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展示 4,027 簽署人來自 Canada


mahiri dyana已簽署: 13:05, 13/10/2018
Nicholas Erricson已簽署: 07:24, 12/10/2018
Kristopher Fisher已簽署: 17:55, 10/10/2018
Ava Syrnyk已簽署: 23:04, 24/09/2018
Keith Armour已簽署: 11:00, 19/09/2018
"Trump hilights the need for change. There has never been a clearer indicator than Donald Trump, billionaires harboring billions of dollars in offshore accounts ala Mosack Fonseca. It's unsustainable."
Denis Breton已簽署: 16:18, 13/09/2018
Dennis Ryan已簽署: 06:41, 06/09/2018
Valerie Bencsik已簽署: 04:55, 27/08/2018
Lloyd Allan MacPherson已簽署: 19:11, 21/08/2018
Takura Munopo已簽署: 17:47, 20/08/2018
John Jones已簽署: 17:22, 21/07/2018
"So many questions on how to use 'however many current signatories?' to begin the first steps. "
William Mayo已簽署: 07:14, 05/07/2018
Angus Mctavish已簽署: 05:35, 03/07/2018
Gene Bremner 已簽署: 00:36, 26/06/2018
Annabel Lord已簽署: 22:42, 05/06/2018
"I can see so many problems solved through a money free world. Only how do we go about implementing the changes?"
Leah Henderson已簽署: 01:27, 02/06/2018
"Looking forward to a better world!"
Harmanpreet Brar已簽署: 05:05, 25/05/2018
Adriel Tremblay已簽署: 04:50, 22/05/2018
Jeff Messier已簽署: 22:53, 14/05/2018
Thomas Hobson已簽署: 04:40, 11/05/2018
"From May 22 to May 25 a great spiritual awakening will manifest through."The Gospel of Thomas" "
Krystophe Of the gauthier clan已簽署: 01:53, 05/05/2018
"French canadian ambassador for ubuntu "
a Clark已簽署: 05:44, 03/05/2018
"www.TalkingTrees.Love "
Hailee Hudson已簽署: 19:42, 26/04/2018
Braeden Stevens已簽署: 17:29, 26/04/2018
John Jones已簽署: 02:24, 26/04/2018
"Capitalism, if it could ever be beneficial to all, would have to follow many of the rules above. Unconscious capitalism (today's reality) knows no compassion, and therefore cannot even understand these rules."
Jeannine Schulz已簽署: 17:57, 20/04/2018
herve richaud已簽署: 03:46, 16/04/2018
" I donated The New Human Rights Movement to Vancouver Island Libraries"
Shirley Walsh已簽署: 04:23, 11/04/2018
Justin Goodwin已簽署: 15:10, 03/04/2018
"It’s time to fix the world and the people. Change needs to happen now. We need to drop our current system and work towards a common goal that brings us together not separates us further like our current system. "
Matthew Dasti已簽署: 21:32, 26/03/2018
Corey Hermkens已簽署: 11:19, 25/03/2018
"Generosity and Gratitude Prosperity and Abundance Unity Peace and Dignity So be it! So be it! So be it! And so it is! Amen"
Patricia Beausejour已簽署: 21:58, 24/03/2018
"Sincerely hope that the big majority of people living on Earth will sign this Chart. Patricia Beauséjour"
Kelly Liu已簽署: 16:13, 17/03/2018
"Long over due"
Trevor Batiuk已簽署: 15:00, 28/02/2018
Caelan Hart已簽署: 04:48, 20/02/2018
"I'm sad that this has to be a "movement". I hope that one day, compassion and cooperation is just how humans operate."
Teddy Groven已簽署: 06:50, 15/02/2018
"When we look at the mind set and body stress that we currently have in our social systems,the way we operate on a day to day basis we think we have to have more,we have to get ahead,hence we have to strive harder. We do all of this just to see or believe one thing-we are better than our fellowman. "
Marie-Hélène Carette 已簽署: 17:13, 13/02/2018
Mathew Eddy已簽署: 20:11, 06/02/2018
Ian MacPhee已簽署: 10:33, 29/01/2018
"I Believe in You and the Natural Contributions you offer the World. Through Peace and Advanced thinking in an Awakened World, We can All make a difference Together. Equal opportunities,food, security and a warm place to sleep should be available to everyone.Namaste"
Shahla Nygaard已簽署: 17:03, 25/01/2018
Denis Breton已簽署: 17:44, 16/01/2018
"Dans l'ensemble j'adhère à votre proposition de charte. Toutefois, on spécifie 'sans obligations' : au sens de 'sans contrainte', ça me paraît excellent. Par ailleurs, je crois qu'il faut affirmer la responsabilité de chacun : nous avons des droits et des devoirs."
Joe T已簽署: 20:45, 14/01/2018
"Make it happen, Venus project style or otherwise "
Benjamin Moore已簽署: 03:47, 12/01/2018
Carole Bissonnette已簽署: 23:43, 08/01/2018
"Pourquoi ne pas expérimenter ce nouveau genre de communauté basée sur des valeurs beaucoup plus saines et de partage. La compétition, l'argent et le pouvoir ça ne fait que séparer les êtres humains. "
Marie Hudon已簽署: 18:01, 08/01/2018
Thérese Guenette-Beaulieu已簽署: 01:07, 08/01/2018
GUY PARADIS已簽署: 00:45, 08/01/2018
Réal Pépin已簽署: 23:13, 07/01/2018
Brigitte Bourget已簽署: 22:32, 07/01/2018
Jean Hudon已簽署: 21:47, 07/01/2018
"Je viens de publier votre excellente Charte à l'attention des 160,000+ abonnés de Je vous invite à aller y lire comment je l'ai introduite. "

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