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Carta Lumii Eliberate

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Afişarea 11,553 semnatarilor din United States

  [Arătaţi toate ţările]

Michael WalshSemnat: 02:23, 03/11/2018
"All of the millions of jobs dedicated to managing the money supply, greed, stock markets, debt collectors, cash machines, etc are a wasteful and useless practice in the world described above!"
Steve CottrellSemnat: 08:07, 28/10/2018
Tavorise JonesSemnat: 17:36, 23/10/2018
Samantha SheinkerSemnat: 04:45, 21/10/2018
"Money is just a heavy ball chain wrapped around your ankle. "
Lora WhiteSemnat: 04:56, 20/10/2018
alan gamageSemnat: 00:34, 19/10/2018
"making the world a better place starts from within"
Dyanne GavinSemnat: 18:19, 18/10/2018
Stacey NeubertSemnat: 14:21, 16/10/2018
"Let's unite to change our world for the betterment of all, not just a few."
Kevin WilsonSemnat: 22:38, 15/10/2018
"im me, who else shall I be ? I enjoy the outdoors. Anything from hiking & hunting to camping & metal-detecting. But i'm also introverted. So reading books, video games, online research & movies I enjoy. Smile it's contagious!!"
Kirk JonesSemnat: 02:08, 15/10/2018
Kirk JonesSemnat: 01:31, 15/10/2018
Laurie CyrSemnat: 13:38, 13/10/2018
"Money is a perversion threatening to destroy us. How we can rid ourselves of it is a mystery. Those in a position to aid in its destruction are also those who have most of the money. They have no incentive to do this! Ideas are needed."
April CarmanSemnat: 12:57, 13/10/2018
Francisco VeraSemnat: 15:39, 12/10/2018
stone petoskeySemnat: 21:13, 11/10/2018
Wilfredo Santos jrSemnat: 19:10, 11/10/2018
"Also look up Venus Project"
Aurelia AethyrSemnat: 22:26, 10/10/2018
Green BackSemnat: 12:58, 05/10/2018
"Thank you that I find this website, I love the concept! I am becoming a money protest artist: "
Mike KeatingSemnat: 20:55, 03/10/2018
Jordon MinishSemnat: 03:25, 01/10/2018
Marites Grace ObergSemnat: 18:23, 30/09/2018
Steven Marquez Semnat: 15:00, 29/09/2018
Kenny PlymaleSemnat: 06:19, 28/09/2018
William ScottSemnat: 02:14, 27/09/2018
Brenton ButlerSemnat: 13:28, 24/09/2018
Carla BrazilSemnat: 03:55, 22/09/2018
Ira IvaSemnat: 05:32, 18/09/2018
Chris HarbarukSemnat: 05:26, 18/09/2018
"May we focus on our own advancement, not as individuals, but as a whole."
Yves GnamienSemnat: 02:13, 16/09/2018
"This is what I am writing about. Let's keep in touch to share ideas. I would like to know more about this organization."
Bernie WillowSemnat: 02:54, 15/09/2018
Gari HandooSemnat: 01:49, 15/09/2018
Hank worthy SellersSemnat: 01:45, 15/09/2018
Hosep SellersSemnat: 01:26, 15/09/2018
Yosef SullarsSemnat: 01:24, 15/09/2018
Joseph SellarsSemnat: 00:40, 15/09/2018
Wilfredo SantosSemnat: 21:48, 13/09/2018
"Yea for real freedom "
Marvin NotMineSemnat: 21:29, 12/09/2018
"Perfect! But people still haven't figured out how to understand each other(love). But it will mos def make it easier for us too focus on fixing each other after we come together to fix the world.i have a lot more in store(my mind).feel FREE to hit me up."
Salvador ArredondoSemnat: 00:06, 11/09/2018
Amy DSemnat: 00:22, 09/09/2018
Susan CoutuSemnat: 14:29, 07/09/2018
ANDREA GromSemnat: 02:42, 07/09/2018
Madeline Kett Semnat: 02:05, 03/09/2018
Joseph MaileSemnat: 06:15, 01/09/2018
Steeve StiverneSemnat: 20:56, 31/08/2018
"Black Belt In Bad Vibe/Mojo & Evil Energy Blocker."
Nancy RasoSemnat: 02:49, 31/08/2018
Jason BossSemnat: 14:59, 30/08/2018
Eric WilcoxSemnat: 03:16, 30/08/2018
"I believe in a free world! Our beautiful planet deserves it!Thank you all for all that you do! "
A TSemnat: 21:03, 29/08/2018
Mark WagnonSemnat: 16:18, 28/08/2018
"I'm looking forward to seeing all the growing relations between the Free World Charter and the millions of individuals and organizations that are moving swiftly in this direction. It's time to 'play' as if we actually 'live' here."

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