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展示 1,149 签署人来自 Poland


Irena Przydanek已签署: 14:48, 20/07/2017
Sylwia Kasprzak已签署: 04:10, 20/07/2017
Anna Leitner 已签署: 17:48, 19/07/2017
Krzysztof Fabich已签署: 17:24, 19/07/2017
Krzysztof Mańkowski已签署: 02:33, 19/07/2017
"Interdisciplinarity ,Global mental diagnoses as a coherent visualization of reality through collective consciousness development."
Anna Bielakowska已签署: 20:02, 16/04/2017
Michael Gluszczak已签署: 03:48, 06/04/2017
"Enthusiast of very advanced longevity, intentional communities, pro-vegan lifestyle, healthy outdoor activities, living surrounded by nature, alternative building natural vegetable cultivation, freedom from religion and cults, psychology, electronic automation, renewable energy. --------------------------------- I was born (1966) from Polish parents in Poland and lived with them in the big city Warsaw, our capital. In my late teenage years I started to be interested in esoterics, yoga, spiritual development, switched to vegetarian food. I attended meetings of many groups who were doing all kinds of meditations and followed different paths. Longer and very intensely I stopped and practiced rebirthng breathing. One of groups I was sympathizing with were meeting as kind of community from whom I have learned about value and benefits of community life. Later I was learning about communities in wide perspective and learned that we have it imprinted in our brains as very basic need. Since "
Marta Jufimiuk已签署: 06:41, 09/03/2017
Alicja Tomaszczyk已签署: 07:25, 26/01/2017
Wiesław Durmaj已签署: 10:03, 25/01/2017
Roman Roczeń已签署: 07:28, 22/01/2017
Sabina Pawlas已签署: 12:00, 18/01/2017
paTRICK hide已签署: 16:55, 16/01/2017
". Energy is synchronized with algorythm . People have hide cash in algorythm of they creations in computers . Data collected is money its traffic like bank do it for income. Who join my spaceship get info i write in future situation"
Joanna Znaniecka已签署: 10:39, 05/01/2017
Agnieszka Szponar已签署: 21:05, 04/01/2017
Regina Jakubczak已签署: 12:42, 27/12/2016
Adam Whalley已签署: 21:47, 19/12/2016
Grzegorz Goźliński已签署: 02:07, 22/11/2016
Eryk Wtorkowski已签署: 22:17, 18/11/2016
Piotr Sztela已签署: 20:16, 19/10/2016
Marianna Polak已签署: 02:36, 15/10/2016
Tomasz Guja已签署: 13:32, 22/09/2016
Marzena Feliksiak已签署: 14:25, 14/09/2016
Eliasz Szczepski已签署: 21:45, 12/09/2016
Tomasz M已签署: 13:03, 07/09/2016
"Jeżeli ludzie przyjmą takie zasady było by przepięknie. Najbardziej irytowało mnie to, że ludzie robią kurwę z logiki i we wszystkim musieli mieć zysk. Zmieni się to niestety potrzeba do tego większości. "
Piotr Figiel已签署: 10:00, 04/09/2016
Katarzyna Nazim已签署: 00:09, 04/09/2016
"Teach Peace :-) :-) :-) W grupie siła ! Prawda jest prawem ! Pozdrawiam Was,Kasia :-)"
Oksana Mateszew已签署: 23:21, 03/09/2016
Gabriel Wojciechowski已签署: 22:58, 03/09/2016
Patryk Spytek已签署: 22:08, 03/09/2016
Bartosz Chrząszcz已签署: 19:09, 03/09/2016
Wojciech Capała已签署: 19:01, 03/09/2016
Monica Setlak已签署: 18:36, 03/09/2016
Damian Dąbrowski已签署: 16:02, 03/09/2016
Mirosław Wieczorkowski已签署: 15:28, 03/09/2016
Szymon Modzelewski已签署: 14:11, 03/09/2016
Beata Gawlik已签署: 13:59, 03/09/2016
iwona pietrzak已签署: 13:41, 03/09/2016
Kacper Mietkiewicz已签署: 13:26, 03/09/2016
Edyta Bartnik已签署: 13:08, 03/09/2016
Michal Morawski已签署: 13:07, 03/09/2016
Jallal Kara已签署: 12:17, 03/09/2016
Paweł Majchrzak已签署: 11:34, 03/09/2016
Kamil Wasiołek已签署: 11:19, 03/09/2016
Krzysztof Mańkowski已签署: 11:08, 03/09/2016
"W jedności siła."
Adrian Zarakowski已签署: 10:17, 03/09/2016
Sebastian Smolinski已签署: 09:40, 03/09/2016
artur gawel已签署: 01:01, 20/08/2016
Joanna Baster已签署: 16:48, 28/07/2016
Ewelina Benc已签署: 23:37, 17/07/2016

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