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署名者数: 6  国名: Belize


Matthew Prowten署名日時: 14:32, 10/01/2023
kathelyne hilderson署名日時: 07:35, 14/09/2016
Nicki Love署名日時: 01:32, 04/03/2015
"I deeply resonate with the principles you've written so clearly and I would like to collaborate to Change Our World by manifesting Purple Paradise Resorts all over the world."
Adrian Witzil署名日時: 06:07, 06/10/2014
"How can we start making this happen? I want to help. I am willing to dedicate ALL my time to this."
Chris Ramirez署名日時: 18:24, 23/03/2013
Denise Camille Fuller署名日時: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"thank god... not Nesara- I once heard it said that "until you have a solution for everyone, you have no solution at all "

* 署名者のコメントは未修整であり、この活動の見解を正確に反映していない場合があることをご了承ください。


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