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展示 4,639 签署人来自 United Kingdom


Jodian Rodgers已签署: 23:01, 09/05/2016
Dan Spooner已签署: 10:00, 09/05/2016
Shirley Knight已签署: 13:57, 05/05/2016
Vilma Gulbinaite已签署: 13:41, 04/05/2016
"A Contributionism Model is fantastic. Unity of everything and everyone. "
Stephen Shipley已签署: 07:47, 03/05/2016
Mark Adair 已签署: 19:10, 02/05/2016
Maxwell Kimberley-Thompson已签署: 17:01, 02/05/2016
Asha Gupta已签署: 15:54, 02/05/2016
LJ Ebden已签署: 08:29, 02/05/2016
"What is Life if it cannot be lived in Peace and Harmony? What is Life if we cannot Love or show Love to all? What is Life if we destroy other Lives for our own Greed? What can be done to Change all our Lives for the better? The Free World Charter could and can change Lives. The Free World Charter is a Better way Forward. The Free World Charter is the Only way Forward. The Free World Charter means Hope for All. "
Pauline Lyon已签署: 08:33, 01/05/2016
"We only have one world, lets look after it and it's citizens."
Magdalena Pakula已签署: 18:42, 29/04/2016
Charles Daniel已签署: 11:44, 29/04/2016
Christopher Phillips已签署: 08:04, 28/04/2016
Zion Sky已签署: 16:20, 26/04/2016
"I would like to help with this in any way I can. Also combine forces with other groups which hold the same goal and principles. "
Kiely Russell已签署: 15:19, 24/04/2016
Rosanna Stubbs 已签署: 09:08, 24/04/2016
Martins Miezis已签署: 12:51, 23/04/2016
Dean Rose已签署: 15:04, 22/04/2016
"The world should be one great commune where everybody helps each other, every benefits and everyone strives. Not to be confused with the idea of communism."
Graham Fletcher已签署: 23:24, 21/04/2016
Kevin Holmes已签署: 16:45, 21/04/2016
Des Wilson已签署: 16:16, 20/04/2016
Carolyn Doran已签署: 12:56, 17/04/2016
Monique Klang-Voves已签署: 09:18, 17/04/2016
"About time to raise the consciousness and a new beginning "
dean Smith已签署: 17:44, 12/04/2016
"Utopia and freedom which is a reality in our time "
Francesca Tabor已签署: 23:27, 11/04/2016
steve smith已签署: 22:11, 11/04/2016
Barry Robinson已签署: 20:46, 11/04/2016
Thomas Fogg已签署: 19:39, 10/04/2016
"Money is the root to all evel It's what's coursing pain and suffering Around the world Take out privet banking and corporations and unlawful laws Give us back are God given right to freedom with out control"
Izabela Biegala已签署: 21:45, 09/04/2016
Daniel Sandford已签署: 23:20, 08/04/2016
Della Langmead已签署: 17:40, 08/04/2016
Daniel Hill已签署: 17:24, 08/04/2016
Michael Wood已签署: 10:55, 08/04/2016
Damian Kleczaj已签署: 00:52, 04/04/2016
Gabriela Podgorska已签署: 09:34, 02/04/2016
Jeevandip Singh已签署: 19:11, 01/04/2016
"I look forward to creating a new world together in this new community."
Tony Bennett已签署: 18:54, 01/04/2016
"I am angry I am mad I am sad I am despondent at the inequality of this human race I am angry at the waste of food I am angry at the governments around the world that out business first before its own people I am heatedly sick of the slavery in all its forms I am sad to see that trillions are spent on wars I am angry that many people are sent to battles needlessly I am angry that business make their money from those wars that bring sorrow to millions I am angry and sad that the media is controlled and feed couch potatoes and zombies with lies, part truths and negative words that bring divisions between humanity I am sad that the 1% have control of all governments and I am angry enough to shout out but sick it falls on deaf ears because the masses have been kicked and sold a system that is enslaving them into a debt future of control I am saddened to know that hidden from us all is technology that could wipe out every hunger pain and house every human and its done with every humans money"
Magdalena Kobielusz已签署: 17:35, 01/04/2016
Norma Mcquillan已签署: 21:29, 31/03/2016
"....visualisation is a powerful tool"
Jon Covell已签署: 13:56, 30/03/2016
"It appears to me that the monetary system causes an unfair distribution of earth's resources. It also impacts the opportunities life could offer. The more money you have, the more avenues are open to explore. The less money you have, the more restrictive your choices. This can also leave you open (and frequently does) to exploitation. I also believe that the monetary system is slowing down human progress and development. Resources are costly and limit a companies ability to expand and improve. The cost of education reduces an individual's ability to expand their knowledge. It affects the government's ability to help those who need it most. It makes health difficult to administer. It puts profit before people and ethics. We all have something to contribute to humanity and to the earth we all share. If the money factor was removed then all boundaries would be ended and the human race would advance and prosper and be more compassionate than ever before."
Neil Gutteridge已签署: 18:11, 29/03/2016
Josephine Corden 已签署: 19:58, 28/03/2016
Nikole Campbell已签署: 19:18, 27/03/2016
George Justice已签署: 18:16, 27/03/2016
Fraser McFarlane已签署: 18:10, 26/03/2016
Elaine Charles已签署: 14:42, 23/03/2016
"Stop the greed and corruption, stop destroying our planet, which please the greedy coporations. Stop breeding fear in your endeavour to gain control and power. Stop illegally invading countries and murdering innocent men,women and children. Stop feeding the greedy corrupted bankers and selling and purchasing weapons which make the warmongers richer. Stop killing the masses using evil weapons like harp/cern, spraying poisons in the air and on the food we eat."
John Evans已签署: 17:41, 22/03/2016
"Sounds like a wonderful way of life"
Karla Beecroft已签署: 18:47, 20/03/2016
Richard Scott 已签署: 18:28, 20/03/2016
Sandie Perrins已签署: 09:28, 20/03/2016

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