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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

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Natalie MinnisUnterzeichnet: 09:42, 11/04/2013
"This makes total sense. Our planet has more than enough for all of us. One reason for the population explosion is poverty and enslavement to money, which means many people feel they have to have children to look after them in old age. Instead, we should work together more as a society and as communities, and also use technology to ensure that the old and the sick are cared for and that more people can be healthy and active into their old age. "
Bridget DunneUnterzeichnet: 23:40, 09/04/2013
Tony BellUnterzeichnet: 18:09, 09/04/2013
Rob GreggUnterzeichnet: 12:56, 09/04/2013
"Sadly we currently live in a corrupt society, a corrupt world; corrupt at all levels. Hierarchical greed and power disseminates negative attitudes and helplessness through organisations. Life has become unfair and disadvantaged for the majority - the minority live off the poor, socially and economically deprived. In the names of equality and fairness this discrimination must change."
Keith WestUnterzeichnet: 11:41, 09/04/2013
"Great is Truth & mighty above all things. I endorse this charter in recognition of truth and logic presented hither too. Consciousness has become aware of itself. Gnothi Seauton. "
Brett BissellUnterzeichnet: 10:10, 09/04/2013
"I couldn't agree with this and it's guiding principals more! We (all of us) have reached a point for the first time in human history where all information is at our finger tips and we have the technology, we are able to move from outdated models and reach individual and community potential! I feel it is vitally essential we do this soon! It's time (not too late!) to transition. I also think the majority of thinking people know this to be true. I will be with this and in support of this movement 100%. "
Helen CorridanUnterzeichnet: 18:54, 08/04/2013
martin kozrakUnterzeichnet: 21:33, 07/04/2013
"all makes perfect sense"
Saz DennyUnterzeichnet: 05:11, 07/04/2013
Elzbieta BarczUnterzeichnet: 19:52, 06/04/2013
Stephanie ParkerUnterzeichnet: 22:03, 04/04/2013
lorraine greenUnterzeichnet: 21:16, 04/04/2013
Tracie HarrisUnterzeichnet: 20:19, 04/04/2013
Karen GentlemanUnterzeichnet: 19:59, 04/04/2013
Rowan BraithwaiteUnterzeichnet: 18:03, 04/04/2013
tom mccaffreyUnterzeichnet: 16:50, 04/04/2013
Patricia McGillicuddyUnterzeichnet: 16:33, 04/04/2013
"So long as the world doesn't move into enslaving and keeps everything fair with no-one being the ruling power and all culture is equal and that there is a recognition of love in our daily life.... I will be happy... "
Patricia McGillicuddyUnterzeichnet: 16:33, 04/04/2013
"So long as the world doesn't move into enslaving and keeps everything fair with no-one being the ruling power and all culture is equal and that there is a recognition of love in our daily life.... I will be happy... "
Stu PrinceUnterzeichnet: 14:14, 04/04/2013
linda LARNERUnterzeichnet: 12:28, 04/04/2013
linda LARNERUnterzeichnet: 12:28, 04/04/2013
Kit WykesUnterzeichnet: 22:54, 03/04/2013
"We are born free, into a free world. Yet the fetters are slipped on at birth, and they confine the Earth. Progression can only come with truth, love and freedom."
Sophie WilliamsUnterzeichnet: 11:53, 03/04/2013
Giulio MadaroUnterzeichnet: 00:43, 03/04/2013
Catherine LamonbyUnterzeichnet: 18:06, 02/04/2013
Vaidotas TiminskasUnterzeichnet: 09:34, 02/04/2013
"Friendly guy who wants peace and equality in world.:)"
Przemyslaw DziukUnterzeichnet: 08:33, 02/04/2013
barry chamberlainUnterzeichnet: 03:58, 02/04/2013
"this world must not be me myself and I .but how ?"
Cristiano SignoriniUnterzeichnet: 00:39, 02/04/2013
Amy McShaneUnterzeichnet: 23:43, 01/04/2013
Ben VardiUnterzeichnet: 23:16, 01/04/2013
Agata GolecUnterzeichnet: 21:46, 31/03/2013
Julie HawkinsUnterzeichnet: 18:23, 31/03/2013
Samantha AvisonUnterzeichnet: 18:18, 31/03/2013
"it just makes so much sense, unfortunately people have been trained to think in a certain way for so long the possibility of a money free world seems to much of a radical idea.... But if they could just learn to open there eyes this world could be a much better place."
raj kumarUnterzeichnet: 15:28, 31/03/2013
Chris TurnerUnterzeichnet: 09:36, 31/03/2013
michael barnes Unterzeichnet: 22:01, 30/03/2013
"one thing i think that should go is money as it give's the supper rich the power to destroy our planet for their owen greed peace to you and all living things"
Mandy CartyUnterzeichnet: 16:15, 30/03/2013
liz brabinUnterzeichnet: 14:05, 30/03/2013
Darren WilsonUnterzeichnet: 13:12, 30/03/2013
Louisa SissonUnterzeichnet: 22:14, 29/03/2013
Jonathan HannahUnterzeichnet: 21:06, 29/03/2013
Stephen PeirsonUnterzeichnet: 12:07, 29/03/2013
"Please get in touch I will come to you and lick your toilets clean as way of employment. I have no more important job in my life other than to see the back of "Money & Religion". A mass "LOVE" in is needed which might just start the truth being told and then we can start all over again and build something of Utopian design not this shit the masses inhabit to day. The words of my "Free" on line book at http://www.alkifrah.com outline my belief system, you just might find more use in my tongue than just licking toilets. I can be passionate when the topic I am talking about is close to my heart. I write as you will see also with my heart as my leader. If in any way I can contribute please get in touch. I have lived for along time amongst the beauty of Greece the "Home" apparently of something called Democracy. Now that would be nice if that was truly to happen. Yours sincerely Stephen Peirson "
richard abbeyUnterzeichnet: 06:54, 29/03/2013
"There will be greedy/misguided people because of the way things have been taught so a complete re education program will be needed and to explain values,they are so slow to change that its pity-full they will have to realize we are all part of the same consciousness. Religion will have to be ditched as it creates division and war and is just form of control anyway and a host of other problems will arise because of people not being able to let go of the old way of thinking.However I do feel that a fat pipe of dmt for everyone could speed the process up somewhat and give the pineal gland a kick-start after years of abuse/calcification from fluoride and other toxins the governing elite have been poisoning us with to keep us dumbed down. Why are we are letting them get away with chemtrails? as if the planet isnt polluted enough..geez! One of my suggestions is that everyone in the world just stops going to work until we are listened to as race and demand change 4 humanity and the earth."
sam nwankwoUnterzeichnet: 23:45, 28/03/2013
Paul Paul JohnsonUnterzeichnet: 18:18, 28/03/2013
"sorry why word limit.. you want feedback or not..?"
Carolyn CottierUnterzeichnet: 12:23, 28/03/2013
marianne orwinUnterzeichnet: 11:33, 28/03/2013
"I agree with the things you say but I can see areas which would clash/not work. Very interesting and exciting concept though"
John LondonUnterzeichnet: 07:17, 28/03/2013
Andy LerwillUnterzeichnet: 01:04, 28/03/2013
"These are words of compassion and responsibility that reflect our greatest achievements as a species. Hopefully this charter can make some kind of impression to captivate and galvanise us into making what we have not something lost. "

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