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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

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Gareth HaymanUnterzeichnet: 11:00, 10/07/2011
Daniel MavUnterzeichnet: 10:06, 09/07/2011
guy pattenUnterzeichnet: 08:28, 09/07/2011
Pia MacDonaldUnterzeichnet: 03:13, 09/07/2011
Tracey MacDonaldUnterzeichnet: 23:04, 08/07/2011
"The Earth thanks you for this, bless us all."
Mengjun Mengjun ZhuUnterzeichnet: 16:04, 08/07/2011
Tracey MacDonaldUnterzeichnet: 04:48, 08/07/2011
"The Earth thanks you for this. Bless us all."
howard higgsUnterzeichnet: 12:53, 05/07/2011
"Surely the time is now."
Steven FourroUnterzeichnet: 15:10, 04/07/2011
"It's past time we changed our social structure to make EVERYONE equally cared for and valued."
Susan JerskyUnterzeichnet: 03:15, 04/07/2011
Marion pedersenUnterzeichnet: 02:46, 03/07/2011
Dave BrownUnterzeichnet: 04:54, 02/07/2011
Kurt MoleUnterzeichnet: 02:50, 02/07/2011
Lauren GrifoniUnterzeichnet: 02:20, 02/07/2011
"this is amazing. we are only ever limited by our own minds - imagine what we could achieve if we really wanted to"
roland gopelUnterzeichnet: 15:20, 01/07/2011
"a way for us like-minded people to be able to contact one another or have a discussion/communications forum would be great."
Joshua FoxUnterzeichnet: 13:54, 01/07/2011
"In a global society as advanced as our own the idea that this document hasn't been the previous mandate for future social and economic progress is inexcusable. The welfare of all things on this Earth should take precedence to humanity's political, theological and economic goals."
David GonzalezUnterzeichnet: 00:45, 29/06/2011
"the aspirations of this mindset, if adhered to, will liberate every person on Earth"
sally bell-crossUnterzeichnet: 23:24, 27/06/2011
Theodore KatsarosUnterzeichnet: 01:21, 26/06/2011
Matt OmoUnterzeichnet: 19:18, 22/06/2011
Francine RobsonUnterzeichnet: 09:42, 19/06/2011
"Love this ... free and fair ....everyone gets involved to their abilities .... everyone does his/her best .... we choose what we want ... give and take for free .... This is genius"
Emma MaeUnterzeichnet: 10:33, 18/06/2011
Michelle WaterfallUnterzeichnet: 13:43, 16/06/2011
Jonathon DavidsonUnterzeichnet: 13:59, 15/06/2011
Jessica DuncombeUnterzeichnet: 04:43, 14/06/2011
lailu kerstenUnterzeichnet: 04:00, 10/06/2011
Elizabeth MorterUnterzeichnet: 23:08, 09/06/2011
"Allocating resources only to those who hold some paper (money), and raping the earth in it's name, whilst denying those with no money that which they need to survive is insanity. The universe is abundant and should be revered, it is time. Thank you for creating this charter."
Christopher TanUnterzeichnet: 10:58, 09/06/2011
chris coolUnterzeichnet: 10:28, 09/06/2011
Jesse CurtisUnterzeichnet: 02:23, 09/06/2011
Jack BramhamUnterzeichnet: 15:39, 08/06/2011
Andrew GaultUnterzeichnet: 15:48, 07/06/2011
"For a long time now I have been telling most people that I’ve met throughout my life, that the world would be a better place without money. Well imagine my delight when I found that this cause has been led by a man called Jacque Fresco ( now in his 90’s), all my life!… I just pray that this dream comes true soon, as I strongly believe that humanity is ready’ through both necessity and desire for this kind of solution, as a remedy to the majority of the world’s problems. This worldwide change from the mainstream politically and corporate greed, fueled monetary system, I’m sure is a much better solution than the world coming to an end or the wrath of God along with the rapture.. or a sound economic climate for the chosen few. This is not oh poor me I have nothing and you have everything…No’ this is sensible, rational choices for the sustainable continuation of the human race, and the world we live in. "
Antony D. KoumUnterzeichnet: 07:23, 07/06/2011
Shannon ParkhillUnterzeichnet: 05:00, 06/06/2011
Vijay PalmerUnterzeichnet: 05:18, 31/05/2011
Annie HuaUnterzeichnet: 09:39, 30/05/2011
Tyrone D'LisleUnterzeichnet: 10:05, 29/05/2011
Steven VitaleUnterzeichnet: 09:02, 28/05/2011
"Please make this happen"
Amy PenfoldUnterzeichnet: 08:37, 28/05/2011
Goran SeletkovicUnterzeichnet: 06:59, 28/05/2011
James PridgeonUnterzeichnet: 02:23, 28/05/2011
shane kiddUnterzeichnet: 00:38, 27/05/2011
Mark HollandUnterzeichnet: 15:07, 25/05/2011
"A Free New World for Everyone :)"
Kerstin KiddUnterzeichnet: 11:49, 25/05/2011
"Love it !!! Hope this happens in our lifetime !!"
Chris CoombesUnterzeichnet: 10:16, 25/05/2011
"Money has to go so all humans can evolve and work to a common goal "
Meng LiUnterzeichnet: 09:27, 25/05/2011
"I'd love the new world without money."
Ryan NiasUnterzeichnet: 15:50, 24/05/2011
Jed BawdenUnterzeichnet: 10:21, 23/05/2011
"This is a truly brilliant and engaging idea. The human race as a whole really needs more focus on what we all need as opposed to what you can buy. "
Joana SantosUnterzeichnet: 16:19, 21/05/2011
"For a while now I have seen members of my family and friends struggle through life because of money and the lack of it. I can't even go home to see them because of it. I have worked hard all my life as my mother taught me to and somehow I have ended up in a lot of debt myself. I still consider myself lucky to be in my position with all that is going on in the World. I couldn't agree more with a World without money, a free World. "
Andrew SullivanUnterzeichnet: 08:57, 21/05/2011
"One day the people of the world will change."

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