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Helmut Haneklaus已簽署: 17:28, 31/10/2021
"Super Sache, lasst uns mit der Umsetzung beginnen "
Miloš Jarić已簽署: 06:09, 30/10/2021
Thiago Santos 已簽署: 13:33, 29/10/2021
Mara Quenda已簽署: 10:20, 27/10/2021
Ollie Bream已簽署: 20:56, 26/10/2021
Frieder Manz已簽署: 16:40, 26/10/2021
Tracy Mitchell Griggs 已簽署: 07:33, 26/10/2021
Glynis Cole已簽署: 02:23, 22/10/2021
"One race, the human race My religion is love"
Logan Erne已簽署: 10:17, 19/10/2021
"I would fully love a world like this. However, I am skeptical of the humanity of those who hold power to relinquish it for the sake of their fellow humans. I sincerely hope that they let go, like in Buddhist scripture, and see the universe like those who are enlightened."
Judeson Fernandez 已簽署: 13:09, 18/10/2021
Tatiana Talkiy已簽署: 11:12, 03/10/2021
Maupilé Stéphane已簽署: 19:18, 01/10/2021
Anke Stiboy已簽署: 13:57, 01/10/2021
Richard Taylor已簽署: 07:56, 29/09/2021
"You have my full support. Richard Taylor Founder, CEO Fifth Harmonic Global Solutions "
Randall Hupp已簽署: 16:20, 28/09/2021
Jelena Vujacic已簽署: 22:04, 27/09/2021
Rose Doheny已簽署: 20:46, 23/09/2021
Tonny Lang已簽署: 23:05, 22/09/2021
Scott Roberts已簽署: 02:47, 22/09/2021
Pablo Hess已簽署: 13:25, 21/09/2021
Tibor Lapos已簽署: 08:33, 21/09/2021
"Volam sa Tibor Lapoš a pred 14-tymi rokmi som prekonal mŕtvicu vo veku 43 rokov po ktorej som sa neuveriteľne zmenil, skôr by som povedal že prebudil a začal vnímať svet a cely vesmír z pohľadu kvantovej fyziky o ktorej som pred tym nemal ani základne vedomosti. Začal som všetko dianie vnímať viac srdcom a to ma intuitívne naviedlo aj na tuto stránku a chartu slobodného sveta ktorá je úplne v súlade s mojim svetonázorom a vnímaním ďalšieho vývoja našej civilizácie a aj celého vesmíru.V prípade akejkoľvek témy ma môžete kontaktovať. S láskou ku každému a všetkému čo existuje Tibor"
Halle Perrelli已簽署: 01:24, 21/09/2021
"I am sick of this capitalistic bullshit"
James O'Neill已簽署: 18:14, 16/09/2021
Pascal-Peter Loos已簽署: 17:22, 16/09/2021
Arjun Thandi已簽署: 13:53, 16/09/2021
Aysan Ahmadi已簽署: 21:37, 14/09/2021
Issa Ibrahim已簽署: 13:12, 10/09/2021
Nikolai Pena已簽署: 14:06, 08/09/2021
"Sometimes I think having a monetary system was never a good thing even so many thousands of years ago. Just another excuse to have status over others is what it boils down to for me."
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe已簽署: 03:50, 08/09/2021
"Zimbabwe Also this charter is the stupidest shit I've read in my life, it's like some folks' brains stay stuck at age 5"
Marcos Baptista Silva已簽署: 22:23, 07/09/2021
Vladimir Guillen已簽署: 07:07, 05/09/2021
Eveline Grieder已簽署: 21:55, 03/09/2021
Laura Carralero已簽署: 16:43, 02/09/2021
"You have my deepest admiration "
Ieuan Stevenson已簽署: 21:06, 01/09/2021
Erwin A已簽署: 19:54, 01/09/2021
Brennden Flynn已簽署: 19:49, 01/09/2021
Pieter Voorwinden 已簽署: 19:35, 01/09/2021
Charlotte Cybele已簽署: 18:51, 01/09/2021
"Read Ishmael!"
David Orozco已簽署: 18:26, 01/09/2021
Robert Robinette已簽署: 17:27, 01/09/2021
John Robert已簽署: 17:07, 01/09/2021
Andy Hitch已簽署: 16:25, 01/09/2021
Lace Fuchs已簽署: 16:19, 01/09/2021
"This puts to words what I feel in my heart. Seeing this version of the world would make me feel complete."
Brahamjot Singh已簽署: 04:25, 01/09/2021
Simon Zenteno已簽署: 04:56, 30/08/2021
"Sorgligt mänsklighet men älskade morsan denna gång haha."
Simon Zenteno已簽署: 04:49, 30/08/2021
Frank Rehm已簽署: 08:41, 28/08/2021
Ulrich Banse已簽署: 19:50, 27/08/2021
Marcus Büdenbender已簽署: 18:08, 27/08/2021
Claudia Preiß已簽署: 14:05, 27/08/2021

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