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Listina za Prost in Svoboden Svet

"Naredimo vse prosto"

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Arie van der PijlPodpisanih: 23:35, 16/02/2014
Helga MeisPodpisanih: 01:38, 14/02/2014
Wanda BartmanPodpisanih: 00:46, 13/02/2014
Liz MommenhofPodpisanih: 15:26, 12/02/2014
Loes De Wilde-DuijndamPodpisanih: 17:21, 02/02/2014
Jolanda GerbecksPodpisanih: 08:15, 31/01/2014
"My hopes for the world are set on these principles and I will do whatever I can to contribute to them. Jolanda Gerbecks, Trainer and Coach for Inner Growth made visible."
Rick SteekelenburgPodpisanih: 16:53, 30/01/2014
DG WeertPodpisanih: 14:23, 30/01/2014
" Waar iedereen niet gelijk maar wel gelijkwaardig is!!"
Bas voskesPodpisanih: 21:24, 23/01/2014
Corné de VriesPodpisanih: 22:10, 21/01/2014
"I was already awake,but on November 10 2013 i have being visit by Annunaki'Annunaki is a word for ET's Extra-Terrestrial. They have teach me in 3 days what the meaning of life is. Since then i meditate everyday because since then i am connected with every live on earth. People schould look to a tree and ask themself. Where is my harmony on earth? I am water for 80% check I am air because i breath check,i am earth because i stand on it.. check. And i am light? am i? yes just like a tree you need to connect with the energy the light to burn away your negativity. Then you wil heal your innerself your chakra's They told me: People must lose their ego's first and then the can hear and see again. And they told me,Money is the cancer the real cancer from earth. Money destroys nature,human freedom and even the right to go what ever you whant to go. Money is the devil on earth. You people must realise this,you can make a choice to change the world. It is your reality change it and become"
Torre SassenPodpisanih: 23:17, 17/01/2014
Karin kooimanPodpisanih: 13:54, 16/01/2014
Marty BolluytPodpisanih: 10:32, 16/01/2014
m. zwagaPodpisanih: 09:36, 16/01/2014
Kevin ScholtenPodpisanih: 09:26, 16/01/2014
Gabriel PeraltaPodpisanih: 08:47, 16/01/2014
esther doriaPodpisanih: 08:11, 16/01/2014
Christian SpoorPodpisanih: 02:31, 16/01/2014
Kees KortewegPodpisanih: 16:13, 11/01/2014
gretha de vriesPodpisanih: 10:20, 10/01/2014
Jan-Paul DietzPodpisanih: 12:17, 09/01/2014
Umut AmoureusPodpisanih: 16:32, 07/01/2014
Wim TerpstraPodpisanih: 23:06, 06/01/2014
Cecilia FlapperPodpisanih: 09:50, 05/01/2014
Heleen de KoeijerPodpisanih: 22:17, 28/12/2013
Jasper OvermarsPodpisanih: 14:20, 28/12/2013
Gerda PosthumaPodpisanih: 00:26, 28/12/2013
"We moeten het met elkaar zien te doen!"
Gerrit CnossenPodpisanih: 14:48, 27/12/2013
"Zie ook de vele filmpjes van Karen Hudes die vertelt dat er - eerst - genoeg geld is voor iedereen .. maar een paar mensen zitten daar gewoon schaamteloos bovenop ..."
Diana SteenhuisPodpisanih: 19:44, 20/12/2013
Michel DillionsPodpisanih: 19:40, 14/12/2013
"en dat een ieder de Here Jezus mag leren kennen als beste vriend , Jezus Leeft , Gods zegen in Jezus naam , Michel Dillions = )"
GG TimmerPodpisanih: 10:01, 11/12/2013
Nirvan KollingPodpisanih: 18:12, 08/12/2013
"You can start exchanging, gifting and sharing as friends right now. You do NOT need legal credit, no diploma, occupation or social position to exchange money or goods as a gift from a friend to a friend. You do not need to pay taxes when giving feely and recieving freely. We don't have to wait for change, we can start co-creating our world right now!"
Tjeu SandersPodpisanih: 14:02, 08/12/2013
Myrna van der MolenPodpisanih: 12:06, 08/12/2013
Jan Peter BevaartPodpisanih: 00:03, 08/12/2013
"What feels Best for All Children, animals, fish, birds and insects to come….."
Jeroen KuperPodpisanih: 14:39, 07/12/2013
"Lets live together with each other. Not from each other as it is now. And when we live with each other, we will flourish and live will be a joy to live for every soul on this wonderful planet Gaia"
Maarten SchoutenPodpisanih: 14:21, 07/12/2013
Larissa RaasPodpisanih: 15:40, 05/12/2013
Jos SchmeetsPodpisanih: 21:55, 30/11/2013
Yvette DijkstraPodpisanih: 21:45, 30/11/2013
Thomas FossenPodpisanih: 14:30, 30/11/2013
Sabien HamburgerPodpisanih: 11:34, 28/11/2013
michael van t end Podpisanih: 11:29, 25/11/2013
"A free world is they only solution to they advancement of human kind "
micha wulffraatPodpisanih: 14:31, 23/11/2013
Shelby HendrickxPodpisanih: 12:01, 22/11/2013
"Time to free trapped bodies of free minds."
Kurt KuyerPodpisanih: 05:02, 18/11/2013
Alexandra WissinkPodpisanih: 09:32, 15/11/2013
Peter StuifzandPodpisanih: 23:39, 11/11/2013
"Wat mij betreft zal er zeer zeker veel moeten veranderen in de wereld. Een wereld zonder geld is een van de ideeen. Als het blijkt te werken is het misschien wel een van de betere ideeen om de wereld te veranderen."
Tjomme van ZwetPodpisanih: 09:15, 05/11/2013
Mirah van der WalPodpisanih: 12:09, 02/11/2013

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