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განთავისუფლებული მსოფლიოს ქარტია

"მოდით გავხადოთ ყველაფერი უფასო "

Barry Smullenხელმოწერილი: 13:25, 04/03/2012
"Without Money we have everything we need, we are not individuals although we are each unique, we are all part of a species called humans. Unfortunately today humanity is 7 billion people standing on each others shoulders trying to get above one another. When we could all be living a true dream, instead of this horrible nightmare we call existence? News flash ‘Information has just come in of reports of craft that are hovering over all major cities, they are made of what seems like a Cephalopod Mollusc material: they have just made contact on all networks at the same time, this is the information they have sent… Thank you for your cooperation this mining operation is now complete.. We have come to collect our fissionable material, to think you people were going to blow yourselves up with it.. Now you can all go back to slinging shit at each other in the trees… "

ხელი მოაწერეთ ქარტიას

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განთავისუფლებული მსოფლიოს ქარტია 2024. გთხოვთ თამამად გამოიყენეთ ნებისმიერი ტექსტი ამ საიტიდან.. დაგვიკავშირდით

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