Become a Patron



展示 4,330 签署人来自 France


Charles Petit已签署: 12:58, 16/02/2014
KLAUS GAERTNER已签署: 11:46, 14/02/2014
Virginie Bianchini已签署: 14:06, 13/02/2014
Florian Ruppé已签署: 15:37, 11/02/2014
matthieu arnould已签署: 11:21, 11/02/2014
Romain Mazaubert已签署: 11:13, 11/02/2014
Gerard Liebra已签署: 20:27, 09/02/2014
Genevieve Liebra已签署: 20:26, 09/02/2014
Monique Liebra已签署: 20:22, 09/02/2014
Charles Liebra已签署: 20:21, 09/02/2014
Rémy Nicolas已签署: 20:09, 09/02/2014
Roland BLATTNER已签署: 18:06, 09/02/2014
Eike Althaus已签署: 13:18, 07/02/2014
christine Decker已签署: 05:27, 05/02/2014
michel Ténart已签署: 17:20, 04/02/2014
"Svp rajout mise en place de l'énergie libre pour tous "
Jérémy DEZALY已签署: 23:24, 03/02/2014
Cyrille Berniard已签署: 17:09, 03/02/2014
Baptiste Vassal已签署: 21:09, 28/01/2014
abhilasha philippe已签署: 18:18, 26/01/2014
Melam Sisse已签署: 18:32, 25/01/2014
catherine bajt已签署: 17:51, 24/01/2014
angelique braun已签署: 13:05, 24/01/2014
bellil nadia已签署: 15:13, 23/01/2014
natacha ousty已签署: 13:30, 23/01/2014
gabriela radu已签署: 20:26, 19/01/2014
Max CACPITCH已签署: 15:56, 18/01/2014
"Let's free, motherfucker !"
georgette menard已签署: 01:27, 18/01/2014
Baptiste Boucher已签署: 21:50, 16/01/2014
daniel rozenn已签署: 18:34, 16/01/2014
Lucas Felici已签署: 16:51, 16/01/2014
Miguel Sanchez已签署: 16:02, 16/01/2014
Olivier SANMARTIN已签署: 09:56, 16/01/2014
Karim Ballout已签署: 10:32, 15/01/2014
"I will do all I can to show this to as much people as possible. On social networks, in the subways, in universities, on the streets. Thank you for making this possible. I am 23 years old and this idea has been stuck in my mind since the age of 15. We will make this happen."
Cyrille Berniard已签署: 06:23, 14/01/2014
DOMINIQUE JOUAN已签署: 11:13, 10/01/2014
"Je m'engage dans cette qualité de vie qui devrait rendre à l'humatité son sens d'être. "
Ananda Gloze已签署: 08:46, 09/01/2014
christian schaller已签署: 07:15, 07/01/2014
"together we will succeed"
Jacques OUDOT已签署: 13:39, 05/01/2014
Matthieu Lammin已签署: 11:10, 05/01/2014
CLAVEL FRANCOISE已签署: 19:02, 04/01/2014
Berry ALLAN已签署: 21:12, 03/01/2014
karina rzepa已签署: 15:03, 31/12/2013
Bacconnet Daniel已签署: 03:34, 30/12/2013
michel jouan已签署: 21:06, 28/12/2013
Attila Major已签署: 08:56, 26/12/2013
anna bastien已签署: 23:54, 25/12/2013
"Par ou commencer? un indivu seul dans une vie prisonnier du système, que peut-il faire pour aller dans ce sens ? va t-il avoir une génération sacrifiée? "
Rieni Otten已签署: 03:49, 21/12/2013
Béa Martino已签署: 15:12, 20/12/2013
Christophe Labédan已签署: 08:49, 20/12/2013
Barbara LEVEQUE已签署: 17:00, 19/12/2013

* 请注意,签署意见并不受监管,且可能无法准确反映这项动议的意见


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