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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

Anzeige 17 Unterzeichner aus United States Minor Outlying Islands

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Kathleen BirdUnterzeichnet: 00:56, 27/11/2014
Bill ChlopekUnterzeichnet: 15:35, 14/09/2014
"it is time that the current system is abandoned."
Lindsey OltmanUnterzeichnet: 05:49, 15/05/2013
cody langUnterzeichnet: 02:37, 12/02/2013
Alonzo Renard-ElUnterzeichnet: 04:56, 08/01/2013
"It's time for the kind of change that no idiot politician could ever provide"
alex omeltschenkoUnterzeichnet: 16:11, 04/01/2013
leon brooks Unterzeichnet: 19:07, 25/10/2012
"at last some sence"
Kim CaggianoUnterzeichnet: 22:09, 21/08/2012
Felicity CoddingtonUnterzeichnet: 14:24, 13/07/2012
"This sadly makes no sense. At present, people must have some horrible jobs when they would prefer to have good jobs or no jobs. People must nine for resources, kill innocents to support themselves and their families via the Army or other. People are also ignorant and competitive. If there was not anybody monetarily motivated to change a bedpan, then what would happen to the elderly or disabled? Who will give shots? Like this..."
Raymond- NormanUnterzeichnet: 20:07, 01/07/2012
Renard of the Dabney Family IIUnterzeichnet: 17:48, 01/03/2012
Kim FullerUnterzeichnet: 22:29, 21/02/2012
John IngressUnterzeichnet: 17:24, 25/01/2012
jilly nicholasUnterzeichnet: 07:55, 28/08/2011
John RussellUnterzeichnet: 19:49, 17/05/2011
"These are 10 principles that all the people of the world should agree to without a single doubt in their mind."
matthew PorcoUnterzeichnet: 12:52, 17/05/2011
stephanie cliftonUnterzeichnet: 22:26, 29/04/2011
"self awareness is number 1 key to living from this place. curious IF yinyang balance ....contrast....is the reason we desire a world of FREE. without something to yearn for or soul lessons....what would this lovely world of ours look like. focusing on my little world......hoping to bridge"

* Zu deiner Information, die Kommentare der Unterzeichner werden nicht verändert und stimmen möglicherweise nicht mit den Ansichten dieser Initiative überein

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