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Mostrando 833 signatários de Portugal

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Humberto ChulaAssinou: 20:28, 18/01/2013
daniel alexandreAssinou: 17:38, 18/01/2013
"Advanced civilizations do not use money"
António FradiqueAssinou: 20:51, 16/01/2013
Eduardo MartinsAssinou: 16:35, 16/01/2013
"I don´t know what is your goal behind this, but im curious. Since money was created to better trade itens between people, rather then saying a chicken value 2 fishs and so on.. the problem was the money games and speculation other idiots did... we are on the edge of totaly destroing hte society because of greed of some lazzy ones that never done hard work in their lives..."
Carlos MiguelAssinou: 12:37, 16/01/2013
andre aguilarAssinou: 18:02, 14/01/2013
andre aguilarAssinou: 18:02, 14/01/2013
Rodrigo LealAssinou: 16:32, 12/01/2013
"I was raised to believe that my goal in life should be get a good job that gave me lots of money to buy a good car and a huge house and all the things i wanted, and for many years that is what i thought i wanted. But somewhere along the way i woke up, i realised that what i thought was sucess, was an ilusion created by the very system we live in. A system where you are a slave, you are told what to do, how to feel, what to think form the day you are born. A system which decides who gets do have something based on a thing as artificial and as worthless as money. Fortunately i realised i wasn't alone and there is a way out of this system, and it's as easy as to refuse to play by these rules and creating a new system that respects and treats everyone the same way. I know that one day this will change and i don't know when, but i want to help to change the world and everyone should because we all live in it."
duarte limaAssinou: 05:19, 10/01/2013
Sérgio GasparAssinou: 20:51, 06/01/2013
Mendes Barbas BarbasAssinou: 01:50, 05/01/2013
"É um dever face aos múltiplos perigos que ameaçam a humanidade dar toda a ênfase possível à divulgação destes princípios. Há neste o milhões de crianças homens e mulheres em perigo real da sua existência! Em todo o globo e também em Portugal! Portugal é o nome que designa uma determinada zona do Globo."
Rui SilvaAssinou: 01:32, 05/01/2013
Helder GonçalvesAssinou: 11:46, 04/01/2013
"The Gods plan will be Acomplished"
António CostaAssinou: 06:22, 03/01/2013
Chris RipleyAssinou: 14:47, 29/12/2012
Vera RipleyAssinou: 16:37, 28/12/2012
Luis MirandaAssinou: 00:29, 28/12/2012
Miguel ÂngeloAssinou: 22:37, 24/12/2012
"É possível juntos conseguimos !"
Mauro Mauro GentileAssinou: 01:36, 23/12/2012
Silvia BarbosaAssinou: 15:27, 19/12/2012
"I love you people!thank you for your work!"
Tiago SousaAssinou: 14:55, 19/12/2012
Sérgio NevesAssinou: 13:59, 19/12/2012
Ana Marta TeixeiraAssinou: 09:22, 19/12/2012
Alexandre AfonsoAssinou: 09:15, 19/12/2012
"Money it the most intelligent way to make a slavery society. "
Hélder David Rocha DuarteAssinou: 04:55, 18/12/2012
"Assim o homem voltará a viver uma vez mais neste planeta, e não somente a sobreviver. Bem haja"
Tiago FernandesAssinou: 23:54, 15/12/2012
angeles villarAssinou: 19:17, 06/12/2012
Luis RodriguesAssinou: 15:12, 04/12/2012
Ricardo ValérioAssinou: 19:39, 02/12/2012
"I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one! =D"
João CosmeAssinou: 16:27, 02/12/2012
Andreia MagalhaesAssinou: 17:01, 21/11/2012
"how can be still be so ignorant and mistreat our Home, our World? "
Pedro MoitaAssinou: 13:35, 21/11/2012
Catarina MartinsAssinou: 14:34, 16/11/2012
David RibeiroAssinou: 11:06, 16/11/2012
rui pereiraAssinou: 13:40, 09/11/2012
Catarina MarquesAssinou: 12:09, 04/11/2012
Susana NetoAssinou: 20:16, 29/10/2012
Suzana MarcelinoAssinou: 01:44, 26/10/2012
João PedroAssinou: 19:10, 25/10/2012
Francisco RaposoAssinou: 18:52, 25/10/2012
"Check out"
Eduardo JoséAssinou: 14:17, 25/10/2012
Bruno NascimentoAssinou: 13:32, 25/10/2012
"End up money please"
Nuno NevesAssinou: 12:59, 25/10/2012
Anabela RibeiroAssinou: 11:51, 25/10/2012
Miguel MedeirosAssinou: 11:28, 25/10/2012
António BarrosAssinou: 11:02, 25/10/2012
Sérgio Fernando Macedo GomesAssinou: 00:31, 19/10/2012
João PiresAssinou: 03:05, 16/10/2012
John PeresAssinou: 03:03, 16/10/2012
MARIA LURDES LOPESAssinou: 12:29, 12/10/2012

* Por favor note, os comentários de signatários não são moderados e podem não reflectir com rigor as perspectivas desta iniciativa

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