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Carta do Mundo Livre

"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Mostrando 7 signatários de Cayman Islands

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Bryan WilliamAssinou: 09:57, 07/03/2016
Sean RodgersAssinou: 17:45, 30/04/2013
"I believe in a better future and foresee a world without money as a possibility. The other big problem is of course religion. Responsible for as many wars and empty bellies as money it'll be a real challenge to change something that is based on the fear of an afterlife. One thing I do know is that something needs to change soon and because of that I support this philosophy wholeheartedly. Good luck to us all..."
Eric ThomsonAssinou: 20:02, 26/10/2012
louise desjardinsAssinou: 03:44, 19/04/2012
darryl lewisAssinou: 00:11, 27/02/2012
"I have been looking for this for a long time. I love it."
Wolfgang MoecklAssinou: 23:42, 20/02/2012
Jean-Paul PépinAssinou: 20:20, 09/01/2012
"Le temps est venu de changer le cap de notre voyage. Le mien ne sera plus l'accumulation de biens mais l'utilisation harmonieuse et équitable de ma planète , de ses arbres, de ses plantes et de ses habitants humains ou non. "

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