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展示 11,553 簽署人來自 United States


Yvonne Ngoy已簽署: 02:11, 28/01/2020
"I want to help. I want to learn. I believe in this future. "
Joshua Ewen已簽署: 23:53, 27/01/2020
"We are here. We are one. Let us save our world together. Love will over power greed!"
Kelly MacInnis已簽署: 18:02, 27/01/2020
"Capitalism is killing us. We need some new tricks. "
Sally Kyle已簽署: 07:37, 27/01/2020
Jim Tedder已簽署: 01:51, 27/01/2020
"I desire personal freedom with my fellow humans and other species on this planet and commit to playing my part. "
Joan Madden已簽署: 19:39, 26/01/2020
Thom Madden已簽署: 19:23, 26/01/2020
Mary Finnegan已簽署: 18:52, 26/01/2020
"I have long advocated these values as the only sanity left to us in an insane society. "
Jane Bryan已簽署: 18:44, 26/01/2020
Darrell Andrews已簽署: 17:12, 26/01/2020
"The current System is broken and totally corrupted. Money is the primary method of control and enslavement to this System. It's time for the old System to end and a new way of life for Everyone to begin!"
Raymond Baranak已簽署: 17:09, 26/01/2020
Darryl Kaplan 已簽署: 17:00, 26/01/2020
"Let's create the new, as we create from Love. "
Savannah Hawkins已簽署: 16:37, 26/01/2020
Diana McElroy已簽署: 21:37, 24/01/2020
Daniel Godfrey已簽署: 16:24, 24/01/2020
Benjamin Walker已簽署: 14:59, 24/01/2020
"We will never as a species be truly free if we continue to live by the rules of the system which enslaved us!"
Jose Aponte已簽署: 23:21, 23/01/2020
Philip Hardy已簽署: 09:05, 23/01/2020
Sara Bruner已簽署: 12:00, 22/01/2020
Pedro Centeno已簽署: 04:12, 16/01/2020
sam papagianakis已簽署: 20:26, 08/01/2020
"thank god; it's about time"
michele papagianakis已簽署: 20:25, 08/01/2020
"thank god; it's about time"
alex papagianakis已簽署: 20:23, 08/01/2020
"thank god; it's about time"
James O'Neill已簽署: 17:37, 06/01/2020
Critical Thinkers已簽署: 22:23, 30/12/2019
"turn your sacrifice into gain"
Diandre Brown已簽署: 07:07, 28/12/2019
Tony Sanford 已簽署: 15:42, 24/12/2019
Dean Clarkson已簽署: 20:44, 18/12/2019
Charyn Whitaker已簽署: 17:41, 18/12/2019
"I've been pushing a revolution, one where money does not exist and payment is knowing you and your future generations will have everything they need and want. No one would be homeless, hungry, slaved, harmed by chemicals. Technology would be released for everyone. I could go on. I really hope this comes to be, because if it doesn't, my life would be meaningless. Everyone deserves to be free and live without fear of going hungry, their needs not being met, being sick and so on.... We can ensure this ONLY together, in cooperation with one another, and a single goal in mind, to 'take care of mother Earth and all her inhabitants'. I support this change and urge others to be open minded and stop asking the question "I've done something, what will I receive in return?" It's hard for the general public to even imagine a life without money, I've tried explaining it to others, but they just don't grasp the concept, they have been brainwashed by politics and industry. "
Jena Whitney已簽署: 17:24, 18/12/2019
Dave Mandss已簽署: 08:49, 16/12/2019
sherry D.已簽署: 22:09, 15/12/2019
Tyler Krueger已簽署: 23:07, 04/12/2019
Adam Keen已簽署: 03:56, 01/12/2019
Mary Vu已簽署: 19:13, 19/11/2019
Cruz Hernández已簽署: 03:10, 19/11/2019
"LOVE it's all that is ONE that's all we are"
Samantha Adams已簽署: 14:26, 18/11/2019
"I been racking my brain on how to get people to see this for months now. It has driven me insane. Why are we working so hard for what is holding us back? Open your eyes and see our possibilities. We are creating our own madness with money. People should be free and able to take the path they’re life takes them. We could do so much good in this world if we stopped obsessing over the next big thing to buy in to. There is enough of everything for everyone. Why is someone more inclined than another based on paper? "
Samuel Rich已簽署: 14:48, 14/11/2019
Michael Duncan已簽署: 12:21, 09/11/2019
"It won't happen in my lifetime, but someday."
salvador tafolla已簽署: 04:32, 07/11/2019
Gretru Latour已簽署: 19:51, 05/11/2019
JustLiving LifeReally已簽署: 07:00, 03/11/2019
Carey Rowanoak已簽署: 21:28, 29/10/2019
Marcus Kendrot已簽署: 22:58, 28/10/2019
Jared Yoder已簽署: 17:47, 27/10/2019
"Everything's free. "
Sean Hagstrom已簽署: 22:48, 24/10/2019
Ian Arthurs 已簽署: 23:40, 22/10/2019
Sandra Paredes已簽署: 19:05, 11/10/2019
"I want to be free for money. "
Alan Bates已簽署: 03:09, 30/09/2019
Brian Zee已簽署: 21:07, 24/09/2019
"The notion of a free world is the most natural and beneficial state to which humanity can aspire. We are alienated from that state by the oppression of the money system. That system must be abolished."

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