Become a Patron

განთავისუფლებული მსოფლიოს ქარტია

"მოდით გავხადოთ ყველაფერი უფასო "

John Scottხელმოწერილი: 11:06, 10/10/2011
"How we will accomplish this change?. Who will make the machines in the beginning? Who will run them untill we build ones which can run themselves? Who will maintain those? There will always need to be a level of human control. Machines which are not controlled by humans to some degree may be too smart for our own good. Technicians, scientists, etc will need to volunteer their know-how & time. There should also be a mandatory period of service for everyone (ie a two day week for every person on the planet). We must find a practical way of implementing such a grand plan, in stages. A way which appeals to the logical & rational minds out there. Small stages, like one experimental eco-tech village in every city of the world. If we do not have this plan then few will believe that the vision can be realised & those who already have security in our current social/economic system will not be willing to give it up."

ხელი მოაწერეთ ქარტიას

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განთავისუფლებული მსოფლიოს ქარტია 2024. გთხოვთ თამამად გამოიყენეთ ნებისმიერი ტექსტი ამ საიტიდან.. დაგვიკავშირდით

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