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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

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steve munroUnterzeichnet: 12:52, 17/05/2011
Sean MorningstarUnterzeichnet: 12:58, 16/04/2011
Francis FreyUnterzeichnet: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"a real education will do away with almost all interpersonal behavioral problems "
David BoothroydUnterzeichnet: 14:24, 14/04/2011
"Let's make the world how it should be"
karl CorbUnterzeichnet: 09:53, 14/04/2011
Matt TiernanUnterzeichnet: 12:52, 17/05/2011
Vanessa PaparellaUnterzeichnet: 12:33, 13/04/2011
Jared FranksUnterzeichnet: 10:09, 13/04/2011
Lathish NamathUnterzeichnet: 08:58, 13/04/2011
Helen OsbornUnterzeichnet: 05:09, 11/04/2011
"It is wonderful that people have so eloquently defined all the things that have been going through my head for some time"
Joanne DaveyUnterzeichnet: 04:47, 11/04/2011
Nathan DaviesUnterzeichnet: 13:44, 10/04/2011
Rob VickeryUnterzeichnet: 11:13, 10/04/2011
"We need something to change, cause what we got sure ain't workin"
shari leighUnterzeichnet: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"i want to live to see this enacted "
Libby StanboroughUnterzeichnet: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"Please listen to this and think about it "
Guy BowickUnterzeichnet: 12:52, 17/05/2011
Jasmin HenshawUnterzeichnet: 13:59, 09/04/2011
johm simoUnterzeichnet: 09:48, 09/04/2011
Venetia BrownUnterzeichnet: 07:54, 09/04/2011
Bob WebbUnterzeichnet: 04:46, 09/04/2011
""May all beings be released from suffering." Buddha"
Jodie McColmUnterzeichnet: 22:10, 06/04/2011
"Who said world peace isn't possible? cause I'd like to slap that mother-fucker! I know it's volgar but this is a "MF" moment so I siezed it. : D Thanks Jacque, Roxanne and Peter"
Anaeas Anaeas TaylorUnterzeichnet: 09:26, 06/04/2011
Vinod KumarUnterzeichnet: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"Its about time!! spread the word, open your eyes and your mind. A better life a better world... unfortunately the truth is.... "we" are all that is holding "us" back "
Claire PerriUnterzeichnet: 04:58, 05/04/2011
Timothy GlynnUnterzeichnet: 07:39, 04/04/2011
"Well done . I hope this gathers pace quickly , as time is running short"
Andrew BrodieUnterzeichnet: 01:09, 04/04/2011
"a change in society's consciousness is required for the future to be sustainable"
John PrescottUnterzeichnet: 11:52, 03/04/2011
Laura SharpUnterzeichnet: 12:52, 17/05/2011
Guy BowickUnterzeichnet: 16:06, 02/04/2011
Otello TamaraUnterzeichnet: 03:01, 02/04/2011
"I am signing this just 10 days after the tsunami devastated the Japanes coastline and damaged the Fukushima nuclear reactors. If we had a Resource Based Economy we wouldn not have had such devastating consequences of a natural disaster: enormous loss of life and nuclear contamination. The monetary system and profit motive have to go for the future survival of the earth and all life forms that are sustained by her. Globalization so far has brought more poverty, war, misery, waste of resources, pollution and destruction of habitat and environment. Can we now use globalization to shift human consciousness towards a fair system that would ensure a good life for all within the carrying capacity of the Earth? If not, I fear the worst! "From everyone according to his ability, from everyone according to his need" (Karl Marx). Can we carry on business as usual and survive as individuals, families, nations and species? Dream on! Nature is the mother of all dictators and does not negotiate"
Siobhan KemptonUnterzeichnet: 02:32, 02/04/2011
Crystal MastrosavasUnterzeichnet: 02:09, 02/04/2011
James HaasUnterzeichnet: 01:31, 02/04/2011
"Humanity has progressed from barter to gold-backed money and from gold-backed money to fractional reserve banking. It is naive to think we will not progress further - the question remains; what is next? It will either be electronic credit through the implementation of an implanted chip or a free, spiritually awakened society that recognizes the planet as one entity. The only thing that could possibly deter us from this logical step into a brighter future is the cultural immune system that this corrupt system has conditioned into the thought patterns of the public. I whole heartedly condone the Free World Charter for the betterment of existence"
Daniella LacobUnterzeichnet: 13:22, 01/04/2011
Melissa AmiottUnterzeichnet: 06:11, 01/04/2011
"I'm looking forward to these times. I have hope. Mankind has suffered from a poverty of the spirit for too long. I would like to start living and not just existing. I want this to happen. Lets do it"
Brendan KrolikowskiUnterzeichnet: 15:22, 31/03/2011
Autumn BakerUnterzeichnet: 11:02, 31/03/2011
"This philosophy is the only true way of living in parallel with our real essence of Being. This is the natural evolution of mankind beyond its current state of unconsciousness"
Julian ClarkeUnterzeichnet: 03:15, 31/03/2011
Marijana ObradovicUnterzeichnet: 19:30, 30/03/2011
tess eastonUnterzeichnet: 11:32, 30/03/2011
Amanda WallisUnterzeichnet: 10:40, 30/03/2011
Michael SmallcombeUnterzeichnet: 10:38, 30/03/2011
"1. Extinction is a natural process of evolution and we should not stop it if it does not involve us 2. Parasitism as mentioned in The Venus Project forum is a key problem with providing free goods to community. Maybe might be reduced in future culture of communities but remains a problem with current population as we aim to make life easier with various products and organisations. 3. With regards to The Venus Project, machines producing goods, organizing resources etc will need to be maintained and will not last forever. Therefore will there be certain areas of specialty like todays society for such tasks and will there be some sort of system for working? 4. Language? Will we retain our native languages or will they die out? 5. A major flaw in The Venus Project is the lack of creative freedom (i think this was mentioned). For example not everyone will like the 'self erecting' structures purely because they do not like the style of design. Good Work and Good Luck for the fu"
Eric EnnewUnterzeichnet: 07:43, 30/03/2011
"It's about time we make a change for the good of all, not just for the good of few"
Christy LanskeyUnterzeichnet: 07:21, 30/03/2011
"I don't agree with Governments prolonging the wait for sustainable power generation. We have the technology, why are we continuing to damage our world when we can fix it today"
Zoe CebuliakUnterzeichnet: 12:52, 17/05/2011
Richard De MartinUnterzeichnet: 04:57, 30/03/2011
"A great initiative, we are all interdependent beings and need to act that way"
Jay DominishUnterzeichnet: 03:45, 30/03/2011
"thank you for starting this, it needs to happen"
Helen FullerUnterzeichnet: 03:14, 30/03/2011
Kirralie DillonUnterzeichnet: 03:03, 30/03/2011
"Being part of a world with these principles would be amazing ~ take me there"
Colin ArmigerUnterzeichnet: 02:32, 30/03/2011
"I am not clear on the scientific method and application principle however I have signed because on the whole it 'speaks' to me"

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