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展示 833 簽署人來自 Portugal


Sérgio Cambado已簽署: 22:35, 08/05/2018
Nuno Tavares已簽署: 14:09, 30/04/2018
Pedro Marques已簽署: 06:59, 20/04/2018
Orlanda Alves已簽署: 20:47, 10/04/2018
Márcio Neves已簽署: 17:57, 06/04/2018
Sara Coelho已簽署: 23:46, 31/03/2018
""A mente que se abre a uma nova ideia, jamais volta ao seu tamanho original" Albert Einstein"
Sara Coelho已簽署: 23:44, 31/03/2018
Millo Magnocavallo已簽署: 21:46, 20/03/2018
João Soares已簽署: 15:51, 19/03/2018
sílvia sousa已簽署: 14:03, 13/03/2018
First Second已簽署: 11:33, 07/03/2018
Rui Pessoa Vaz de Figueiredo Vasques已簽署: 16:58, 03/03/2018
"Muito obrigado pelo vosso manifesto por um mundo melhor. Juntos podemos mudar a consciência planetária e actuar para o equilibrio da nossa espécie."
Gilberto Matos已簽署: 12:14, 15/02/2018
"Very good Principles <3"
Helder Costa已簽署: 22:29, 11/02/2018
João Nunes已簽署: 19:07, 01/02/2018
"Procura o que te faz feliz"
Nuno Ferreira已簽署: 16:00, 29/01/2018
Salomé Pina已簽署: 14:52, 27/12/2017
MARIA PEIXOTO已簽署: 21:34, 05/11/2017
Fabio Pinto已簽署: 15:05, 03/10/2017
João Alves已簽署: 17:40, 23/09/2017
João Sousa已簽署: 18:50, 16/09/2017
Luís Cortez已簽署: 17:22, 08/09/2017
"The present monetary system is very corrupt, too much depends on this casino economy,that is detrimental to organic life existence, in the name of very few, money limits freedom,and hence human potentiality to solve problems, the markets exist for cyclical consumption, and not the remediation of today´s ills, knowing this much I accept the charter, let us work for a better tomorrow, instead of being subjects to the worldwide oligarchy."
Ana Águas 已簽署: 01:03, 06/09/2017
"Concordo plenamente com todos os princípios citados na carta. "
José Ricardo已簽署: 13:29, 03/09/2017
da Silva Saraiva João Paulo已簽署: 14:35, 01/09/2017
"I`m a human that belives the principes of this leter is une of the ways to live sustenable! Tanks to do sameting many persons all ready beleave but dont start the pratical process of changing."
Yovdiy Abu-Gums已簽署: 05:51, 24/08/2017
Ruben Filipe Pereira Antunes Honorio已簽署: 00:00, 22/08/2017
"Cabe a todos nos fazer a nossa parte! Se cada um fizer um pouco tornamo-nos um todo! Somos um Só! We are One! Peace"
Sérgio Cantuaria已簽署: 21:57, 20/08/2017
flavio dias已簽署: 12:40, 20/08/2017
"O povo unido, jamais será vencido!!"
Sandra Margarida Da Silva Marques已簽署: 15:08, 17/08/2017
Pedro Baltazar已簽署: 03:36, 17/08/2017
avani ancok已簽署: 22:40, 31/07/2017
"Life is a Miracle!!"
Jorge Morais已簽署: 14:25, 30/07/2017
Amina Aboobakar已簽署: 17:09, 22/07/2017
Rui Cavalheiro已簽署: 18:00, 21/07/2017
"Secularism, science and money free based economy. No religion and governments. Music, literature and cinema as a passion. "
António Freitas已簽署: 22:38, 15/07/2017
"Be what you are and not what you have."
Gonçalo Ferreira已簽署: 09:20, 22/06/2017
Pedro Silva已簽署: 21:26, 10/06/2017
Klaus Szmigiel已簽署: 16:06, 29/01/2017
Stephen Hawczak已簽署: 13:03, 12/12/2016
Carsten Lutz已簽署: 10:21, 18/10/2016
"Money and its derivatives are instruments of slavery, exploitation and inequality. Actual politics will and have to support this system, because it keeps them in power. Any change to a fairer world and society can only be achieved by the people. If you want to change the system, start with yourself. "
Jeroen van Maaren已簽署: 22:58, 27/09/2016
Paulo Silva已簽署: 15:38, 12/06/2016
alexandre vidinha已簽署: 11:11, 14/04/2016
"A Free world with a scientific distrubution of all resources. "
Fernando Martins已簽署: 00:47, 10/04/2016
"this needs more and more mediatization (please adress the to media channels thru a direction of whole world acknowledge of these proposals."
Eric Silva已簽署: 00:00, 06/04/2016
fernando jorge已簽署: 07:14, 28/03/2016
Helio Silva已簽署: 21:54, 23/03/2016
Ana Cristina de Vasconcelos Calais 已簽署: 13:16, 23/03/2016
Pedro Rosário已簽署: 22:14, 29/02/2016

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