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Carta Lumii Eliberate

"Să facem totul gratuit"

Hugo Daniel Vejar RuedaSemnat: 18:00, 13/08/2013
"Increible Propuesta por una nueva forma de vida en comunion con la naturaleza y con el resto de las personas, todos somos el universo!!!. I´m musician too, I live here in Guayaquil, you could come here, our society here is far away from these concepts, in fact our governments as third world countries are trying to get into the consumption era because theres plenty of poor planet across the cities so it´s difficult to make a change from that reality. Please feel free to come here and share with the people from Ecuador, I´d love to share with you and all the common sense knowledge that we need today. You have place to stay, food and transport in Guayaquil. saludos amigo."

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