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展示 178 簽署人來自 Taiwan


Mark Panszky已簽署: 09:37, 19/11/2011
"Taiwan is not a province of China"
Vicky Lin已簽署: 14:00, 16/11/2011
Alex Hsu已簽署: 16:25, 14/11/2011
Laura Chen已簽署: 16:15, 14/11/2011
CHEN CHENG-HUNG已簽署: 15:41, 14/11/2011
刁 義芬已簽署: 14:53, 05/11/2011
張 瑜玹已簽署: 16:06, 04/11/2011
Singing Jao已簽署: 05:12, 23/10/2011
"Taiwan is my country, so far, it is not a Province of China. Living in a free world, this island country should not bonded with China. Thank you very much for the correction! To the free world~~ Singing"
Savy Wang已簽署: 19:03, 22/10/2011
Gary Hsu已簽署: 05:00, 22/10/2011
"It's A Free World That We Really Need!"
yuan mine long已簽署: 10:17, 14/09/2011
Ian 伊恩已簽署: 09:17, 14/09/2011
giovanni kuan已簽署: 04:16, 13/09/2011
Chiang Pei-Yung已簽署: 04:18, 12/09/2011
邱奕志 水雉已簽署: 19:51, 11/09/2011
"在這混亂的社會裡能看到一道光線的希望 真的很高興 我們人類還有一個覺醒跟提升的機會 希望在我們這個世代裡創造一個 不再是以金錢來衡量人的生命與價值的人類社會跟世界"
Hau Pearl已簽署: 10:18, 10/09/2011
Kenryo Yang已簽署: 05:46, 10/09/2011
elim Lin已簽署: 14:24, 08/09/2011
Julian Emanuel已簽署: 08:33, 08/09/2011
" There is no need for us to continue using money, and power to govern the lives of people. It doesn't work, we must change the world so that we all can live together and truly enjoy the abundance that the world provides for us. Until we all can love each other as much as we love our immediate family, what kind of a world will we be living in? I advocate any organization which shares the goals of changing our world into a place that is, peaceful, abundant, and socially heathy for as long as we can sustain it. Which is now not only possible, but also becoming more and more needed as we can see that our current methods have brought us suffering, starvation, brutality, sickness, and death. What kind of world do you want to live in? What kind of world do you want to leave for you kids? Is the current system meeting the needs of the people they were put in place for? How in the world can we expect thing to change by doing the same things? For love peace and prosperity, Julian John Emanuel."
Jon Carter已簽署: 16:43, 27/08/2011
ag w已簽署: 04:15, 20/08/2011
Sylvain Bernier已簽署: 02:54, 09/08/2011
"Fantastic project, perfectly in line with my beliefs as a Raelian. Thanks for that!"
Corey Martin已簽署: 15:15, 26/06/2011
Sarah Chan Yachih已簽署: 12:52, 17/05/2011
Shen Bai已簽署: 11:04, 30/04/2011
承芳 林已簽署: 13:32, 24/03/2011
"Taiwan is a country"
Roger Zeitgeist-Smith已簽署: 02:41, 19/03/2011
Andy Poon已簽署: 17:05, 18/03/2011
"I didn't start believing in the Free World Charter when I first read it. I've believed in it ever since I could think for myself and for others. Every statement I read was like "That's what I've been talking about"

* 請注意,簽署意見並不受監管,且可能無法準確反映這項動議的意見


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