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展示 4,639 签署人来自 United Kingdom


Charya Hilton 已签署: 10:17, 13/11/2015
Diane Webster已签署: 09:50, 13/11/2015
Michael Westacott已签署: 09:11, 13/11/2015
"I wish to thank all those who have made this charter. it is time for this and I see it as a duty for me to help in anyway to bring this about. I begin by the signing and now to distribute the charter at every possible opportunity."
Lindsay De Boer已签署: 17:45, 12/11/2015
Salman Adam已签署: 16:21, 28/10/2015
paul paganuzzi已签署: 10:42, 23/10/2015
David Westwood已签署: 07:45, 23/10/2015
"It is our Divine right to compassionate too all people and treat people as you expect people to treat you. It's time to change the Ego with all it's greed with the Sale comes first the the human comes second. IT"S TIME TO CHANGE."
Roberto Dalle Donne已签署: 13:32, 16/10/2015
"Let's do it. All together. The time has come."
Bryon Hughes已签署: 17:08, 13/10/2015
"I also wish to abolish the concept of money. People should contribute not for personal reward but for the common good."
Avigail Abarbanel已签署: 07:58, 12/10/2015
Ian Barnes 已签署: 01:08, 12/10/2015
Donnie Temple已签署: 21:40, 11/10/2015
Jon Arlo已签署: 21:04, 06/10/2015
Robert Christopher已签署: 10:35, 06/10/2015
"The global economic system is clearly unsustainable and is the cause of much of our problems. An acknowledgement that we are all in this together and that we are the source of our own solutions, based on a new paradigm is essential for our future prosperity as a species. "
nathan parsons已签署: 07:26, 06/10/2015
wayne kisby已签署: 01:11, 05/10/2015
"I could say so much lets pray this works, good luck, you should get more traffic to this page.. its awesome.. "
Adam Green已签署: 12:58, 04/10/2015
"This speaks to me so deeply it brings tears to my eyes"
Rick Millington已签署: 19:40, 03/10/2015
Melanie Davison已签署: 06:59, 03/10/2015
"Perfect. This should be in schools.msave the world save the ppl .. Equality"
Mitchell Simmons已签署: 21:00, 02/10/2015
preetam kusuma已签署: 17:56, 28/09/2015
"Let us together give it a shot and try to genuinely contribute to the world for free "
Justyna Szymanska已签署: 16:33, 27/09/2015
Aidan Cavendish已签署: 22:13, 26/09/2015
"Happy to asist in the distribution of information leaflets e.t.c to raise awareness in the affluent area of marbella, Malaga, Spain."
Claire Roberts 已签署: 20:57, 23/09/2015
Ciaran Bowers已签署: 16:17, 21/09/2015
Josh Graham已签署: 22:15, 20/09/2015
Robert Holmes已签署: 17:01, 18/09/2015
"There is far too much needless suffering in the world, this New World Order needs to be recognised for its benefits to all humanity and needs to be promoted in all walks of life."
Colette Shaw已签署: 13:51, 18/09/2015
" This looks like a creative and strongly ethical; format to be carried through with firm and ethical solutions, with the public being incorruptible: "The Untouchables". There never should have been justifications for wars, torturing humans and animals. Nothing justifies suffering. A thriving global community should be encouraged, with a strong infra structure for trading: a peoples bank with a new currency, a world wide swap shop, communities that encourage sustainable forms of living, new forms of energy etc ! Then finally stop voting for people whom are egotistically self centred , narcissistic power and status loving egos, destructive and cruel, malignant to social coherence and balance. They have an obsession with superiority and control, and are developmentally retarded. The mature person aims for social coherence , through positive creative demonstrative acts. Not bullying and control, and using fear based tatics: traumatising collective sense of wellbeing and health."
Jane Robertson已签署: 07:55, 18/09/2015
Judy Carroll已签署: 04:00, 18/09/2015
"Stop the greed and pointless destruction in the name of what? MONEY DOES NOT FEED NOR LOOK AFTER THE PLANET! WAKE UP!! "
Jack littlefair已签署: 12:24, 17/09/2015
John Haskell已签署: 10:36, 17/09/2015
Rebecca White已签署: 22:01, 16/09/2015
Lennie Blake已签署: 08:25, 13/09/2015
"It's such a relief when I hear others speak the way I do! What a whole different fulfilling life it will be when this comes to pass. What a liberation! "
Hilary Land Leman已签署: 18:22, 12/09/2015
Gary Ferguson已签署: 09:12, 12/09/2015
Ro Goodwin已签署: 23:44, 10/09/2015
Iain Sime已签署: 13:07, 06/09/2015
"To change the world we all need to take actso."
Aleksndar Manojlovic已签署: 18:35, 05/09/2015
"Simple, applicable, beautiful and logical. Unlike our current system! NWO = NEUROTIC WORTHLESS OPRESSORS.... please lets pass this on as the new catchphrase, you heard it here 1st."
Dale Lilburn已签署: 00:00, 04/09/2015
paul barnard已签署: 19:10, 03/09/2015
"I believe that everything is free. Money is used to have power over others. If it stopped now, everything important would still be here, intact. We must evolve past these games. This charter is simple and honest, humane. Whether the end of money forces us to evolve, or we decide to walk away, humanity will awake. Either way. I hope more us can respect ourselves and our place in the universe, as I know freedom from the money numbers power game is not only possible, it is true personal power. We are equal and perfect. We don't need posessions and ownership to prove our worth. With respect."
仁恬 謝已签署: 21:11, 01/09/2015
David Clapham已签署: 09:03, 01/09/2015
shaun mckellar已签署: 18:28, 31/08/2015
Gavin Bain已签署: 05:08, 27/08/2015
bernie mccabe已签署: 12:36, 26/08/2015
Ossie Stewart已签署: 12:09, 22/08/2015
Lucy Marston已签署: 20:47, 21/08/2015
"I hope one day, I don't need to give money to anyone. Especially my fellow man."
Neil Hamilton已签署: 22:17, 20/08/2015
Zinzi Graham已签署: 10:34, 19/08/2015

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