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La Charte du Monde Libre

"Rendons tout gratuit et libre"

veronique pomponSignature : 11:30, 18/04/2012
"each one of us is a walking universe each step , each heartbeat is a pligrim with each step,i go deeper into myself each step takes me closer to my inner sacred self on my path through memory, i meet .. bees and butterflies .. whales and dolphins . sunny blooming gardens . deep heavy forests .. wolves and lambs ... i dance on plains and mountains . i see men and women wearing colours of the rainbow. laughing children playing under the rain with each step , i'm part of it all with step,all is part of me . for , i am star dusts and sunrays flowing water and wind s breath . with each heartbeat, i m. meeting new living souls on my path to love and humility ..... veronyx. \ eau-coulee . mauritius .. 18.14.12 "

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