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Carta do Mundo Livre

"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Mostrando 833 signatários de Portugal

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João CamachoAssinou: 16:34, 08/04/2012
catherine ferrandAssinou: 11:51, 08/04/2012
Maarina ValadaAssinou: 11:26, 08/04/2012
"É urgente um mundo com Amor e Humanidade"
Luís RicardoAssinou: 03:42, 08/04/2012
isabel silvaAssinou: 02:20, 08/04/2012
"Pleased to meet you!"
Pedro MacedoAssinou: 15:00, 06/04/2012
Pietro RossiAssinou: 00:36, 05/04/2012
ERNESTINO SACRAMENTOAssinou: 17:16, 29/03/2012
André GiebelsAssinou: 22:50, 28/03/2012
"This would be a dream come true. Yet, I know that it's a distant reality for all people around the world to agree on a common and universal rule for the well-being of all humanity. Thanks for this initiative and I wish it the best of luck."
Miguel NunesAssinou: 16:48, 27/03/2012
Fernando SilvaAssinou: 11:27, 27/03/2012
"Não podemos resolver os problemas de hoje utilizando as soluções que os criaram inicialmente."
Cristina CarvalhoAssinou: 22:30, 26/03/2012
Cristina CarvalhoAssinou: 22:30, 26/03/2012
Marcelo OliveiraAssinou: 16:07, 26/03/2012
Alexander RusskikhAssinou: 10:32, 26/03/2012
Rodolfo DemétrioAssinou: 09:52, 26/03/2012
ricardo carvalhoAssinou: 19:52, 25/03/2012
Ian James PrestonAssinou: 08:34, 23/03/2012
"These points go without saying. I find it astounding that our world does not operate with these principles in place already."
Luís Miguel NunesAssinou: 19:25, 21/03/2012
Diogo Penha Ferreira AlçadaAssinou: 11:46, 21/03/2012
"Can I translated to Portuguese, there are a lot of people that I know and don't understand english that would like to sign this for sure!!"
Jose CasimiroAssinou: 05:34, 21/03/2012
"Assim poderemos todos amar-nos uns aos outros e ao planeta ao mesmo tempo, sem qualquer tipo de condicionalismos."
Bruno CostaAssinou: 13:12, 20/03/2012
Peter Koll TameraAssinou: 15:55, 12/03/2012
"Yes, I fully agree - and me and my friends are working on this : Tamera Manifesto - For a New Generation on Planet Earth. A New Planetary Community Besides the global riots, there is today a global movement to save life on earth. It consists of groups from Indigenous, Buddhist or Christian peace-traditions, especially in Latin America and Tibet. And of those moved peace-activists, environmentalists and seekers of life that has long known that there is no future worth living within the existing systems. We see a new generation of pilgrims from all countries travelling across the earth. They are no longer bound to nation, language, race, culture or religion, nor to wealth or possessions. They help in crisis areas, visit sacred sites, meet at campfires and in hostels, share their bread and develop a new quality of community. A new global citizenship is developing beyond all institutions. ..."
Maria da Conceição Nogueiro GomesAssinou: 00:19, 12/03/2012
Antonio José de Sousa e SilvaAssinou: 19:18, 11/03/2012
Maria da Graça Ferreira LeiteAssinou: 16:50, 11/03/2012
Claudia CostaAssinou: 16:09, 11/03/2012
Manuel RodriguesAssinou: 15:30, 07/03/2012
Melissa GonçalvesAssinou: 17:28, 06/03/2012
Vitor FreitasAssinou: 02:30, 06/03/2012
Ariana RamosAssinou: 02:20, 06/03/2012
Bernardo CoelhoAssinou: 01:54, 06/03/2012
"I really hope we are heading to this new awareness that life itself is really worth living and freedom is a right for everything that lives."
sound answerAssinou: 00:30, 05/03/2012
João MiguelAssinou: 00:12, 05/03/2012
Jorge MartinsAssinou: 23:44, 04/03/2012
"I am a SoundDesigner and all what I want is to do what I like whitout looking to the money and worries derived from that."
Pedro MartinsAssinou: 22:43, 04/03/2012
Maria C. PrazeresAssinou: 22:32, 04/03/2012
Pedro CoutoAssinou: 21:38, 04/03/2012
Aleo VeuliahAssinou: 20:51, 04/03/2012
"This is a great idea, but first we have to eliminate those who have power and those who are selfish, and terminate with politicians that in majority only tell us lies and only care about themselves. And this a great task, that needs support from millions and millions of people, hope many agree with this and sign here. This world really have to change into a better one and we must take care for real of the nature and all animals, and the planet it self Maybe it is going to take some time for we see a really free world with real justice for all "
José SebastiaoAssinou: 17:12, 03/03/2012
bold manAssinou: 04:49, 02/03/2012
Vasco Manuel Pestana PiresAssinou: 21:01, 29/02/2012
"Há que inverter a tendência actual..."
Vitor TorresAssinou: 17:48, 29/02/2012
Diogo MascarenhasAssinou: 01:48, 29/02/2012
Hunot AnaïsAssinou: 22:45, 28/02/2012
Paulo PintoAssinou: 14:06, 28/02/2012
Sergio BatistaAssinou: 22:05, 26/02/2012
Gonçalo CORREIAAssinou: 05:32, 26/02/2012
Mónica CampanhãAssinou: 23:32, 25/02/2012
Isabel oliveiraAssinou: 14:59, 25/02/2012

* Por favor note, os comentários de signatários não são moderados e podem não reflectir com rigor as perspectivas desta iniciativa

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