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展示 60,290 签署人来自 所有国家

Mark Straka已签署: 14:42, 12/10/2022
Jack Butler已签署: 13:00, 11/10/2022
Paulo Fessel Paulo已签署: 07:47, 11/10/2022
David Assis Uchôa 已签署: 18:53, 10/10/2022
"Boa tarde, acredito e tenho esperança de que um dia isso se concretize, e podemos viver livres de verdade,como verdadeiro ser humano, de acordo com as leis universais. Com cuidado com todas as formas de vida.e principalmente da nossa amada mãe terra, que nos acolhe neste lado de nossa galáxia. Pá, e luz a todos e todas."
Alexandre Lussezano 已签署: 16:28, 10/10/2022
BRUNO DA SILVA PEREIRA Bruninho 已签署: 16:58, 02/10/2022
maggie reenan已签署: 06:06, 01/10/2022
Danielle Nagreen 已签署: 17:23, 30/09/2022
Keely Maitland已签署: 03:04, 29/09/2022
L. M. Godbout已签署: 01:39, 29/09/2022
Skip Mendler已签署: 14:55, 28/09/2022
"I like it! We are thinking in similar terms. Could you please take a look at this and tell me what you think? Https://"
Jessica Dorico Chrisostomo已签署: 21:37, 26/09/2022
Darol Sole 已签署: 02:57, 23/09/2022
"We can make sure that it is a free world everything free no charge whatsoever"
Antonio Longo已签署: 22:13, 20/09/2022
"Un mondo senza denaro è il solo modo per non autodistruggersi "
جهينة محمد已签署: 06:22, 17/09/2022
Gabriel Cardoso Gab已签署: 01:49, 16/09/2022
TJ Oconnor已签署: 10:50, 15/09/2022
Jordan Hann已签署: 10:51, 12/09/2022
Clara P已签署: 18:36, 11/09/2022
Ajit Hegde已签署: 18:43, 08/09/2022
Brett Hall已签署: 02:08, 08/09/2022
Daniel Alves do Nascimento 已签署: 04:22, 07/09/2022
"Obrigado por ter a oportunidade de vê um novo mundo nascendo. "
Morgann Russell已签署: 23:38, 06/09/2022
Cinzia Tomasi已签署: 21:31, 03/09/2022
"Ojala' podemos de verdad con cambio, viva la vida"
Royal Lord已签署: 11:11, 03/09/2022
"Praise the god almighty for us his majesty & royal christ and mankind his angels and court for a better future"
Michael LaMountain已签署: 05:37, 02/09/2022
Ryan Farnsworth已签署: 16:15, 01/09/2022
"Innovate and inform, let's do it!"
Ann Bandini已签署: 09:22, 01/09/2022
sven vikokel已签署: 11:54, 29/08/2022
"Det är på tiden att vi blir moderna och civiliserade människor. Vi har den bästa tänkbara chansen att bli det nu - i vår tid."
Tevin chi已签署: 10:19, 29/08/2022
"TEA-FAL Truth Equality abundance for all life"
Mitchel kieling silva matos Branco已签署: 17:54, 28/08/2022
Oliver Mann已签署: 05:34, 25/08/2022
Glen Lestage已签署: 17:49, 13/08/2022
alexandre rodrigo borges araujo alexrodrigo已签署: 22:09, 12/08/2022
Elisabetta Castellaneta已签署: 15:29, 10/08/2022
"May all humans become wise and caring. May a new humanity born. May life on earth flourish in love, peace, harmony"
Davi Farenzena已签署: 14:34, 09/08/2022
Viviane Ventura dos Santos Vivi 已签署: 17:30, 07/08/2022
Asia Fitzgerald已签署: 05:29, 04/08/2022
"True communism"
Rodrigo Mousquer已签署: 16:57, 03/08/2022
Linda Haist已签署: 03:20, 03/08/2022
"At last my common core values are being stated. This is my dream for the earth and it’s inhabitants. Thank you for doing this."
Kenan Osmanagic已签署: 16:16, 02/08/2022
"I am very very passionate about this."
Kathryn Stray已签署: 18:09, 01/08/2022
ian stoneman已签署: 19:09, 31/07/2022
"RBE Now please! "
Philip Pelgrom 已签署: 14:53, 31/07/2022
Kevin Brinkofski已签署: 13:49, 31/07/2022
"Make single passenger vehicles obsolete."
Alejandro Navas已签署: 10:59, 27/07/2022
"Aqui estamos Os Guardiães da Pachamama, Abya Yala vive!"
Dominik Daling已签署: 07:30, 26/07/2022
Sherry Funston已签署: 19:34, 25/07/2022
Kim Knight已签署: 20:19, 24/07/2022

* 请注意,签署意见并不受监管,且可能无法准确反映这项动议的意见


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