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Carta Lumii Eliberate

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Afişarea 60 semnatarilor din Thailand

  [Arătaţi toate ţările]

Jimmie CoxSemnat: 02:55, 13/11/2011
Damien GOGETSemnat: 08:35, 27/10/2011
"Earth is not a gift from our parents but a loan from our children. We have the duty to take care of it and give them back in the best state possible according to our technology and our knowledge. With no money, you have no more possession. With no more possession, you have no more power. With no more power, you have no more authority but only natural leaders. Our generation has the duty to suppress the use of money within our community. "When the Power of Love will overcome the Love of Power, the World will be at peace""
scott yatesSemnat: 13:26, 20/09/2011
Kong HmongSemnat: 07:48, 19/07/2011
Kanyarat BhumprasertSemnat: 07:10, 30/04/2011
Charles FrithSemnat: 04:26, 21/04/2011
Alexandre SavianoSemnat: 11:15, 14/04/2011
penny thameSemnat: 01:44, 11/04/2011
Niels De MeyerSemnat: 02:29, 21/03/2011
"A great medium to promote a long overdue concept. Let's finally use some common sense"
David LaughtonSemnat: 11:51, 05/03/2011
"Choose life, not slavery"

* Vă rugăm luaţi notă, comentariile semnatarilor nu sunt moderate şi s-ar putea să nu reflecte cu acurateţe vederile acestei iniţiative

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