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展示 60,290 簽署人來自 所有國家

Wolfgang Halper 已簽署: 20:28, 12/01/2023
Ahmet Pekcan已簽署: 17:34, 12/01/2023
"Human beings should live like human beings!"
Manuel Contessi已簽署: 17:26, 12/01/2023
Matthew Prowten已簽署: 14:32, 10/01/2023
Michael Matteo已簽署: 10:50, 10/01/2023
Alin Mihai Mirea已簽署: 05:53, 10/01/2023
Gopinath Ramachandran已簽署: 05:43, 10/01/2023
"Kindly send and discuss this concept with internet influencers like Joe Rogan, Lex Friedman, Yual Noah Harrari etc..."
MICHAEL GODBOUT已簽署: 02:19, 10/01/2023
"In Christum Credunt"
Isaac Quezada Malta已簽署: 01:06, 10/01/2023
"Muchas gracias por este esfuerzo, seguire estos principios en la medida y revisare su pagina para futuras acciones."
Dwayne Moquete 已簽署: 00:18, 10/01/2023
Manuel Fajardo 已簽署: 00:02, 10/01/2023
Dimitri Rupp已簽署: 19:31, 09/01/2023
"The 3 highest and universal values, which need to be protected under all circumstances, are freedom, life and knowledge. These values must be incorporated by each and every lifeform."
Ronald Fleming已簽署: 16:02, 09/01/2023
Denis Kozmér已簽署: 14:13, 09/01/2023
Georgy Vladimirov已簽署: 11:38, 09/01/2023
Marcel Cicort已簽署: 10:51, 09/01/2023
"Dont give up. Keep kt going"
Charl Bekker已簽署: 10:09, 09/01/2023
Xerxes Van Dyck Magno已簽署: 09:55, 09/01/2023
Yordan Shterev已簽署: 09:33, 09/01/2023
Tori Lannert已簽署: 03:25, 08/01/2023
melissa buckalew已簽署: 22:56, 06/01/2023
Sascha Wenzel已簽署: 10:01, 06/01/2023
Itančan Wašaka已簽署: 15:58, 05/01/2023
"The way to implement this is to create your own community or village, outside the current national jurisdictions legally. Become self-governing, a micro-nation. Become sovereign if you have the courage."
Michelle Perreault 已簽署: 23:53, 03/01/2023
kati jäger已簽署: 18:41, 01/01/2023
Jeff Farris已簽署: 10:39, 30/12/2022
"I pledge allegiance to our one collective sapien soul; and to an abundant planetary wealth, globally available. Each individual a part of our sole collective conscience; with my technology, my individual talent and service presented with the planet's abundant resources for all."
Atilla Atilla已簽署: 22:01, 27/12/2022
Franca Di Bisceglie已簽署: 17:20, 27/12/2022
Minjae Lee已簽署: 23:11, 20/12/2022
Diane Hall已簽署: 21:05, 19/12/2022
concetta flore已簽署: 10:42, 19/12/2022
"Ho letto il libro F-Day e sono entusiasta di sognare insieme a voi questo mondo giusto, equo e solidale."
Lisa Bugani 已簽署: 07:08, 16/12/2022
Christina Watson已簽署: 23:14, 14/12/2022
Simone Cândido da Silva Simone已簽署: 23:10, 12/12/2022
Martin Tanke已簽署: 00:36, 10/12/2022
Lara Doornbosch已簽署: 00:34, 10/12/2022
"Wat heerlijk om dit soort ideeën,waar ik zelf al zo lang mee rondloop en die bijna iedereen als utopisch bestempelt,hier terug te lezen.Ik geloof met heel mijn hart en ziel hierin,dus van harte bedankt hiervoor!"
Ryan Hoover已簽署: 00:08, 09/12/2022
Carlo Del Zanna已簽署: 22:15, 08/12/2022
Mahtab Soleymani已簽署: 14:05, 08/12/2022
Martina Camarda已簽署: 23:03, 06/12/2022
John Lee已簽署: 17:19, 06/12/2022
Moe Yan Aung已簽署: 11:43, 02/12/2022
"To the free world of love and science "
Marco Micelli已簽署: 21:37, 29/11/2022
Marco Micelli已簽署: 21:37, 29/11/2022
Michelle Storck已簽署: 18:50, 28/11/2022
Andrea Mercier已簽署: 19:37, 27/11/2022
Desirée Oliveira da Silva Melhado Desiree已簽署: 00:57, 26/11/2022
Gabriele Michalke已簽署: 10:30, 23/11/2022
Tony Gelsthorpe已簽署: 01:26, 23/11/2022
"I have thought for a long time this kind of world makes more sense than any other, such a money-based Capitalism system which is now vastly out-dated and cruel and heartless. "
Donna Morrison已簽署: 12:07, 20/11/2022

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