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Carta Lumii Eliberate

"Să facem totul gratuit"

Afişarea 4,638 semnatarilor din United Kingdom

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Rebecca GibsonSemnat: 01:55, 09/09/2017
Steven HarrySemnat: 20:12, 06/09/2017
James GundrySemnat: 12:47, 31/08/2017
"Imagine you've gone for a stroll in vest and shorts. The weather becomes blistering hot as the day goes on. You have no cash nor card on you for a cold drink, so you wait until you get home all hot, bothered, dehydrated and exhausted. Now imagine the same stroll where the weather gets really hot really quick. You walk into a supplier (not a store) and greet the grab a cold water from the shelf and consume it. You say goodbye to the shelf-stacker and continue on with your day. Just a silly example...but is it really that silly to imagine a circumstance like this? #FreeWorld "
Kate TalbotSemnat: 18:23, 30/08/2017
Joanna GodolphinSemnat: 15:01, 30/08/2017
Angela DunningSemnat: 20:28, 28/08/2017
gary cheshireSemnat: 17:07, 27/08/2017
"If not you then who"
Heather HattersleySemnat: 21:09, 26/08/2017
Genevieve AsseoSemnat: 18:41, 20/08/2017
Shelley LondonSemnat: 20:26, 15/08/2017
Lesley BurdettSemnat: 21:11, 14/08/2017
"Little steps #beleive "
Seanna RockSemnat: 13:47, 14/08/2017
Rose OkeefeSemnat: 11:58, 09/08/2017
David WinterSemnat: 15:27, 08/08/2017
"If we all strive at least, in everything we do, to produce more that we consume, we're more than half way to a world of achievable abundance."
Lina Bruzaite Semnat: 14:34, 06/08/2017
Darren CurtisSemnat: 23:15, 04/08/2017
"A kind and gentle guide sharing love, light and healing"
George HattersleySemnat: 17:43, 04/08/2017
"Can't believe I haven't signed this yet haha. Should've done years ago"
Giedrius SarkaSemnat: 23:44, 27/07/2017
Karen ReevesSemnat: 15:05, 25/07/2017
Noreen GriffithsSemnat: 22:31, 23/07/2017
"For the survival of future generations."
Rob JamesSemnat: 01:49, 23/07/2017
"Wakey's time for change folks!"
Kenny ClarkSemnat: 07:06, 22/07/2017
Kirsty MacRaeSemnat: 20:51, 17/07/2017
Beverley RobertsSemnat: 20:10, 17/07/2017
melony gallagherSemnat: 17:18, 17/07/2017
"I am hoping to create a Ubuntu Contributionism circle in Plymouth, Devon, UK. Find me or Ubuntu Plymouth facebook group or email for more info. The world is awakening!"
Reuben PuddySemnat: 09:16, 17/07/2017
Lee WelchSemnat: 11:54, 16/07/2017
"Building community through labours of love with other conscious individuals and groups"
ricky linsdellSemnat: 09:30, 16/07/2017
Jordon Annon Semnat: 06:35, 15/07/2017
Stuart BrassSemnat: 21:11, 14/07/2017
"Firmly believe that the economical, ecological and social paradigms will have to be (or indeed maybe forced to be) changed."
Suzy EcclesSemnat: 20:58, 14/07/2017
Nadia JamesSemnat: 00:01, 27/06/2017
James GreenSemnat: 20:00, 07/06/2017
Dan ErdeiSemnat: 04:13, 02/06/2017
Laura Lumachi HuntonSemnat: 15:02, 31/05/2017
"I do welcome this Charter and its founders' enterprising spirit in getting it together and circulated thus far. Whilst I agree with all the principles in it, the 8th one is worded a bit ambiguously due to its reference to 'progress'. The 'pursuit of progress' has been the shallow mantra of Western civilisation for the last two to three centuries and has been used to promote & justify an iniquitous economic system that has brought our precious planet to the current brink of collapse. I would prefer for that much abused word to be taken out of the Charter. I have a further problem with the application of 'logic' and 'knowledge' being used as criteria to promote the so-called progress: who defines logic and knowledge? Human beings squabble constantly about such concepts! I would personally redefine this principle less ambiguously. Principle 9) is so much clearer and unambiguous. "
Rishi Mehta Semnat: 00:23, 31/05/2017
"So strange, literally this morning I drafted the following and know stumbled across your site: (Re)Investment trumps saving (hoarding of wealth by the rich and corporations means capital is not being re-employed) Free Markets/Trade trumps corporate tax cuts as it gives rise to competition and best deal for consumers (requires regulators to prevent monopolies forming) Economic growth requires prosperous employment (not zero hour contracts, sub-living wages, in-work poverty) Economic growth requires value creation, i.e. both creativity and making something of value (all else will be automated) Economic growth with prosperous & sustainable consumption per citizen trumps GDP (wasting stuff makes GDP go up, and also doesn't take into account environmental costs or population growth) (There are more points I can't fit...) "
Nathan MccarthySemnat: 05:25, 30/05/2017
Stephanie LeatherSemnat: 07:48, 26/05/2017
Chris SetzSemnat: 12:57, 25/05/2017
Chris AllenSemnat: 23:30, 24/05/2017
Steven Blackwood Semnat: 22:06, 11/05/2017
Samuel EcclesSemnat: 10:36, 11/05/2017
Julie JohnsonSemnat: 10:28, 08/05/2017
Diana Da SilvaSemnat: 19:42, 06/05/2017
Julie WaitSemnat: 07:04, 06/05/2017
linda RobinsonSemnat: 11:54, 05/05/2017
richard blongSemnat: 14:07, 04/05/2017
Manuel AssisSemnat: 00:33, 02/05/2017
Michael WoodSemnat: 22:28, 30/04/2017
Michael SweetloveSemnat: 10:53, 27/04/2017

* Vă rugăm luaţi notă, comentariile semnatarilor nu sunt moderate şi s-ar putea să nu reflecte cu acurateţe vederile acestei iniţiative

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