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La Charte du Monde Libre

"Rendons tout gratuit et libre"

Afficher 138 les signataires de Japan

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柴田 みどりSignature : 11:03, 06/06/2013
"地球は すべての生命が歓びに包まれる 美しい星です"
梶 隣Signature : 08:54, 06/06/2013
Paul DwyerSignature : 09:29, 20/05/2013
Kouiti SekidoSignature : 11:13, 07/05/2013
Shinji HattoriSignature : 07:21, 15/04/2013
yuko joho-kutsuwadaSignature : 14:57, 14/02/2013
Sergio Binoki BinokiSignature : 17:09, 17/01/2013
Fabio CarlettiSignature : 12:31, 30/10/2012
"What can I do to help this dream come true? I'm all ears."
Mitch QuirkSignature : 15:11, 25/09/2012
"Could not agree more. Im in. "
Horigome DaisukeSignature : 04:29, 02/09/2012
Kenji MizukamiSignature : 22:10, 22/08/2012
"I dream that our grandchilderen, and our grandchildren's grandchildren will look back on our genertion and be able to make a positive evaluation. If they do get a chance evaluate, that is, then sure as daylight, it will be a positive one. If we were to be evaluated in the negative, then they would not be there to evaluate us in the first place, because all of humanity will have long perished. So, let's aim for a AAA positive evaluation. Then maybe we could even be looked upon with great reverevce. "
佳子 田中Signature : 10:35, 31/07/2012
"お互いに譲り合い尊重しあう社会が理想です。 少しでも争いが減り、貧困から立ち上がれる人が増え、 夢をもって毎日過ごせる社会を祈っています。"
山口 絢子Signature : 06:23, 25/07/2012
真矢 高橋Signature : 18:35, 02/07/2012
"本来私たちが持っている、思いやりや信頼、協力したいと思う意思が、現在ひどく制限されている。その制限を解き放って、本当の「自由世界」へと羽ばたきたい。 そしてその「自由」とは、自己の自由によって他者の自由を奪ってしまうようなものではなく、他者への貢献に喜びを感じる自己と何ら矛盾を起こさない。まさに「ある行動をしてはいけない理由を完全に理解している子供は、その行動をしたときの罰の怖さを知っているだけの子供より、遥かに人生に対する準備ができている」ということ。 私たちは本来、皆自由世界に住む子供だったのだと思います。"
Jordan DrebotSignature : 14:35, 02/07/2012
Hikaru SAKURAISignature : 02:27, 13/06/2012
鈴木 雄一Signature : 14:53, 09/06/2012
Seiji TakegataSignature : 10:39, 09/06/2012
池田 博信Signature : 04:45, 09/06/2012
AKIRA JITUKATASignature : 22:43, 08/06/2012
Yoshiko KitanoSignature : 19:14, 08/06/2012
Mark LittenSignature : 07:14, 01/06/2012
Communal AwardSignature : 15:14, 29/05/2012
""Any type of hegemony will lead to awkward repercussions and collateral damage." --Communal Award"
Yasuyuki HoshibaSignature : 23:40, 21/05/2012
MONICA Liliana Ospina AranzalesSignature : 16:27, 15/03/2012
"GRACIAS por dar esta oportunidad a las personas que como yo deseamos y estamos con un mundo mas equitativo con la vivencia misma de los seres que habitamos este planeta... Estoy de acuerdo con todo, y me gustaría ayudar hacer todo esto realidad, creo la vida no debe ser unipersonal sino comunitaria y ayudarnos y velar por todos para un buen equilibrio del planeta y por consiguiente de todos nosotros... GRACIAS y un abrazo"
Eitan ZigelbaumSignature : 06:17, 05/03/2012
Hiromi NishizawaSignature : 14:13, 26/02/2012
James F. RousselSignature : 03:13, 13/01/2012
"This is Great and very similar to what they say on "
Michael MielkeSignature : 13:18, 02/10/2011
Micke KuwaharaSignature : 09:14, 02/10/2011
"This was easy to sign! I believed this all my life and it is the only thing that actually make sense! I am the one and only of my kind, free like the wind, bound to nothing. Life is great and it should be lived. Love is the foundation. Everyone is welcome."
Natsuko YoshikawaSignature : 17:11, 27/08/2011
"Japanese people is seriously contaminated by money pressure than tons of radioactive materials. I hope our generation must get out of this crooked world under the power of money!!"
Steven SeggermanSignature : 05:14, 22/04/2011
"There can be no greater freedom for this world than freedom derived from complete and unshackled unification. Money are the bars on our cage, and it's a cage from which we must break free. Thank you for your work, of which I support 100"
Gen KanaishiSignature : 23:39, 20/04/2011
Brent MartinSignature : 07:14, 28/03/2011
James FletcherSignature : 15:41, 25/03/2011
"Mother Earth provides everything we need to live in abundance. The universe didn't put us here to be corporate slaves in a system that is eating up our planet like a cancer. We have a simple choice. Break the mental conditioning of our corporate consumer culture or die"
Mel UshikuboSignature : 02:42, 25/03/2011
Chris McLainSignature : 01:30, 19/03/2011

* Veuillez noter que les commentaires des signataires ne sont pas modérés et ne reflètent pas nécessairement les points de vue de cette initiative

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