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署名者数: 4,027  国名: Canada


Andre Jacques署名日時: 06:34, 04/01/2016
"equality for everyone , stop the cabal , New world order,Illuminati,stop the federal reserve private banking banking system, bring out free energy that Nikola Tesla created , bring out cures for diseases that our government around the world are keeping from the population to keep funding big pharma , to sum it all up , bring out all technologies that were back engineered from crash Alien UFOs EX: 1947 Roswell crash one of many examples , LETS CREATE A WORLD FAIR FOR EVERY LIVING THING ON OUR BEAUTIFUL BLUE PLANET <3"
Randy Dennis署名日時: 03:07, 25/12/2015
John Redfield署名日時: 23:52, 22/12/2015
Phillip McDavid署名日時: 03:06, 22/12/2015
Melonie Phillips署名日時: 23:27, 17/12/2015
Patrice Dupuis署名日時: 03:14, 17/12/2015
Maxime Gilbert署名日時: 02:24, 17/12/2015
Diane Brisebois署名日時: 02:07, 15/12/2015
Magali Vallee署名日時: 11:05, 14/12/2015
Kelly Howe署名日時: 01:25, 14/12/2015
Denis Cloutier署名日時: 14:41, 13/12/2015
"Je suis entièrement pour!!! Et ils y a d'autres organists comme le vôtre avec les mêmes VALEURS!! SVP ALLEZ VOIR: Avec tout mon AMOUR Denis xxx"
Guillaume Audet署名日時: 06:21, 12/12/2015
"Toutes les technologies pour résoudre une grande partie des problèmes énergétiques, de pollution et d'allimentation existent... mais ne sont pas rendu disponibles et quelques fois restent mêmes cachées (sans dépôt de brevet). Obliger la diffusion de ces technologies pour le bien commun devrait passer avant la protection des empires financiers de ce monde."
Rene Ariens署名日時: 13:37, 10/12/2015
Andre Julien Raelian署名日時: 03:29, 10/12/2015
"This is wonderful! Congratulations! Very similar objectives to Paradism ("
Helene Lafleche署名日時: 19:51, 06/12/2015
Marie Louise Bussières署名日時: 19:43, 06/12/2015
"La seule solution pour sortir du cycle de la destruction et de l'injustice est un monde sans argent. Avec l'aide de la science, la technologie et les arts notre monde peut devenir un monde plus humain, un paradis pour tous."
Rachel Bluteau署名日時: 13:23, 06/12/2015
Anna Pascal署名日時: 11:32, 06/12/2015
"I totally Agree..the time is now. : )"
Normand Paiement署名日時: 11:22, 06/12/2015
Jolanta Prochnowski署名日時: 02:01, 06/12/2015
Denise Belisle署名日時: 20:04, 05/12/2015
"A world without money is the only way to save ourselves and the planet."
Laëlle Raëlienne署名日時: 19:17, 05/12/2015
"Ça devrait être en place dès maintenant."
Damien Francoeur署名日時: 17:56, 05/12/2015
Vital Gaudreault署名日時: 16:32, 05/12/2015
Jean-Claude Nader署名日時: 15:44, 05/12/2015
"Ceux qui possèdent tout le pouvoir avec l'argent ( surtout les gouvernements) et qui voient et qui verront que l'argent va disparaître ne se laisseront pas faire. Avec leur pouvoir, ils vous mettre des bâtons dans les roues, quitte à payer les chercheurs en robotique pour empêcher la disparition de l'argent... et du travail. Il va donc falloir une autorité suffisamment importante pour empêcher ces riches de vivre dans un monde libre. Et seul un gouvernement mondial pourra imposer un monde libre."
Louise Bergeron署名日時: 15:32, 05/12/2015
Robert Boudrias署名日時: 07:06, 05/12/2015
David Lachance署名日時: 23:37, 04/12/2015
"Thanks for making this a reality. I was waiting for this change for a while now."
Judson Chiu署名日時: 21:50, 29/11/2015
greg THOMPSON署名日時: 02:51, 24/11/2015
Mariya Pampova署名日時: 16:10, 21/11/2015
Giang Ve署名日時: 03:26, 19/11/2015
Elizabeth Fehr署名日時: 00:15, 19/11/2015
Joanne Doherty署名日時: 21:09, 18/11/2015
peter brunschwiler署名日時: 16:39, 17/11/2015
"I vision I can believe in; Resource based Economy"
Hing Loong Benjamin Sehayek署名日時: 11:12, 17/11/2015
"Since the age of 13 I have suffered from a chronic illness, always to be misdiagnosed and unable to get proper treatment due to having to work and pay bills because of my family's situation. I have spent my life being someone I never wanted to be and doing things I never wanted to do all because of the current systems in place and this is what I have always believed in. Thank you for coming up with this because im so tired of the way things work that I constantly think of taking my life having to be a slave to the system and not being able to do something more meaningful with my life."
Irene Rivet署名日時: 01:56, 16/11/2015
Melissa Shepherd署名日時: 17:04, 14/11/2015
"ThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYou We can all share our skills and talents and love and sustain and grow and inspire!! No money No boarders No power One Love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Greg Dee署名日時: 13:58, 14/11/2015
Karen Crissel署名日時: 12:59, 14/11/2015
Jo Leath署名日時: 12:57, 14/11/2015
"“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead "
Sarah Brown署名日時: 23:58, 13/11/2015
"3. Earth's natural resources are the birthright of all its inhabitants, and free to share in the combined common good. (Click to agree..)3. Earth's natural resources are the birthright of all its inhabitants, and free to share in the combined common good.I agree ? 4. Every human being is an equal part of a worldwide community of humans, and a free citizen of Earth. (Click to agree..)4. Every human being is an equal part of a worldwide community of humans, and a free citizen of Earth.I agree ? "
claudia aubin署名日時: 22:56, 13/11/2015
"humans will cause their own extinction if things dont change. All humans desrve a good life not just greedy bankers and corporate elites. This current state of affairs is not how life was meant to be here on this beautiful planet, WE NEED CHANGE "
Shawna Lawton署名日時: 17:47, 13/11/2015
"This world is terminally ill. The way things are going, we will destroy ourselves sooner than you think. The greed, the corruption, the lying cheating governments, the complete lack of humanity and compassion. Masses of people who can not do anything about how they are being treated. How the rich just get richer and no matter how hard they work, the poor just get poorer. If there was another option to living on this planet, I would take it............"
janice behan署名日時: 16:50, 13/11/2015
Francois Durivage署名日時: 10:37, 13/11/2015
Marc Dion署名日時: 23:00, 07/11/2015
michael marriott署名日時: 01:30, 05/11/2015
Sujeewa Abeyasinghe署名日時: 01:59, 04/11/2015
"If we believe this is the way it should be then "All That Is" will provide us with the opportunities to act and make it our collective reality."
Jonathan Thifault署名日時: 19:10, 31/10/2015

* 署名者のコメントは未修整であり、この活動の見解を正確に反映していない場合があることをご了承ください。


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