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Statut Wolnego Świata

"Uczyńmy wszystko darmowym i wolnym"

Wyświetlono 4,027 podpisów z Canada

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Dianne LindalPodpisano: 19:07, 31/12/2014
Charles GardenPodpisano: 18:30, 31/12/2014
Richard BurleyPodpisano: 17:15, 31/12/2014
"Fantastic idea... this!!"
Lori MeierPodpisano: 17:07, 31/12/2014
"What a wonderful world this would be if we could just have compassion and love for one anther, where greed would take a back seat..."
Charlie WilsonPodpisano: 02:52, 30/12/2014
"To believe in a world where abundance, sustainability and and fairness reign is a dream I'm willing to invest in. Thank you for putting the time and care into crafting this document - and may we all prosper!"
John RumleyPodpisano: 17:00, 29/12/2014
"Hanta Yo!My native ancestors were on the right path before my white ancestors came with their monetrary system andscrewed everything up. We truly need to get back to a society that gives instead of takes. "
Elizabeth LenaghanPodpisano: 07:50, 29/12/2014
George BiroPodpisano: 12:28, 21/12/2014
Goran PopovPodpisano: 05:24, 21/12/2014
"Already know and support 'Venus Project'; Humans need to be HUMANE first and then anything else. These 10 principles are a complete guides to a new, humane and prosperous human society; Let it happen soon."
Dean BoilyPodpisano: 05:25, 20/12/2014
Lonnie GamblePodpisano: 00:40, 20/12/2014
David Lafantaisie Podpisano: 11:02, 18/12/2014
"This is great! I've always thought this."
Sabrina BoehmerPodpisano: 09:25, 18/12/2014
Mandy CheungPodpisano: 07:36, 18/12/2014
Stacey AustinPodpisano: 03:21, 18/12/2014
Colleen MorrisPodpisano: 03:05, 18/12/2014
Tristyn DaveyPodpisano: 02:37, 18/12/2014
Sean DaveyPodpisano: 01:57, 18/12/2014
Trevor BroeskyPodpisano: 01:48, 18/12/2014
Andromeda DrakePodpisano: 00:48, 18/12/2014
Guylaine MartelPodpisano: 09:22, 12/12/2014
"Cessons d'être des esclaves de l'économie mondiale qui n'aspire qu'à soutirer l'essence et l'énergie du vivant, de l'être humain et de la planète Cease to be slaves of the world economy which aspires to extract the essence and energy of life, of human beings and the planet Dejar de ser esclavos de la economía mundial que aspira a extraer la esencia y la energía de la vida, de los seres humanos y el planeta"
Paul BaileyPodpisano: 19:02, 11/12/2014
"Imagine what we could accomplish if progress was more important that monetary profit. This is the next step and if we don't take it we will end up killing ourselves for a larger piece of an imaginary pie. It's time to stop keeping score and realize we are all on the same team. Competition for progress is they key, forget personal profit. Money is an ancient tool that we used to build our society but it is now holding us back. We are limited to what we do by whether or not it is profitable. Why make tires that never wear out? What is the value of free energy if you can't charge anyone for it? Progress is the answer not profit. If we can take money out of the equation the rest will take care of itself. If everyone can have a huge mansion then having one wouldn't be such a big deal anymore would it? In fact people would more likely be looked down on for being wasteful rather than being admired like they are now and living below your means would be something to be proud of."
Terry McLennanPodpisano: 23:59, 07/12/2014
rance foulstonPodpisano: 15:00, 07/12/2014
"On the face of it, there is very little not to agree with on this list. My concern would be the possibility of centralized governance and homogeneity. Technology is available, or could be made so, to allow for decentralized communities in cooperation with each other,but more or less independent in terms of needs. We don't all share the same ideals or aspirations or standards of behaviour for that matter. Our differences must be accounted for in some fashion without forcing social cohesion. I love the vision though."
Denis BourassaPodpisano: 17:20, 06/12/2014
"voir aussi les vidéos de Paul Ponssot à ce sujet!"
Jianjun XiaoPodpisano: 15:22, 05/12/2014
Sarah JohnsonPodpisano: 00:05, 04/12/2014
"Time to shift ourselves. Let's do this!"
Richard WrightPodpisano: 22:51, 03/12/2014
Mario MartinPodpisano: 16:45, 30/11/2014
"Cette charte exprime tout ce que ma défunte Mère rêvait depuis son tout jeune age. Pinces moi quelq'un car je crois rêver. I est grand temps que ce rêve se réalise.Amen. SALOMÉ. "
Nicole FriesenPodpisano: 04:18, 30/11/2014
Douglas Simpson-DietrichPodpisano: 00:58, 30/11/2014
Louis SauvéPodpisano: 16:05, 29/11/2014
Rajinder RatajczakPodpisano: 01:08, 28/11/2014
Aron KeriPodpisano: 18:41, 27/11/2014
Brian Boi-DokuPodpisano: 18:12, 27/11/2014
"I agree with all of the principles but disagree with the grammar and some of the language. It is my understanding that for legal and lawful documentation to be unequivocal they must be written in parse syntax. Please research :David-Wynn: Miller: the worlds leading authority on correct quantum grammar. Also some of us are not hu-man... Some if us are simply man. Thank you. Peace and love. I believe in the cause."
Paula GignacPodpisano: 05:27, 27/11/2014
jennifer nielsonPodpisano: 02:15, 27/11/2014
Travis RankinPodpisano: 01:39, 27/11/2014
Paula WarrenPodpisano: 01:25, 27/11/2014
Darlene MortonPodpisano: 23:52, 26/11/2014
Love JesusPodpisano: 23:40, 26/11/2014
"Love prosperous abundance and co-operation are possible when you let your heart tell your mind what's possible, Harmony and Creation you are Beautiful Creatures. "
Fern RancourtPodpisano: 23:19, 26/11/2014
"I don't understand the purpose of this but I do belive in these 10 statments! "
Lenn DeloriePodpisano: 20:54, 26/11/2014
"I hope this initiative sweeps through the world like a raging fire. This is the only planet where you have to pay to live, and it is wrong in so many ways. If we can't free ourselves from money, we need transparency in all of our dealings. "
Nicole LerouxPodpisano: 19:48, 26/11/2014
Brianna CernanecPodpisano: 19:10, 26/11/2014
John CernanecPodpisano: 19:09, 26/11/2014
Josée Arsenault Podpisano: 18:44, 26/11/2014
Monica Friesen Podpisano: 18:22, 26/11/2014
Michelle LaperrièrePodpisano: 17:33, 26/11/2014
"For years I have been thinking along these lines. I am glad that somebody came along to enunciate these thoughts and beliefs clearly and succinctly."
Alannah TylorPodpisano: 17:19, 26/11/2014
"Thank you! It is so wonderful at 72 to feel gratitude every day for the partnership of humanity that is expressed and shared through my little IPad with messages and info you and others provide. My karma of financial fears has moved to appreciation thanks to the unconditional love that you pour into our world."

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