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Statut Wolnego Świata

"Uczyńmy wszystko darmowym i wolnym"

Jonathan NilssonPodpisano: 14:52, 24/03/2011
"Too many resons to agree and none disagree. There is so much I want to experience before I die but without having money, I don't have a chance of ever doing a quarter of it. And it's killing me. There is so much misery I want to do away with before I die but without having money, I can only sit comfortably at home and watch as people starve to death and die from curable deasies. And it's killing me There is so much injusitce I want to rectify before I die but without having money, I can't convert the currupted minds of greedy people in power. And it's killing me. Without money we would all be rich And I don't want to die"

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