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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

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ann SZETOUnterzeichnet: 09:35, 16/11/2011
"we r all light and one , let's joy it-Now!"
Wai Yin FooUnterzeichnet: 05:20, 10/11/2011
Ng SamUnterzeichnet: 04:45, 10/11/2011
Trudie HoUnterzeichnet: 09:30, 07/11/2011
"Mother earth resources are free for all her inhabitants, so we need to respect her body and to service her! Also all sorts of energies are natural from our cosmos and from earth, so no more tyranny control, all these cosmic power should be utilized with love & care! Without demolish the dark cabal mind control system, no such word as FREE!! We need to be united as ONE to stop and remove our CONTROLLERS in order to co-create our NEW EARTH of peace...love..harmony and abundance :)"
Yan ChowUnterzeichnet: 10:38, 27/10/2011
Vincent ChiuUnterzeichnet: 05:01, 23/10/2011
LAI MAN YAUUnterzeichnet: 03:30, 23/10/2011
"Let follow the free world order as soon as possible !!!!!!"
Martin DuranUnterzeichnet: 19:42, 22/10/2011
"We will have a better world and a better life.I believe"
Danny ChauUnterzeichnet: 19:20, 22/10/2011
"It's about time for the world's people to wake up and to realize that we can make the changes for the betterment for the whole of humanity and nature. What has taken place on our planet is almost like a Hollywood block buster movie of a maniac group of people took control of the planet and it's intention is to destroy the planet. Well, thank god that like all movies, it usually ends with a good happy ending, because most humanity has now awakened and are aware enough of what was going on behind while they're sleeping. I totally believe we are about to re-write our human history that our selfishness and self serving behavior is the thing of the past and we are ascending toward the galactic collective unity consciousness, which the goal is for the common good. Love and light is our nature and it's now begin to shine, for we are all part of the same divine consciousness, no more and no less."
Guthrie @ Planet Watchmen YipUnterzeichnet: 18:57, 22/10/2011
"Here's a Planet, not an empire. WE knew WE came for THE CHANGE. WE're transforming this planet to a beautiful age. "
Euirca LamUnterzeichnet: 06:19, 21/10/2011
mida kUnterzeichnet: 05:26, 08/10/2011
"agreed! no more monetary scam! no more greeds !! stop this 1% rich ruling and enslaving the rest 99%! it is a bullshit!!!! they create all problems with money in this rediculous monetary system!"
Yeung Hiu KinUnterzeichnet: 02:30, 12/09/2011
Leung Chun LingUnterzeichnet: 09:17, 08/09/2011
"Some may said I am dreamer, but I am not the only one, right? =] "
Tam AndrewUnterzeichnet: 01:40, 24/07/2011
Yu ZamsUnterzeichnet: 23:35, 03/06/2011
"just step backward to see the human world, peoples are surviving with each other by giving and recieving things, I dunt think what between peoples is money but trusting. Not only trusting each other but trusting the whole system. money is just a hard copy of the code of trusting."
Nil LingUnterzeichnet: 15:10, 19/03/2011
Danny ChauUnterzeichnet: 11:59, 19/03/2011
"It's about time to push for this much needed change, I'm one in many millions now wanting and waiting to participate in this new paradigm shift"

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