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"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Mostrando 833 signatários de Portugal

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Luís CampanhãAssinou: 02:05, 25/02/2012
David GasparAssinou: 16:19, 24/02/2012
"Partilhem isto pelo mundo.. Peace"
Igor AbibeAssinou: 14:33, 23/02/2012
Ivan GonçaloAssinou: 07:54, 23/02/2012
"Everone i seem to ask simply can't imagine a world without money, everyone seems programed to think it's simply impossible, and who can blame them? if they don't know any other way of living, all they know is that it's always been like this. But now we'r reaching a point where most of the world is broke and country's going bankrupt, our way of life is inefficient and outdated, something must be done. It is true that a world without money seems but a distant dream, but i would love to see it happen in my lifetime, seems like a hell of alot better than what we have right now..."
Gabriela MarramaqueAssinou: 01:54, 22/02/2012
Diogo DuarteAssinou: 19:26, 21/02/2012
"I'd like to know your opinion if I told you that there is a way to alleviate the need of money for people in the current system."
Pedro BarandaAssinou: 15:10, 21/02/2012
paulo jorgeAssinou: 19:26, 20/02/2012
"aparenta a ser um sonho, mas há sonhos que se tornam realidade!..."
Bárbara GasparAssinou: 15:06, 18/02/2012
Rui NunesAssinou: 21:32, 16/02/2012
Frederico MartinsAssinou: 15:04, 14/02/2012
João CarvalhoAssinou: 14:17, 13/02/2012
Rafael Zamith PereiraAssinou: 03:35, 13/02/2012
mario medeirosAssinou: 17:54, 12/02/2012
Vasco AzevedoAssinou: 06:52, 10/02/2012
MARIA HELENANETO NETOAssinou: 23:33, 09/02/2012
Tiago CardosoAssinou: 22:44, 09/02/2012
isabel canholaAssinou: 20:53, 09/02/2012
Paulo AlvesAssinou: 20:27, 09/02/2012
ana fernandesAssinou: 19:47, 09/02/2012
Rui CardonaAssinou: 18:28, 09/02/2012
david sobreiroAssinou: 23:55, 08/02/2012
"for i am a citizen of the world , 1world1love"
Bruno ValenteAssinou: 00:57, 07/02/2012
"We could create a parellell society without money, the contries or people could inscribe in it, and try, then smothly start to leave apart the money."
Rui CastroAssinou: 00:22, 07/02/2012
Aires Vilas BoasAssinou: 22:45, 06/02/2012
João PedroAssinou: 20:22, 05/02/2012
Inácio LamasAssinou: 18:15, 04/02/2012
Xeno FoxAssinou: 01:34, 03/02/2012
Paulo César Belchior MachadoAssinou: 23:28, 02/02/2012
"They, who command the monetary system only have one fear. That people would open their eyes and unite themselfs in the common goal of refusing to be money slaves. Change can not come soon enougth. Our planet and all life on it demands it. We owe it to our children to build a better world, free from the tirany of very few."
Mário CruzAssinou: 19:24, 02/02/2012
"I just wanted to say that is with projects like this that the people are going to start to change. We need to stop caring about our own confort and necessities and start realizing that we need to reconect to the nature, to your friends, to our big big FAMILY. We won't last much the way we are living. 'Be the change you want to see in the world'"
Marta NetoAssinou: 23:43, 01/02/2012
Catarina OliveiraAssinou: 01:22, 27/01/2012
Nuno RaposoAssinou: 05:38, 25/01/2012
"Let's free the world :)"
Nuno RicardoAssinou: 11:57, 24/01/2012
"As several men once said, we either learn to live together or die individually. This is the scenario we are living with more and more each day that passes."
hugo samuelAssinou: 10:01, 24/01/2012
"PLZZ now ! we need this now"
Diogo MoreiraAssinou: 23:16, 23/01/2012
Bárbara MeloAssinou: 00:19, 23/01/2012
Carlos RodriguesAssinou: 23:52, 22/01/2012
Carla de SousaAssinou: 10:57, 22/01/2012
Madalena PáscoaAssinou: 10:43, 22/01/2012
"I'm thrilled to see more and more people interested in the elimination of currency. It is, in fact, outdated, and a barrier to progress and equality. My concern is: how can we make it possible? How will we reach out to those who grew with the current mentality, and are unable (or unwilling) to think differently? It's meant to be a peaceful process, a natural evolution of the planet we're in. At least to me. I can't imagine the world handling much more of the monetary system: not without increasing war, scarcity and inequality. Let's strive and contribute to make the world a more balanced and equal place to live."
Pedro Lima de CarvalhoAssinou: 02:07, 22/01/2012
helena silvaAssinou: 02:02, 22/01/2012
"i still think this is utopic but i do wish this could be a dream that comes true someday!"
Hugo CostaAssinou: 18:45, 21/01/2012
Maria AguiarAssinou: 13:05, 21/01/2012
Filipe MonteiroAssinou: 18:58, 20/01/2012
francisco oneto nunesAssinou: 14:08, 19/01/2012
Ana CastilhoAssinou: 21:02, 18/01/2012
Sofia FreireAssinou: 19:52, 16/01/2012
"My only doubt is: What will we do to others who don't think like us and seek power?"
António AbernúAssinou: 17:12, 16/01/2012

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