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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

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Ricky JefferyesUnterzeichnet: 17:05, 30/04/2011
"Brilliantly written. I hope that this charter will get adhered to"
Perlie JefferyesUnterzeichnet: 16:28, 30/04/2011
Ruth RosserUnterzeichnet: 14:19, 30/04/2011
caroline loweUnterzeichnet: 13:56, 30/04/2011
"This is my greatest wish, to live in a fair world"
michael pierceUnterzeichnet: 12:46, 30/04/2011
"we do not choose where we are born. to be less fortunate based on birth place is immoral"
Adam CianfloneUnterzeichnet: 10:18, 30/04/2011
Jan GuscottUnterzeichnet: 08:27, 30/04/2011
john allenUnterzeichnet: 07:51, 30/04/2011
"over 200 years of government and taxes and it still takes a citizen to think outside the box....is that a wise investment"
Michael SmithUnterzeichnet: 07:49, 30/04/2011
Scott MuncerUnterzeichnet: 07:13, 30/04/2011
"I pray that this is something that I will see in my lifetime"
Judi van der KleiUnterzeichnet: 05:40, 30/04/2011
jason millerUnterzeichnet: 03:41, 30/04/2011
SOPHIE ZoltkowskiUnterzeichnet: 03:31, 30/04/2011
"Our world and society has become bigger than ever before and now we have to preserve the fundamentals of nature and ourselves now we have to free ourselves out and head towards meaning, happiness, peace and freedom"
Brad DivinyUnterzeichnet: 03:24, 30/04/2011
Jason ReschUnterzeichnet: 02:50, 30/04/2011
Michal ZoltkowskiUnterzeichnet: 02:42, 30/04/2011
"I can see this happening very soon, we must remember not to fight the system but simply turn our backs on it, without us it will fall apart, equality for all"
Daniel JoyceUnterzeichnet: 02:05, 30/04/2011
Simon van der KleiUnterzeichnet: 02:03, 30/04/2011
Blajke EylesUnterzeichnet: 01:54, 30/04/2011
"Humanity has a responsibility to use our actions in a way that benefits and furthers our planets evolution and intellectual potential. No system of monetary control works with that ideal"
Adam SkupienUnterzeichnet: 01:48, 30/04/2011
David knightUnterzeichnet: 01:34, 30/04/2011
"We need to educate our children now The only question to ask is "how"
Matt GroundsUnterzeichnet: 01:13, 30/04/2011
"You can give up anytime, why do it now"
Alex SipkaUnterzeichnet: 00:35, 30/04/2011
Adrian WiduckelUnterzeichnet: 23:54, 29/04/2011
Linda McKenzieUnterzeichnet: 23:49, 29/04/2011
"Humans are not at the "top" of the food chain. Humans are designed to eat low on the food chain, i.e. a plant-based diet. This would prevent the unjust use of, and cruelty to animals, benefit human health, prevent environmental devastation and greenhouse gases now caused by animal agriculture and enable us to feed everyone on the planet by feeding grains and legumes directly to people instead of using them to fatten animals so that the rich can eat meat"
Ryan EyreUnterzeichnet: 23:22, 29/04/2011
kiralee jayneUnterzeichnet: 23:20, 29/04/2011
Jan-Marie BrookeUnterzeichnet: 23:19, 29/04/2011
"I work with transforming people's core money beliefs and they are diverse, insane and consuming. Money is at the root of most stress and we are the most overstressed peoples in history. Something has to change and change fast"
Vanya MarkiewiczUnterzeichnet: 23:09, 29/04/2011
"I look forward to living in the Free World very soon. Thanks for making it a reality"
Peter MarkowskyUnterzeichnet: 22:48, 29/04/2011
"Glad to help. I personally am making educational changes in my life so that I can learn more about societies and anthropologies. I think this will allow me to better argue the point you have outlined here. After my studies of how we have ALWAYS got it wrong with our current practice and methods and then create a strong case for exactly this which you have stated here"
Elisa HorwoodUnterzeichnet: 22:47, 29/04/2011
Paul MacnamaraUnterzeichnet: 22:40, 29/04/2011
Ken WhittetUnterzeichnet: 05:54, 29/04/2011
"great idea what are we waiting for"
Manu DaweUnterzeichnet: 04:35, 29/04/2011
"thank you so much for bringing this out to us, well done... fully on-board"
Michael TreeUnterzeichnet: 11:38, 27/04/2011
J LUnterzeichnet: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"Welcome to the movement "
Adam PollockUnterzeichnet: 13:47, 26/04/2011
Sienna JonesUnterzeichnet: 12:52, 17/05/2011
maggie UrbanUnterzeichnet: 13:00, 24/04/2011
"There has to be a better way than what we are now experiencing with the have & the have nots. This idea might eliminate greed, corruption & war"
diane vincentUnterzeichnet: 12:01, 23/04/2011
Andrew FlightyUnterzeichnet: 11:30, 23/04/2011
Frances JamesUnterzeichnet: 13:37, 22/04/2011
"Totally and absolutely with you on all these points"
Sam TurnerUnterzeichnet: 12:52, 17/05/2011
TODD MCARTHURUnterzeichnet: 06:02, 21/04/2011
"Yes,bring this on NOW.The world needs to be ONE and not the Haves And Have nots.Spread our Wings and be Free,like we were meant to be"
Billi JoUnterzeichnet: 03:59, 21/04/2011
Jeremy DayUnterzeichnet: 12:52, 17/05/2011
David ZwolskiUnterzeichnet: 01:38, 20/04/2011
"A mute said to a deaf how a blind man saw a one legged person run through the river."
jaye sealUnterzeichnet: 15:44, 19/04/2011
"Nature becomes priority"
Brighid FinneyUnterzeichnet: 14:06, 19/04/2011
"I want to help spread this Charter in any way possible. Please let me know if there is something more I can do than word of mouth. I would love to be more involved as I am young and motivated to do good to the world"
Reena Garcia Unterzeichnet: 02:51, 19/04/2011
"Love and Light to All"

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