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署名者数: 60,290  国名: 全ての国

Aneta Đorđević署名日時: 22:38, 18/02/2023
Derek Reed署名日時: 06:36, 17/02/2023
"Thank you. I had dreamed of this myself. Life is a wonder."
Frank Jannack署名日時: 19:57, 11/02/2023
Sara Zerbi 署名日時: 07:51, 07/02/2023
Nora Beeman署名日時: 14:24, 06/02/2023
Anthony Garner署名日時: 21:23, 05/02/2023
Joachim Dauer署名日時: 18:41, 03/02/2023
Mona Lucia Cristina Lupu署名日時: 13:01, 03/02/2023
Geert Janssen署名日時: 09:30, 03/02/2023
Marana Rietdijk署名日時: 09:25, 03/02/2023
PAUL MENDOZA署名日時: 23:15, 30/01/2023
Miryam Raquel 署名日時: 14:15, 30/01/2023
mina mina署名日時: 09:46, 24/01/2023
Mina Mina署名日時: 09:31, 24/01/2023
"If there is a world without money, so many kinds of meaningless job will disappear."
Claudia Meseck署名日時: 20:11, 23/01/2023
Joyah Sol Lūmen署名日時: 13:33, 23/01/2023
Jason Godfrey署名日時: 19:44, 22/01/2023
"I been saying this stuff all my life before found this to end laws stop poverty corruption etc"
Paolo Storti署名日時: 19:19, 19/01/2023
Erwin Matysiak署名日時: 17:18, 19/01/2023
Cane Kostovski署名日時: 16:01, 18/01/2023
Benji Reade Malagueño署名日時: 13:57, 17/01/2023
Xavier dr Xymmu署名日時: 22:09, 15/01/2023
Adriely Adry署名日時: 15:05, 14/01/2023
Sarah Smith署名日時: 09:47, 14/01/2023
César Valdivieso署名日時: 22:06, 13/01/2023
"Totalmente de acuerdo con todos los puntos. Ahora toca ponernos a definir en detalle las características ideológicas y materiales del mundo que deseamos construir,plasmarlas en una producción audiovisual virtual para hacerlas comprensibles, y planificar y ejecutar la transición hacia esa meta final."
Wolfgang Halper 署名日時: 20:28, 12/01/2023
Ahmet Pekcan署名日時: 17:34, 12/01/2023
"Human beings should live like human beings!"
Manuel Contessi署名日時: 17:26, 12/01/2023
Matthew Prowten署名日時: 14:32, 10/01/2023
Michael Matteo署名日時: 10:50, 10/01/2023
Alin Mihai Mirea署名日時: 05:53, 10/01/2023
Gopinath Ramachandran署名日時: 05:43, 10/01/2023
"Kindly send and discuss this concept with internet influencers like Joe Rogan, Lex Friedman, Yual Noah Harrari etc..."
MICHAEL GODBOUT署名日時: 02:19, 10/01/2023
Isaac Quezada Malta署名日時: 01:06, 10/01/2023
"Muchas gracias por este esfuerzo, seguire estos principios en la medida y revisare su pagina para futuras acciones."
Dwayne Moquete 署名日時: 00:18, 10/01/2023
Manuel Fajardo 署名日時: 00:02, 10/01/2023
Dimitri Rupp署名日時: 19:31, 09/01/2023
"The 3 highest and universal values, which need to be protected under all circumstances, are freedom, life and knowledge. These values must be incorporated by each and every lifeform."
Ronald Fleming署名日時: 16:02, 09/01/2023
Denis Kozmér署名日時: 14:13, 09/01/2023
Georgy Vladimirov署名日時: 11:38, 09/01/2023
Marcel Cicort署名日時: 10:51, 09/01/2023
Charl Bekker署名日時: 10:09, 09/01/2023
Xerxes Van Dyck Magno署名日時: 09:55, 09/01/2023
Yordan Shterev署名日時: 09:33, 09/01/2023
Tori Lannert署名日時: 03:25, 08/01/2023
melissa buckalew署名日時: 22:56, 06/01/2023
Sascha Wenzel署名日時: 10:01, 06/01/2023
Itančan Wašaka署名日時: 15:58, 05/01/2023
"The way to implement this is to create your own community or village, outside the current national jurisdictions legally. Become self-governing, a micro-nation. Become sovereign if you have the courage."
Michelle Perreault 署名日時: 23:53, 03/01/2023
kati jäger署名日時: 18:41, 01/01/2023

* 署名者のコメントは未修整であり、この活動の見解を正確に反映していない場合があることをご了承ください。


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