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"Vamos tornar tudo gratuito e livre"

Mostrando 833 signatários de Portugal

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João DiasAssinou: 00:12, 26/06/2012
Jorge FerrinhoAssinou: 12:56, 25/06/2012
Ana PintoAssinou: 11:37, 23/06/2012
Anabela FernandesAssinou: 15:41, 22/06/2012
michael maheshAssinou: 23:54, 21/06/2012
Ricardo NunesAssinou: 15:45, 21/06/2012
dhyan sumeruAssinou: 14:27, 21/06/2012
"its time to end the political system and grow to wards peace and harmony if we allow the system that is place to continue it will destroy us all"
David DiasAssinou: 19:03, 19/06/2012
Roberto PatricioAssinou: 01:58, 19/06/2012
Gustavo Morales LegayAssinou: 15:56, 18/06/2012
Filipe MaiaAssinou: 16:02, 17/06/2012
lucka koscakAssinou: 10:49, 14/06/2012
"Super. To me vse spominja na Kubansko deklaracjijo clovekovih pravic. In res se tamtrudijo tako ziveti, le da jih vsi nasi "svobodni" mediji (ki sluzijo kapitalizmu) cisto ignorirajo"
jose miguelAssinou: 01:13, 12/06/2012
Pedro PalhaAssinou: 17:42, 08/06/2012
Rodrigo BarrosAssinou: 01:22, 07/06/2012
Pedro Moura CoutinhoAssinou: 21:44, 05/06/2012
João BichoAssinou: 22:15, 04/06/2012
"Parece uma utopia!... Mas também é certo que sempre foi assim que nasceram as grandes mudanças. Fico pois expectante para perceber como se desenrolará o processo de implementação, prática, desta utopia."
Nuno MiraAssinou: 00:49, 01/06/2012
"A free money society will be the goal to achieve only when all people over the world are engaged too it!...But for sure will be better to us and earth...."
Sergio MarquesAssinou: 22:39, 31/05/2012
Rui Armando EstevesAssinou: 12:42, 31/05/2012
João vianaAssinou: 14:04, 30/05/2012
""There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning." Louis L'Amour. Assim de esta forma tão simples e possivel já."
claire hogarthAssinou: 22:43, 29/05/2012
"When the power of LOVE overcomes the power of money .... We shall have PEACE (jimmi hendrix)"
Manuel MarquesAssinou: 04:50, 27/05/2012
"I am so happy that a new way of living on this planet is emerging. Consciousness is it, be happy and free!"
Maria Eva HauerAssinou: 23:15, 26/05/2012
Bruno LavosAssinou: 04:55, 26/05/2012
Bruno BragaAssinou: 02:46, 20/05/2012
"I just want to say that I'm glad to see that there are more people that think alike, and that it's not an utopia if we make it happen."
Diana van HellemondAssinou: 02:02, 19/05/2012
alexandre carneiroAssinou: 12:56, 14/05/2012
Sara PereiraAssinou: 11:54, 14/05/2012
Mário JorgeAssinou: 02:29, 14/05/2012
harald rothermelAssinou: 14:55, 12/05/2012
"the only diference between now and a world without money is that we will not pay anymore for what we want and need. and we will be sharing. and we will be celebating the connection between us. and we will live empathy. and we will be loving each other in unique ways. and we will be re-inventing our own live in every moment. and we will be sharing the same values. and we will be cooperating. and we will feel free. and we will use our potencials. and we will be breathing clean air. and we will be eating balanced and perfect food. and we will be joining in peace and love. and we will celebrate live. and we will fullfill our purposes. and we will be friends. and we will do what we love. and we will love what we do. and we will explode the planet in a huge giant love-energy burst. and we will continue our spiritual path into new adventures on other levels. and we will be the evolution. and we will be floating in love and we will"
Adrien RosadoAssinou: 19:10, 11/05/2012
Maria Luisa Rosário ValezimAssinou: 09:26, 11/05/2012
Paula MirandaAssinou: 08:16, 11/05/2012
Iris DjinnAssinou: 21:15, 04/05/2012
Bruno MiguelAssinou: 21:04, 04/05/2012
Kika ScheimannAssinou: 12:22, 03/05/2012
"i´m with you all the way...count on me"
Agnes en Albert Ruigrok-KesselsAssinou: 12:32, 02/05/2012
"Geweldig als we zo op onze aarde kunnen wonen in onvoorwaardelijke liefde voor elkaar...mens, dier en natuur....een leven in overvloed voor iedereen."
Agnes Ruigrok-KesselsAssinou: 12:22, 02/05/2012
"..Great if we could live on mother & light"
Ana Maria Dias Velasquez LéAssinou: 19:33, 01/05/2012
Ricardo LéAssinou: 19:11, 01/05/2012
Paulo SilvaAssinou: 22:08, 30/04/2012
"lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
Alessandro PeriniAssinou: 12:27, 30/04/2012
Alexandre MergulhãoAssinou: 22:14, 25/04/2012
"It´s very important that you make more viseble references to The Venus Project - in order to explaine how its possible to achieve real prosperaty with the application of technology - and to the Zeitgeist movies and movement. Big hug"
vitor manuel neves cordeiroAssinou: 13:04, 18/04/2012
"I'm 45 now, but i positively believe,that in our kids lifetime the change whill be acheaved.critical masse is building up.let's spread the word,and very important,act in conformity.with conscience. that's all we need!!!"
Pedro BotelhoAssinou: 21:42, 17/04/2012
Alex GonçalvesAssinou: 13:15, 13/04/2012
"This world needs a real change.."
alvaro GoncalvesAssinou: 12:56, 13/04/2012
"Living with out money and go to the stars to meet our brothers and sisters from the stars..."
afonso pachecoAssinou: 22:56, 10/04/2012
Nuno MendonçaAssinou: 17:21, 10/04/2012

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