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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

Jaret Jose UlandayUnterzeichnet: 04:21, 31/05/2013
"English It's time to awake the world, people. Building a better society is not easy, because it requires imagination, innovation, and new ways of thinking. Gothic ??? ????? ?? ????????? ??? ?????? ??????? ???, ??????. ??????????? ?????? ???????????? ?? ???? ???, ???? ???? ??? ????????????, ???????????, ??? ???????????? ????? ?????. [Ita hweila du usskaujan sis airþai unsarai ist, ludeis. Gaskapjands iusiza gagamainduþs ni azet ist, unte þarf ita infrisahtein, maidjifraþi, jah þagkjandeins niuja weisa.] "

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