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Povelja slobodnog svijeta

"Učinimo sve besplatnim i slobodnim"

Prikazuje 93 potpisnici iz Iceland

  [Pokaži sve države]

Norbert Aegir MullerPotpisao: 10:58, 27/06/2019
Norbert Aegir MullerPotpisao: 21:29, 21/06/2019
Kristin Vala RagnarsdottirPotpisao: 15:45, 29/04/2019
"The principles are all important in order to achieve sustainability on Earth within its limits."
Gudrun FinnbogadóttirPotpisao: 17:49, 11/07/2015
Llisa ShannenPotpisao: 13:43, 21/06/2015
Stefania MarinosdottirPotpisao: 21:08, 16/04/2015
"Been waiting for this for at least 10 years. Let's make it happen. :)"
Eyþór RagnarssonPotpisao: 21:35, 11/03/2015
William GrimmPotpisao: 02:07, 24/09/2014
"I fully believe that this is the beginning of a new future, and it's a future I want to help create. I sign this charter to demonstrate my commitment to creating a better world for every living being on this planet. "
Sarah BakerPotpisao: 02:05, 24/09/2014
Ludvik HjardarPotpisao: 09:13, 29/08/2014
"All my life i have been on my journey meeting people in that vision, i exsperienced and learned alot from that. Living in 43 countries to understand humance in global scale. I am highscool educated as an multi artist, and a philasopher, been active humanitarian voluntare, mostly in india, and asia. now after the years i have come up with my modul of my avangard movement. as an actor and director for short films about the human condition, and unexspected solutions. i got very glad i found you, and i realy beleave in this vision you have send out in youtube. i look forward to hear from you. blessings to you all. "
Gudmundur FranklinPotpisao: 06:45, 26/08/2014
Ari StefánssonPotpisao: 23:00, 04/04/2014
Hulda Björg SigurðardóttirPotpisao: 17:43, 10/02/2014
laufey jonsdottirPotpisao: 22:52, 15/01/2014
Lukasz MisiolekPotpisao: 12:07, 25/12/2013
Arnþór BirkissonPotpisao: 23:04, 24/10/2013
Anton Smári GunnarssonPotpisao: 12:51, 24/10/2013
morgan lancePotpisao: 09:08, 24/10/2013
"hello :) Here in iceland we are developing a system called CorpUs Vitalis. It is designed to facilitate the flow of energy in a free world. Perhaps we can have a skype meeting sometime to begin working as allies? with oceans of jOy and light waves of energy, morgan"
ísidór JökullPotpisao: 16:40, 26/09/2013
Asgeir FridrikssonPotpisao: 22:26, 01/08/2013
Kleópatra GuðmundsdóttirPotpisao: 08:51, 29/07/2013
Maria ThorsPotpisao: 22:41, 14/05/2013
Þengill Otri ÓskarssonPotpisao: 14:37, 29/04/2013
Krystian JereczekPotpisao: 11:18, 07/04/2013
Guðrún Heiður ÍsaksdóttirPotpisao: 11:58, 27/03/2013
Sandra Bjork GudmundsdottirPotpisao: 10:32, 27/03/2013
Davíð Ingi GuðjónssonPotpisao: 14:15, 23/03/2013
"this is it ! we have to do this or we will destroy our selfs with time "
Bjarni Svanur FriðsteinssonPotpisao: 19:51, 31/01/2013
ghgfhfgthb fgdfgfdgPotpisao: 13:55, 31/12/2012
Styrmir ÁrnasonPotpisao: 16:46, 20/11/2012
Siguringi HólmgrímssonPotpisao: 16:26, 18/11/2012
dagný margrét gunnarsdóttirPotpisao: 19:36, 16/11/2012
"this is so amazing. this is the world i want to live in!"
Ingi ArnarssonPotpisao: 19:08, 16/11/2012
Alexander FriðjónssonPotpisao: 12:38, 15/11/2012
þröstur þórPotpisao: 00:59, 15/11/2012
Magnús Sveinn JónssonPotpisao: 21:56, 14/11/2012
Sunna Ýr EinarsdóttirPotpisao: 20:47, 14/11/2012
Valdimar PardoPotpisao: 18:39, 14/11/2012
Atli EybergPotpisao: 02:09, 07/11/2012
Sölvi GuðjónssonPotpisao: 17:41, 06/11/2012
Bjarni ÞórarinssonPotpisao: 10:10, 27/10/2012
Andri ValtýrPotpisao: 23:40, 26/10/2012
Kristján FriðjónssonPotpisao: 23:08, 26/10/2012
Gísli Jóhann PálmasonPotpisao: 17:38, 26/10/2012
Thorgerdur SveinsdottirPotpisao: 13:57, 26/10/2012
"thank you for making this webpage and making these information more available to people :)"
Grétar Mar SigurðssonPotpisao: 13:35, 26/10/2012
"Thank you for this... You are truly doing something to really help us and our planet. May peace and love be forever with you."
Palmi EinarssonPotpisao: 12:21, 26/10/2012
"Let's do it, it's the only way forward my lovely ones. Love to all."
Leifur EiríkssonPotpisao: 11:33, 26/10/2012
"It's time to stop running this planet like a crappy diner, and start creating a world to live in!"
Marsibil SæmundardóttirPotpisao: 11:23, 26/10/2012

* Imajte na umu, komentari potpisnika nisu izmijenjeni i ne moraju točno odražavati stajališta ove inicijative

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