPodpisano: 16:21, 13/10/2013
Rui MarinhoPodpisano: 02:57, 08/10/2013
Pedro FerreiraPodpisano: 20:05, 26/09/2013
angelo carvalhoPodpisano: 05:25, 26/09/2013
"Sou profundamente, convictamente, empenhadamente para sempre ZEITGEIST de Jacque Fresco e Peter Joseph. Bom, o que esta frase quer dizer? Quer dizer tudo. Angelo carvalho."
Ricardo SilvaPodpisano: 20:05, 02/09/2013
Nuno Da SilvaPodpisano: 08:47, 29/08/2013
Adolfo PeixinhoPodpisano: 21:49, 20/08/2013
telmo limaPodpisano: 05:12, 13/08/2013
Clara CardosoPodpisano: 18:36, 10/08/2013
Nuno TeixeiraPodpisano: 17:18, 09/08/2013
"i wished this would really happen,... people could actually start to develop themselves to what they really like"
Marco SilvaPodpisano: 17:56, 06/08/2013
Hugo ApolónioPodpisano: 17:50, 06/08/2013
"Very nice to see some initiatives like this coming out."
Marco PenaPodpisano: 17:27, 03/08/2013
"Um Mundo melhor ..."
Filipe MiguelPodpisano: 21:50, 01/08/2013
Luis MadeiraPodpisano: 02:07, 21/07/2013
"I whish a better world and a better life for all."
fernando caeiasPodpisano: 09:56, 20/07/2013
Pedro MiguelPodpisano: 22:16, 19/07/2013
Cristiano CaldeiraPodpisano: 15:01, 13/07/2013
Petra FreyPodpisano: 16:07, 12/07/2013
Jose Alves Podpisano: 00:08, 10/07/2013
Raquel MartinsPodpisano: 18:25, 09/07/2013
tyra taylorPodpisano: 12:23, 09/07/2013
Denis CoelhoPodpisano: 13:15, 07/07/2013
Marta MendoncaPodpisano: 16:54, 30/06/2013
Gonçalo MoreiraPodpisano: 15:17, 30/06/2013
Nelson FerreiraPodpisano: 15:03, 13/06/2013
Joao NunesPodpisano: 12:27, 06/06/2013
Pedro ParentePodpisano: 10:53, 06/06/2013
"People will believe what the media tell them to believe. But of course people don't know who controls the media and that they are suppressing information. We are being dominated by a bunch of freaks since ages and people don't have any Idea about it, neither who they are. Anyway, how you propose to create a new society without money? I mean, how you will tell people to quite their jobs in large scale and that they don't need to worry anymore, because we are implementing a total new way of life. How this could be implemented globally at the same time?"
Raul CaldeiraPodpisano: 23:19, 02/06/2013
"Aqui convidam-se todos os lesados pela corrupção, a navegar pela coluna à direita, e mergulhar nas profundezas dos crimes que há décadas arrastam Portugal para a lama. Incompetência, gestão criminosa, corrupção, abuso de poder, impunidade e etc......"
Telmo Carreira MonteiroPodpisano: 18:11, 30/05/2013
"Obrigado por contribuírem para A Mudança :) Sinto também que os devo informar que existe uma fundação "Keshe Foundation", que diz ter conseguido alcançar respostas completamente inovadoras para áreas como energia, transporte, saúde, exploração espacial... Eles também estão a contribuir para esta mudança, era bom ver os esforços juntos :)"
carla guimaraesPodpisano: 18:06, 30/05/2013
"Love for all, all for love "
Paulo BrunidoPodpisano: 16:20, 30/05/2013
"choose your battles"
Zornitsa TodorovaPodpisano: 09:07, 28/05/2013
Ana Maria Marques LuísPodpisano: 22:25, 24/05/2013
David VinagrePodpisano: 17:23, 19/05/2013
"Be the change u wish to see"
Afonso NunesPodpisano: 22:21, 18/05/2013
Pedro MonteiroPodpisano: 20:20, 18/05/2013
Carlos GalveiasPodpisano: 19:47, 18/05/2013
"tks for this opurtunity"
Rúben FilipePodpisano: 01:32, 17/05/2013
"I hope that in the future money it is just for collectors."
Bruno AndréPodpisano: 14:50, 16/05/2013
Júlio SáPodpisano: 14:23, 16/05/2013
Gustavo HachmeisterPodpisano: 11:08, 16/05/2013
Fabio BrazPodpisano: 11:06, 16/05/2013
José DomingosPodpisano: 20:50, 15/05/2013
"The next most needed step for mankind"

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