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展示 283 签署人来自 Colombia


Miguel Ferro已签署: 23:57, 04/07/2011
Maria Fernanda已签署: 05:12, 04/07/2011
"However I think the most important thing is to create a society where difference is respected and above all, no chance for it to be possible. The Company and each of the individuals who compose must ensure that any of the proclamations to be true and must be greater clarities at some points (8, 9 and 10). The human soul is corruptible."
Juan Sebastian已签署: 19:44, 03/07/2011
"It's a great idea, the humanity need a change and i'll give my life for to try to get a better world !! Saludos desde colombia hermanos !!"
Camilo Valencia Villa已签署: 08:25, 02/07/2011
"We have no choice but to change our ways, why not do it in a way that we all win. We can do it!"
Nick Acero已签署: 21:14, 01/07/2011
Franz Mayenberger已签署: 14:31, 01/07/2011
Julián Rinaudo已签署: 14:02, 01/07/2011
Erika Tovar已签署: 02:24, 11/06/2011
John Saul Camacho Prieto已签署: 08:07, 26/05/2011
"I've been thinking in such idela world since i was 12. This is not only the end for inappropriate use of resources but for certain long-time-ago exploited professions and the actual slavery version. This way robbery and prostitution are thrown away and dignified work is enhanced. "
Jorge Enrique Morales已签署: 13:17, 21/05/2011
Fabio Espinosa已签署: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"I am truly willing to go wherever i have to, to support this cause, which is basically the same as the venus project, please count on me and my influence in colombia to make this true "
viviana pieschacon已签署: 12:52, 17/05/2011
Carlos Balcazar已签署: 23:51, 13/05/2011
Daniel Balcazar Gonzalez已签署: 14:56, 13/05/2011
"Yes please, I want a world in peace, without hunger or injustice... I want a world without money... a world system that cares about all people without forcing them to anything"
Diego Camargo已签署: 12:52, 17/05/2011
luis guillermo cardenas jimenes已签署: 23:49, 08/05/2011
"Awareness, that is the key point to start"
julian andres已签署: 02:52, 05/05/2011
"My only hope is that the zeigeist and venus project are not part of another conspiracy. We´ve been cheated too much. If all of this is true, it would be wonderful to carry on"
Jackeline Orjuela已签署: 19:10, 03/05/2011
Andres Porras已签署: 22:23, 30/04/2011
""This shit have to go" Zeitgesit moving forward"
David Cabrera已签署: 22:02, 30/04/2011
"i m totally agree, why have the responsibility to create a better world, a better society, a better lifestyle. why are sons of the same mother"
Milton Gonzalez已签署: 15:29, 30/04/2011
Kirsch Cobric已签署: 04:57, 30/04/2011
"Soy parte de esta transición. Acceso a la abundancia... compartir es el mensaje"
Ximena Feria 已签署: 03:56, 30/04/2011
"A veces todo suena altamente utópico, sin embargo creo más en las utopías basadas en la bondad, que en las realidades nefastas del mundo en que vivo hoy. Gracias por diseñar un mundo mejor!!! Yo creo que es posible"
Alfonso Fernando已签署: 01:24, 30/04/2011
"It's time to change our useless thoughts and actions. A better world is waiting for us...but only if we all work to reach it. No more excuses, a life where REAL happiness can be found is a possibility...acting together we can make it true...don't wait for others to take your responsibility. WAKE UP"
Michelle Archila已签署: 20:06, 24/04/2011
Alejandro Nieto已签署: 19:29, 23/04/2011
Leonela Silva已签署: 12:52, 17/05/2011
catalina casas gomez已签署: 03:58, 20/04/2011
Roberth Castaño已签署: 20:35, 12/04/2011
"Is vitaly important let the money get out of our lives"
Jairo Ernesto Misas Saldarriaga已签署: 21:53, 04/04/2011
"We need a radical change in our society very soon"
Jaime Arango已签署: 20:31, 24/03/2011
JHONATHAN BERDUGO已签署: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"It's time to move's time to wake up and change for a better ideal world "

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