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Afişarea 1,949 semnatarilor din Australia

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Jakob SikaisSemnat: 02:04, 29/05/2015
kane sorraghanSemnat: 07:33, 25/05/2015
carissa louiseSemnat: 15:29, 24/05/2015
Joseph DeinnocentisSemnat: 05:25, 20/05/2015
janine howeSemnat: 02:19, 11/05/2015
"number 9...people with disabilities still contribute to life on earth simply by existing....although most people with a disability are still able to contribute to society in their own way..every body is capable of making the world a better place simply by being alive and living with a positive spirit.. "
Frances AmarouxSemnat: 00:50, 11/05/2015
"Very happy to be a associated with this Charter. Sounds like its also linked to Michael Tellinger's Contributionism idea. Lets create the world to which we all want to belong to. "
Katrina McCreadieSemnat: 23:51, 04/05/2015
Glen Moray SmillieSemnat: 03:23, 01/05/2015
"As I am grown from this world so are we grown from each-other. For within me there are tears that always run from the mountains of woe that are heaped with the souls of my people whom oppression has enslaved. We have ahead of us the insurmountable opportunity of survival,humanity must choose between the self and itself. Allow yourself to feel your soul,to connect with spirit and know the golden path. "
Rea DSemnat: 15:51, 28/04/2015
David MannionSemnat: 11:35, 27/04/2015
Sam Bromiley Semnat: 08:41, 27/04/2015
cameron brooksSemnat: 07:26, 27/04/2015
tarhesha laneyrieSemnat: 07:04, 27/04/2015
"Love the efforts and imagination put into this! I as a open minded person can really contribute to this you people are are amazing. We need to make a change one person can be a big difference! Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth you owe me. Look what happens with love like that it lights the whole sky ??"
Annie Hollaway Semnat: 04:06, 27/04/2015
"This gives me such faith. I hope all awaken to this, before it is too late."
paddy curranSemnat: 23:53, 26/04/2015
Charles DashSemnat: 22:21, 26/04/2015
"I have been dreaming of an idea for so long and have finally stumbled across this brilliant page and ideas. Thank you so much guys/girls and together we can change humanity for the better."
Stephen WallSemnat: 20:35, 26/04/2015
"This is exactly what I have been thinking for ages now. I thought it was just me "
Sally Del PerugiaSemnat: 07:58, 20/04/2015
"Do you really see this as possible ?? Those who have money are not going to give up their position so easily merely because power is very seductive to the human ego ...but I am optimistic always..I would love this world that you are talking of"
Jillian SethiSemnat: 03:09, 20/04/2015
Grant CottrellSemnat: 01:04, 18/04/2015
Susan Susan EtheringtonSemnat: 07:47, 17/04/2015
Dawn CurzonSemnat: 04:23, 14/04/2015
Conor HartySemnat: 07:52, 13/04/2015
Wolfgang LoescherSemnat: 00:20, 12/04/2015
"Things need to change.The world is very sick and we are all living on a knifes edge. The house of cards we have created is about to come down and it could happen tomorrow or in 10 years but it will happen. Everyone needs to wake up to this fact. Imaging what we could achieve if we freed up all the minds in the world. Will it be easy? no Will it be perfect? most likely not What have we got to lose to try it. "
Joanne SaundersSemnat: 08:21, 07/04/2015
Karin RossSemnat: 09:55, 04/04/2015
Micheal KnuckeySemnat: 00:32, 26/03/2015
Pete GossnerSemnat: 06:14, 14/03/2015
Ali MilnerSemnat: 23:45, 10/03/2015
Shakti SaraswatiSemnat: 11:47, 10/03/2015
Jamie BrearleySemnat: 11:32, 09/03/2015
kim brearleySemnat: 11:25, 09/03/2015
Jason BandtockSemnat: 22:04, 08/03/2015
Catherine DowlingSemnat: 22:39, 04/03/2015
XiaoBin liuSemnat: 08:14, 04/03/2015
"谢谢你们为我们做出的一切,我非常喜欢你们的理念-永远没有战争,没有饥饿,没有贫困,没有偏见,没有歧视,没有国界。。。。 以前,我觉得那是天堂才有的,但是我看了你们的视频,我相信可以实现它的。 我觉得各国政府会同意吗?他们会想办法无限期拖延,直到计划流产。 我个人认为邀请友善的外星人来帮助我们,例如银河联邦等等,这样我们成功的机会就更大。 不管如何,有机会我都会宣传你们的理念。 再次谢谢你们为我们做的一切!"
Didier KlaarSemnat: 11:22, 01/03/2015
Bart HeerenSemnat: 11:37, 27/02/2015
Pat McSweeneySemnat: 11:22, 27/02/2015
Michael CrickSemnat: 02:24, 26/02/2015
Wylie TerrySemnat: 05:44, 25/02/2015
David ColeSemnat: 13:13, 24/02/2015
"I agree to the principles of the free world charter, for it reflects the ancient existence of my Aboriginal heritage of Australia, that everything has it's respectful and purposeful place and all in the Tribe/Community will work together to exist in balance and harmony with our creator, mother earth and play our role accordingly to ensure a respectful balance exists between all of natures creations. "
Laurin KingSemnat: 03:13, 23/02/2015
Sandra WalkerSemnat: 02:54, 23/02/2015
Elisa O'KeefeSemnat: 02:35, 23/02/2015
Rosie GallagherSemnat: 00:04, 23/02/2015
Reagan WardSemnat: 09:36, 22/02/2015
"The world must return to the pursuit of living pure life."
Katina CzyczelisSemnat: 03:21, 17/02/2015
matthew HoleSemnat: 21:12, 11/02/2015
Tanya CurtisSemnat: 04:19, 11/02/2015
aicha cherifiSemnat: 15:25, 10/02/2015
"How would people work machines without an incentive? "

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