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Listina za Prost in Svoboden Svet

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Hanna JärvinenPodpisanih: 21:09, 01/06/2012
Tony LodgePodpisanih: 20:46, 30/05/2012
"I am happy to sign the charter and believe it sets out ideas that are realisable and necessary."
Aless Di LetoPodpisanih: 18:39, 30/05/2012
kevin piettePodpisanih: 18:19, 28/05/2012
Benoît DeschoolmeesterPodpisanih: 15:52, 28/05/2012
"Bonjour ! Avez-vous un lieu de rencontre? Un bureau?"
Gunther VoetPodpisanih: 19:58, 27/05/2012
"Money seems to be dirtier than crude oil; available only truely to a small part of the population. The global industry is remodelling our life towards unification, while humans are always deemed to be versatile. I think; people aren't looked enough upon for their true qualities, while having a hold of a big pack money isn't a quality but rather an achievement. A world without money might be the next step in evolution, where wars won't fund the next century. Rather where emotions and feelings; but also creativity and professionality can help each one of us."
Yassin MoustahfidPodpisanih: 17:31, 26/05/2012
"I'm very happy that there are people who still care, think and act for the sake of our future"
Gielen AnitaPodpisanih: 17:32, 22/05/2012
julien valPodpisanih: 08:41, 19/05/2012
"Thank you for trying to start a gift economy as it existed in Spain beginning of 20 th century in a large area."
David DellPodpisanih: 00:18, 17/05/2012
"Sooner or later this will happen, rather sooner than later don't you think...?"
Isabelle Van AckenPodpisanih: 23:38, 16/05/2012
seggio stephaniePodpisanih: 20:00, 12/05/2012
danielle lekimePodpisanih: 18:23, 12/05/2012
CARMEN GONZALEZPodpisanih: 09:53, 12/05/2012
"Il est temps d'évoluer vers un monde meilleur pour tous. "
Angélique MartinPodpisanih: 19:57, 11/05/2012
"Nous pouvons construire un monde meilleur."
André dos SantosPodpisanih: 19:14, 11/05/2012
"I still find it fascinating how effortlessly and meticulously people tend to point out alleged shortcomings of a global Resource Based Economy and not realize how the current system's problems overshadow the latter by far but the same level of critical thinking is completely absent."
Olivier MoussaPodpisanih: 12:13, 11/05/2012
Fanny MartinPodpisanih: 08:57, 11/05/2012
Esther PierrePodpisanih: 06:04, 11/05/2012
Poels GatienPodpisanih: 22:32, 10/05/2012
folie laurentPodpisanih: 10:50, 10/05/2012
Maik PierrePodpisanih: 22:25, 09/05/2012
Andrée MATHESEPodpisanih: 22:22, 09/05/2012
Marc SchattenPodpisanih: 19:57, 09/05/2012
"Je dirais même plus : absolumently !!! Merci pour cette initiative qui rend mes apprentissages heureux et concrets. Merci à Roxanne Meadows, Jacque Fresco, Peter Joseph et à tous ceux qui oeuvrent avec compétence à ce projet commun. Merci à Henri Laborit aussi... NB : enseigner la biologie fondamentale dans les écoles, que les enfants comprennent objectivement ce qu'ils sont, avant de tomber dans le piège égotiste de l'extrême individualisme.. "comprendre c'est transformer ce qui est" , indeed !"
Christoph MarckxPodpisanih: 16:50, 09/05/2012
Dirk VerreyckenPodpisanih: 16:56, 06/05/2012
Gautier RavetPodpisanih: 19:16, 05/05/2012
Thérèse DelhayePodpisanih: 17:01, 05/05/2012
Guerin JeremiePodpisanih: 20:13, 04/05/2012
Anneke DijkstraPodpisanih: 00:00, 03/05/2012
Jozef De VoghtPodpisanih: 20:04, 28/04/2012
"Eindelijk de wereld waarvan ik heb gedroomd!"
philippe bonnetPodpisanih: 09:57, 28/04/2012
LUIGI LIGUOROPodpisanih: 04:02, 25/04/2012
dirk mariënPodpisanih: 21:12, 23/04/2012
jorre vandenbusschePodpisanih: 18:45, 23/04/2012
Gwenaël Heks LouisPodpisanih: 13:27, 20/04/2012
kristien janssoonePodpisanih: 10:31, 19/04/2012
Crista LinePodpisanih: 09:36, 17/04/2012
Julien LahayePodpisanih: 09:27, 17/04/2012
Martine HenkartPodpisanih: 08:15, 16/04/2012
luk sipsPodpisanih: 10:01, 14/04/2012
Els MartensPodpisanih: 17:12, 09/04/2012
Nicole MallefaitPodpisanih: 17:07, 09/04/2012
jona gauthierPodpisanih: 11:52, 09/04/2012
"un autre monde est possible :)"
Leon AxelPodpisanih: 08:39, 07/04/2012
Anne CanivetPodpisanih: 08:08, 05/04/2012
Naima LalamiPodpisanih: 12:14, 04/04/2012
Frédéric MarchalPodpisanih: 11:21, 04/04/2012
Charline LancelPodpisanih: 11:03, 04/04/2012
"Merci pour cette charte, je m'engage à la faire circuler."
Séverine EvelynePodpisanih: 22:19, 02/04/2012

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