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展示 60,290 簽署人來自 所有國家

Logan Rain已簽署: 09:09, 11/07/2021
Ursula Magin已簽署: 01:27, 11/07/2021
Daan Gorter已簽署: 10:17, 09/07/2021
"We are working on implementing these principles in a city-scale project, initially one, and intended to grow globally to a network of 144 cities, villages and stations that operate as a whole"
Hanne Weppner已簽署: 09:17, 09/07/2021
Daniela Menger 已簽署: 08:27, 09/07/2021
Judi Ivy已簽署: 15:27, 08/07/2021
Margrit Katharina Graf已簽署: 12:11, 08/07/2021
Kat Daniel已簽署: 07:32, 08/07/2021
"Each one, reach one. Each one, teach one. We can do this."
Bernard Pullon已簽署: 01:30, 08/07/2021
Ben Molyneux已簽署: 09:09, 06/07/2021
Peter Blem已簽署: 10:56, 04/07/2021
David Hollands 已簽署: 11:56, 03/07/2021
"Action required ."
Patrick Thelwell已簽署: 06:46, 03/07/2021
Monica Hucul已簽署: 04:23, 03/07/2021
gérard simon已簽署: 23:25, 02/07/2021
Jeannette J已簽署: 10:47, 27/06/2021
"Your charter is awesome — very much in alignment with my writing and teaching."
Diego Olaya已簽署: 10:49, 24/06/2021
"Blessed are the peace makers <3 "
Levi Smits已簽署: 00:15, 22/06/2021
sofi loiseau已簽署: 08:23, 16/06/2021
Andrea Steinkühler已簽署: 23:55, 15/06/2021
"Wir müssen und werden es schaffen; wir sind klug, liebevoll und wir sind viele!"
Sergi Rocafort已簽署: 11:50, 14/06/2021
"Me gustaría ayudar desde Barcelona, cómo puedo hacerlo?"
Narendranath N已簽署: 23:26, 13/06/2021
Gayathri Nair已簽署: 21:34, 13/06/2021
"Need of the Hour."
Sain Infini已簽署: 13:20, 13/06/2021
Rainer Vogel已簽署: 11:17, 13/06/2021
Adilson Pimentel已簽署: 18:09, 12/06/2021
""não existe plano B""
Lara Doornbosch已簽署: 17:10, 12/06/2021
james timothy已簽署: 17:04, 12/06/2021
David Hesster已簽署: 14:04, 12/06/2021
Beatrice Ferrazzi已簽署: 13:43, 12/06/2021
Sara Bradley已簽署: 06:16, 08/06/2021
Lyle Cregan已簽署: 01:35, 08/06/2021
Hendrik Viljoen已簽署: 09:33, 07/06/2021
"Please check out. Michael Tellinger one small town Ubuntu philosophy "
Bree Schembri 已簽署: 20:27, 06/06/2021
"Let's be free and share the world. ?❤️"
Ian Sharp已簽署: 22:51, 05/06/2021
Colleen Capponi已簽署: 11:50, 03/06/2021
Ruth Hadad已簽署: 10:02, 03/06/2021
Dan Atkinson已簽署: 09:47, 03/06/2021
"The only thing that's going to save humanity & the entire biosphere is some form of Resource Based Economy, with no money or markets. The current system MUST be replaced."
Catherine Smith已簽署: 00:47, 01/06/2021
Davin Sauer已簽署: 09:51, 30/05/2021
Luke Grove已簽署: 07:07, 30/05/2021
dfm2u drama dfm2u drama online已簽署: 16:42, 29/05/2021
dfm2udrama live dfm2u drama online已簽署: 16:24, 29/05/2021
"Also share it with your friends and family so they can also enjoy watching all">"
Kelly Pope已簽署: 00:38, 23/05/2021
Charles Gregoire已簽署: 04:25, 22/05/2021
Alice Pennington已簽署: 01:38, 20/05/2021
Oscar Davey已簽署: 17:33, 19/05/2021
Pascale BRUNET已簽署: 01:18, 19/05/2021
"Un grand oui. Unissons-nous et ce monde naîtra."
Joseph kelleher已簽署: 04:41, 17/05/2021
"The old system is rotten to the core, I cannot be fixed, and even if it could be, it's not what we want there is an incredibly bright future for humanity to grasp, now is the moment to take the bull by the horns?"
Sunny Abdollahi 已簽署: 04:40, 17/05/2021

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